Top 5 Fruits for Weight Loss

Top 5 Fruits for Weight Loss

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The video discusses the five lowest glycemic fruits to eat during summer based on their ability to slow down the absorption of sugar in the body. The fruits include cantaloupe melon, avocado, grapefruit, plum, and strawberry. These soft glycemic fruits help maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent fat storage. Cantaloupe is high in vitamin K and omega-3s, avocado is high in healthy fats and omega-3s, grapefruit helps lower blood lipid levels and cholesterol, plums are high in fiber for healthy digestion, and strawberries have an exceptionally low glycemic load and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Summary of Description:
In his video, Thomas DeLauer shares the top five low-glycemic fruits for weight loss. He explains that fruit is metabolized differently and melons are generally low glycemic, but cantaloupe melon is the lowest. The fruit is also high in vitamin K, and cantaloupe seeds are an excellent source of omega fatty acids. Avocado is also a fruit and a good source of omega-3s and healthy fats. Grapefruit is shown to lower blood lipid levels and cholesterol. Plums are slow to digest and high in fiber, making them an excellent low-glycemic option. The number one low-glycemic fruit is strawberries, which are common in carbs and have a low glycemic load. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Top 5 Low Glycemic Super Fruits for Weight Loss- Thomas DeLauer

Humans often associate fruits with high glycemic levels because of their sweetness. However, fruit is metabolized differently in our bodies. In this video, Thomas DeLauer helps us learn about the five lowest glycemic fruits we can consume.

Number Five: Cantaloupe Melon- With summer approaching, it’s time to indulge in some fresh fruits! Melons, in general, are low in glycemic levels, but cantaloupe tops the chart. Along with their low glycemic level, cantaloupes are rich in vitamin K, which helps absorb vitamin D.

Number Four: Avocado- Yes, it’s a fruit, and surprisingly, it has a glycemic load that raises blood sugar levels. What makes it different is that it contains omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats, which slow down the carb breakdown in the body.

Number Three: Grapefruit- Grapefruits are known to lower blood lipid levels and cholesterol and are a great source of B vitamins. Consuming grapefruit will also help lower the fat levels in your bloodstream, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

Number Two: Plums- Plums are low in glycemic levels because they take longer to digest and have high fiber content. This slows down the absorption of sugar in the body, preventing it from being stored as fat.

Number One: Strawberries- The best low glycemic fruit is, you guessed it, strawberries! They are common in carbs, and their glycemic loads are remarkably low. Additionally, they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit our bodies.

Incorporating these fruits into our diet will help us lose weight. Hence, consuming the right type of fruit at the right time is essential for the best results. Thomas DeLauer provides more information on consumption and other dietary tips on his website. Let’s indulge in these fruits and lead a healthy lifestyle.


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Top 5 Low Glycemic Super Fruits for Weight Loss- Thomas DeLauer

Learn more about which fruits are best and when to eat them at

Especially as we’re getting into summertime, you’ll want to start eating more fresh fruit. Most of us would assume that fruits are a high glycemic carb because they’re so sweet. The simple thing is fruit is metabolized differently. In this video, I want to explain the five lowest glycemic fruits you can eat. The number five low-glycemic fruit is cantaloupe melon. Now, melons, generally, are pretty low glycemic, but cantaloupe takes the cake. It’s also exceptionally high in vitamin K, which is necessary to absorb vitamin D, and has some crucial minerals.

Now, here’s a little bonus when it comes to cantaloupe. If you eat cantaloupe seeds, they don’t taste all that amazing; they are an extremely jam-packed source of omega fatty acids. Not only are you getting the low glycemic fructose of the cantaloupe, but you’re also getting the same effect that you might get from, say, fish oil pills.

Now number four, you probably didn’t even think this one was a fruit, and that’s avocados. You see, avocados technically are a fruit, and they do have a glycemic load which means they will raise your blood sugar a little bit, but they’re such a high source of omega 3’s and a high source of healthy fats it slows the breakdown of those carbs. Now, number three is going to be our friend, grapefruit.

Grapefruits aren’t always the sweetest fruit in the world but they benefit your health. The reason is, is because they are shown to lower blood lipid levels and they’re shown to lower cholesterol. In addition to being a great source of B vitamins, they’re also going to help you reduce the levels of fat in your bloodstream and help you lower those levels of cholesterol so you can get on to living a healthier life.

Now, the number two low glycemic fruit is one of my favorites: a plum. The reason that they’re so low glycemic is because of the effect they have on the digestive system. You see, they’re a little bit slower to digest and high in fiber, hence the old eating prunes to help digestion. Prunes are just dried plums. You all know how big I am when it comes to healthy digestion, so if you can eat a few plums, you’re getting that low glycemic effect, that low level of sugar, but you’re also getting enough fiber that’s going to slow the absorption of that sugar so you don’t have the quick surge of it affecting your body and convincing your liver to store it as fat.

The number one low glycemic fruit is a strawberry. If you ever look at a packet of strawberries or you ever look at the nutrition facts on a strawberry, you’ll find that it takes quite a few strawberries even to get yourself to, say, 10 or 15 grams of carbs. In addition to being low in terms of overall carbs, the actual glycemic load of those carbs is exceptionally low. If you’re going to indulge, I recommend hitting up the berries, adding them to your pre-workout meal, and getting the benefit of low glycemic carb and some antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. See you in the next video.

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