Liver Weight Loss Tips

Liver Weight Loss Tips

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Mindy Haran discusses the role of the Liver in weight loss and the importance of keeping it healthy. She provides specific lifestyle behaviors and tips for restoring the Liver’s ability to burn fat, which includes avoiding high fructose sugars and processed fats, minimizing toxins, and cutting out alcohol. She also highlights the importance of implementing vigorous exercise, such as high-intensity interval training, to heal the Liver at a deeper level. Dr. Mindy is starting a metabolic reset experience on May 11th, including Keto and fasting education.

Summary of Description:
In this video, Dr. Mindy Pelz explains how the Liver plays a crucial role in weight loss and provides strategies to detox the Liver so the body can start burning fat again. She also discusses the foods that impede the Liver from burning fat, such as high fructose and processed fats, alcohol, and toxins. Her strategies include exercise, a low-carbohydrate diet, increasing folate and B12-rich foods, castor oil packs, Liver cleanses, and hacks such as infrared saunas, PEMF, and red light therapy. She advises that this information is for educational purposes only and that viewers should consult their doctor for health concerns.

The Liver is a crucial organ in weight loss, but did you know that specific foods and toxins can hinder it? In this informative video, Dr. Mindy Pelz discusses strategies to detox your Liver so that your body can start to lose weight again.

Liver: Your Fat-Burning Organ

Dr. Pelz opens the video by explaining that the Liver is your body’s primary fat-burning organ, making it essential for weight loss.

High-Fructose/High-Fat and Alcohol

The video then delves into what can damage your Liver’s mitochondria, which are responsible for burning fat. Firstly, high-fructose and high-fat foods like soda, candy, cheese, and potato chips, destroy liver mitochondria. Secondly, consuming alcoholic beverages can also destroy liver mitochondria.


Dr. Pelz states that toxins are also harmful to liver mitochondria. She then discusses strategies to heal your Liver, like exercise, going Keto, increasing folate and B12-rich foods, and castor oil packs.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs are a natural remedy that helps increase lymph moving out of the Liver and improves fat metabolism in rats when combined with coconut or high-oleic sunflower oil. Studies have shown that castor oil packs significantly increase the number of T-11 lymphocyte cells, which actively defend the body against pathogens and toxins.

Liver Cleanse and Biohacks

Finally, Dr. Pelz discusses a proven liver cleanse method and bio hacks like infrared saunas, PEMF, and red light to enhance liver health and weight loss.

Medical Disclaimer

Dr. Pelz reminds viewers that this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor; any strategy or method discussed in this video should not be relied on as a substitute or health advice.

Join the Reset Academy!

If you’re curious to learn more about weight loss and liver health, you can join Dr. Pelz’s Reset Academy, a platform offering comprehensive health, wellness, and weight loss resources.


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Source Description
The Liver is crucial to your weight loss effort. Understand what foods impede the liver from burning fat. In this video, you’ll learn strategies to detox your Liver so your body can start to lose weight again. L

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00:00 Liver is your fat-burning organ
02:30 Can a healthy Liver help lose weight?
03:50 What damages the mitochondria of your Liver
06:29 Toxins destroy liver mitochondria
07:10 Strategies to heal your Liver so you can lose weight
09:42 Keto for weight loss
11:23 Castor oil packs for liver detox
12:45 Liver cleanse
13:37 Biohacks for liver health and weight loss


1. High fructose/ high fat destroys liver mitochondria

“The most important takeaway of this study is that high fructose in the diet is bad,” says Dr. Kahn.

Foods that are likely to have high fructose:
-Sweetened Yogurt
-Salad Dressing
-Frozen Junk Foods
-Canned Fruits

Foods that have processed fats:
-Potato chips

2. Alcohol destroys liver mitochondria

3. Toxins destroy liver mitochondria
How do you heal the liver mitochondria?


1. Exercise- Intensity matters

Japan, on the physical activity of 1,149 patients with fatty liver disease, corroborated this finding. The vigorous physical exercise showed a significant preventative effect on rich liver progression to NASH27. Modified high-intensity interval training (HIIT) of five cycles of high-intensity cycling followed by 3-min recovery periods, three times/week for 12 weeks demonstrated a reduction in liver fat

2. Go, Keto,

Obese subjects suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) followed a low-carbohydrate diet without restricting calories.
A low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) improves liver fat metabolism in NAFLD patients
The LCD promotes rapid shifts in the gut microbiota composition of NAFLD patients
The LCD-induced microbial changes are associated with increased circulating folate
The LCD increases folate-dependent one-carbon metabolism gene expression in the Liver

3. Increase Folate & B12 Rich Foods

The Liver is the primary organ responsible for the storage and metabolism of folates. Low serum folate levels have been observed in patients with obesity and diabetes.

B12 is found in animal products such as red meat, fish, poultry, milk, and eggs.

Folate, also called folic acid or vitamin B9, is found in:
-leafy green vegetables
-citrus fruits
-dry beans
-Brussel Sprouts
-Nuts & Seeds

4. Castor Oil Packs

-Increase lymph moving out of the Liver
-Improves fat metabolism in the Liver in rats when combined with coconut oil, high oleic sunflower oil

With a minimal 2-hour therapy period, this study found that castor oil packs produced a “significant” temporary increase in the number of T-11 lymphocytes cells that increased over 7 hours following treatment

The T-11 cell increase represents a general boost in the body’s defense status. Lymphocytes actively defend the health of the body by forming antibodies against pathogens and their toxins. Identify and kill viruses, fungi, bacteria, and cancer cells. T-11 cell lymphocytes supply a fundamental antibody capability to strengthen the specific defense system.


5. Do a proven liver cleanse

Castor Oil Packs:
Biogenetix Metabolic Clearing Kit (Liver Cleanse)

6. Biohacks

-Infrared Saunas
-Red light

#Weightloss #LiverHealth

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Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video, you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.


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