Weight Loss Plateaus: 3 Ways to Break them with Intermittent Fasting

Weight Loss Plateaus: 3 Ways to Break them with Intermittent Fasting

Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses how plateaus can occur in intermittent fasting and provides three strategies to overcome them. The first strategy is to take a two-week break from intermittent fasting and switch to a 12-hour fast/12-hour eating schedule to combat adaptive thermogenesis by giving the metabolism a break. The second strategy is to do a two-week keto bulk using the ketogenic diet to increase calories without insulin and carb rebounds. The third strategy is to adjust the timing and shift your caloric intake to reinvigorate your weight loss progress. Overall, the video encourages viewers to be strategic in their approach to intermittent fasting to overcome plateau issues.

Summary of Description:
This video by Thomas DeLauer discusses three ways to break weight loss plateaus while intermittent fasting. One of the ways is the timing of workouts – morning workouts can have a hormonal advantage, but evening workouts can lead to better performance due to optimal body temperature. Another way is to push activities to the end of the fasting period to optimize muscle growth. Taking a two-week break from continuous dieting can also help with weight loss by preventing adaptive thermogenesis, which makes weight loss harder to achieve. Lastly, the video briefly discusses a study on the effects of a ketogenic diet on elite athletes’ metabolism and performance.

Intermittent Fasting: Breaking Weight Loss Plateaus

Are you feeling stuck in your weight loss journey? Are you tired of hitting plateaus? Intermittent fasting may be the answer you’re looking for. In this article, we’ll explore three ways intermittent fasting can help break weight loss plateaus, as shared by Thomas DeLauer, a renowned nutrition expert.

Morning vs. Evening Workouts

When it comes to working out during intermittent fasting, timing is everything. According to a study published in PLoS One, morning workouts may be more beneficial for weight loss as they provide a hormonal advantage. In the morning, insulin, cortisol, and total and free testosterone levels are all higher. Additionally, the norepinephrine response to exercise is higher in the morning than the answer to glucose. As a result, working out in the morning may help you burn fat more effectively.

Evening Workouts

That said, the time of day you work out can also affect your performance. Core body temperature is low at night, rises quickly upon awakening, and reaches a maximum in the early evening. The optimal body temperature for strength training normally occurs in the late afternoon to early evening, between 3:30 pm and 8:30 pm. During this time window, one has optimal nerve conduction velocity, joint mobility, glucose metabolism, and muscular blood flow. As a result, most people can achieve higher muscle activation levels in the evening compared to the morning. Additionally, core body temperature correlates with exercise performance – people are normally strongest when their core body temperature reaches its daily peak. Therefore, working out in the evening may benefit those looking to maximize performance.

Push Workouts to the End of the Fasting Period

Timing your workouts toward the end of your fasting period may also benefit those practicing intermittent fasting. This is due to the increased levels of p70s6 kinase during fasting. This kinase indicates muscle growth as increased levels of p70s6k may lead to a faster transport of amino acids into the muscle cell membranes. This helps to lead to a more rapid and potent anabolic response to post-workout nutrient ingestion.

2 Week Break

Believe it or not, taking a break from dieting can lead to more weight loss in the long run. A study published in the International Journal for Obesity found that participants who practiced intermittent dieting saw greater weight loss results. The study included two groups of participants aged 30 to 50, randomly assigned to a 16-week diet that reduced their calorie intake by one-third. One group maintained the diet continuously, while the other group took a two-week break from dieting and ate only to keep their weight stable. This cycle was repeated for 30 weeks. The intermittent dieters had an average weight loss of 31 lbs vs. 20 lbs in control, with the fat mass lost being 27.1 lbs in the intermittent group vs. 9.2 kg in control. The study concluded that when we reduce our energy (food) intake during dieting, resting metabolism decreases to a greater extent than expected. This phenomenon, called ‘adaptive thermogenesis,’ makes weight loss harder. Taking a break from dieting can help reset your metabolism and make further weight loss more achievable.

Keto Bulk

Finally, adopting a ketogenic diet may be the solution for those looking to bulk up while practicing intermittent fasting. According to a study published in the Journal of Physiology, adaptation to a low ketogenic carbohydrate, high-fat diet (LCHF) during 3 weeks of intensified training can elevate blood ketone (β‐hydroxybutyrate) concentrations, leading to improved metabolism and performance of athletes. Additionally, consuming 2.1g of protein per kilogram can help achieve optimal results.

In conclusion, intermittent fasting can help break weight loss plateaus in several ways. By timing your workouts, taking breaks from dieting, and adopting a ketogenic diet, you can achieve optimal results and finally reach your weight loss goals.


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Intermittent Fasting | 3 Ways to Break Weight Loss Plateaus- Thomas DeLauer…

Morning vs. Evening Workouts Study:
In the morning, levels of insulin, cortisol, and total and free testosterone are all higher; the norepinephrine response to the exercise is higher in the morning, and so is the response of glucose as well – which gives you a hormonal advantage

Study – journal PLoS One:
Looked at the effect of time of day on performance, hormonal and metabolic response during a 1000-M cycling time trial in 9 recreational cyclists, average age 31

The participants performed a 1000-m TT at either 8 am or 6 pm in randomized, repeated-measures, crossover design a 1000-m cycling time-trial

There was also a main effect of time of day for insulin, cortisol, and total and free testosterone concentration, which were all higher in the morning (+60%, +26%, +31%, and +22%, respectively). The norepinephrine response to the exercise was increased in the morning (+46%), and a 5-fold glucose reaction accompanied it.


Evening Workouts (Better Performance):
Core body temperature is low at night, rises quickly upon awakening, reaches a maximum in the early evening, and lowers before bedtime. The optimal body temperature for strength training normally occurs from late afternoon to early evening, from 3:30 pm to 8:30 pm. During this time window, one has optimal nerve conduction velocity, joint mobility, glucose metabolism, and muscular blood flow because core body temperature is the temperature at which your central organs operate. Enzymatic reactions are extremely sensitive to minor variations in your core body temperature – the optimal temperature is relatively high for the biological systems involved in high-intensity physical exercise. So, as mentioned, increased core body temperatures improve nerve conduction velocity, joint mobility, glucose metabolism, and muscular blood flow. Most people can achieve higher muscle activation levels in the evening than in the morning – we more quickly adapt to heat stress than hypoxia. As a result, core body temperature correlates with exercise performance – people are normally strongest when their core body temperature reaches its daily peak.

Push Workouts to the End of Fasting Period:
p70s6 kinase indicates muscle growth as increased levels of p70s6k may lead to a faster transport of amino acids into the muscle cell membranes, which should lead to a more rapid and potent anabolic response to post-workout nutrient ingestion.


2 Week Break:
Study – International Journal for Obesity- The study investigated the body’s “famine reaction” to continued dieting and its impact on weight loss in 47 obese men. Two groups of participants aged 30 to 50 were randomly assigned to a 16-week diet which cut calorie intake by one-third, 23 of whom maintained the diet continuously. The others did it for two weeks – then broke from for two weeks eating simply to keep their weight stable. This cycle was repeated for 30 weeks to ensure 16 weeks of dieting. The intermittent dieters had an average weight loss of 31 lbs vs. 20 lbs in control – six months later, the fat mass lost was 27.1 lbs in the intermittent group vs. 9.2 kg in power.
**While the reduction in absolute REE did not differ between groups (INT: -502 vs. CON: -642), after adjusting for changes in body composition, it was significantly lower in INT (INT: -360 vs. – 749)**

We concluded that when we reduce our energy (food) intake during dieting, resting metabolism decreases to a greater extent than expected, a phenomenon termed ‘adaptive thermogenesis’ – making weight loss harder to achieve.

This’ famine reaction’, a survival mechanism that helped humans to survive as a species when food supply was inconsistent in millennia past, is now contributing to our growing waistlines when the food supply is readily available


Keto Bulk:
Published in the Journal of Physiology, researchers investigated the effects of adaptation to a low ketogenic carbohydrate (CHO), high-fat diet (LCHF) during 3 weeks of intensified training on metabolism and performance of world‐class endurance athletes (21 subjects) – subjects were “elite race walkers.”

2.1g of protein per kilogram translates to 1g of protein per pound

And it was found that blood ketone (β‐hydroxybutyrate) concentrations were elevated within the range of 0.8–2.0 mmol*



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