Bake Bread! – Dr. Gundry

Bake Bread! – Dr. Gundry

Summary of Transcript:
The video features Dr. Gundry discussing making healthier holiday treats by swapping certain baking ingredients. Dr. Gundry explains the problems with using wheat flour, which contains lectins that can cause a leaky gut. He suggests using almond flour and coconut flour instead, adding xanthan gum for structure. Dr. Gundry also shares his tips for creating healthier cakes and pie crusts, including millet flour and tapioca starch. He discusses the challenges of finding a perfect substitute for all-purpose baking flour but suggests mixing almond flour, coconut flour, tapioca starch, and xanthan gum. He recommends using a one-for-one monk fruit sweetener to replace sugar in baking.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Gundry provides tips for changing your favorite recipes to make them safer and healthier by reducing the number of lectins in them. He shares ways to modify your baking recipes to make them lectin-light without compromising taste, so you can enjoy your favorite foods during the holidays while maintaining your health. Almond flour is one of the ingredients he recommends. One can sign up for his newsletter to receive more health tips from Dr. Gundry.

How to Make Your Holiday Recipes Lectin-Light with Dr. Gundry

The holiday season is the time to indulge in some of our favorite comfort foods, but it also means facing the consequences of unhealthy eating habits. For many people, that’s where Dr. Gundry comes in. He has been sharing his tips and tricks for healthier cooking and eating for years, and this time he’s coming at us with his advice on how to tweak our recipes for a healthier holiday season.

Tweaking Recipes with Almond Flour

One of Dr. Gundry’s top tips for making recipes healthier is swapping out all-purpose flour for almond flour. He explains that almond flour is lower in carbohydrates and doesn’t contain gluten, making it a healthier option for those looking to cut down on both.

Dr. Gundry also recommends using a 1:1 ratio when substituting almond flour for all-purpose flour in recipes.

Swap Sugar with Erythritol

Another switch Dr. Gundry suggests making is using erythritol instead of sugar. Sugar has been known to trigger inflammation in the body, whereas erythritol is sugar-free and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels.

When using erythritol, it’s important to note that it doesn’t have the same level of sweetness as sugar. You may need to adjust the amount you use in your recipes.

The Benefits of Baking with Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has gained much popularity in recent years as a healthier option for baking. Dr. Gundry suggests swapping butter or vegetable oil with coconut oil as it is a great source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and has been shown to increase our healthy cholesterol levels.

When using coconut oil, melt it beforehand if it is solid.

Nix Nightshades for Better Health

Nightshades are a group of vegetables containing lectins that can harm some people. If you are sensitive to lectins, you may want to consider removing nightshades from your diet. Some popular nightshades include potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant.

Dr. Gundry recommends swapping out potatoes for sweet potatoes, using zucchini or squash instead of tomatoes, and substituting mushrooms for eggplant.

Lectin-Free Dessert Recipes to Experiment With

If you’re looking for inspiration in the kitchen, Dr. Gundry has you covered. He shares some of his favorite lectin-free dessert recipes, including almond flour chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin bread, and carrot cake.

It’s important to note that while these recipes may be healthier than their traditional counterparts, they still need to be consumed in moderation.

Final Thoughts

A healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean sacrificing your favorite indulgences, especially during the holiday season. With a few simple tweaks and swaps, you can still enjoy your favorite comfort foods while maintaining your health. Dr. Gundry’s tips for making lectin-light recipes using almond flour, erythritol, coconut oil, and nightshade alternatives are a great starting point for anyone looking to make healthier changes to their holiday cooking.


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Source Description
Dr. Gundry shares his tips for tweaking your favorite recipes to make them lectin-light and safer to eat, so you can enjoy the holidays to the fullest — WITHOUT sacrificing your health.

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Full transcript and show notes:

#almondflour #Baking #healthycooking


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