Remnant Lipids: More Than LDL-Cholesterol for Health

Summary of Transcript:
In this video, the speaker discusses Remnant cholesterol, a biomarker that is more sensitive than LDL cholesterol and indicates overall metabolic health. The speaker discusses a recently published paper that characterizes and associates elevated levels of Remnant cholesterol with the incidence of metabolic syndrome, which is common among US adults, and also increasing in children. Remnant cholesterol is different from LDL cholesterol as it is triglyceride-enriched and linked with metabolic dysfunction. The video provides a simple equation to measure Remnant cholesterol, which is total cholesterol minus HDL cholesterol minus LDL cholesterol. Non-fasting Remnant cholesterol levels after consuming standardized fatty meals can give insight into metabolic health. The study found that Remnant cholesterol elevations were more sensitive in predicting poor metabolic health in women, and there are strong associations between high Remnant cholesterol and metabolic syndrome, triglyceride levels, increased blood pressure, and lower HDL cholesterol levels. The video also discusses the benefits of berberine hydrochloride for metabolic health and reducing cravings.

Summary of Description:
Remnant lipoproteins are being recognized as a better indicator of metabolic health. The Berberine Fasting Accelerator by MYOXCIENCE can support an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle, and a blood work cheat sheet is available. Links to studies and products for sleep and health are provided.

Remnant Lipoproteins: A Better Indicator of Metabolic Health

Recent research suggests that traditional cholesterol markers may not be the best indicators of metabolic health. Instead, remnant lipoproteins are emerging as a more accurate predictor of heart disease risk.

Remnant lipoproteins, also known as triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, are particles that carry fats and other lipids through the bloodstream. These particles, which are produced by the liver and intestine, are similar to LDL cholesterol but carry a different set of lipids.

Several recent studies have found that remnant lipoproteins are strongly associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other metabolic disorders. For example, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that elevated levels of remnant lipoproteins were associated with a 2.5-fold increase in the risk of CVD.

How Do Remnant Lipoproteins Affect Metabolic Health?

Scientists believe that remnant lipoproteins play a key role in the development of metabolic disorders because they are highly susceptible to oxidation and inflammation. This means that when they are present in high amounts in the bloodstream, they can contribute to the development of inflammation in the arteries, which can lead to the buildup of plaque and the development of heart disease.

Additionally, remnant lipoproteins have been found to be highly atherogenic, or likely to cause the development of atherosclerosis, or the buildup of plaque on artery walls. This is because they contain large amounts of triglycerides, which can increase the amount of fat in the bloodstream and contribute to the risk of heart disease.

The Importance of Intermittent Fasting and Berberine

One of the most effective ways to reduce levels of remnant lipoproteins is through lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting, which involves eating during a specific window of time each day, can significantly reduce remnant lipoprotein levels.

Additionally, supplements like Berberine Fasting Accelerator by MYOXCIENCE can also be highly effective in reducing remnant lipoproteins. This supplement contains berberine, an herbal extract that has been shown to help improve glucose metabolism and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders.

Using Blood Work to Track Metabolic Health

For those interested in improving their metabolic health, getting regular blood work is an important step. By tracking cholesterol markers, including remnant lipoprotein levels, individuals can assess their risk for heart disease and other metabolic disorders and make lifestyle changes as needed.

To make this process easier, High Intensity Health has created a Blood Work Cheat Sheet, which provides a comprehensive guide to the most important markers of metabolic health. This free resource is designed to help individuals understand their blood test results and make informed choices about their health.

Sleep and Camera Tools for Health and Wellness

In addition to diet and exercise, getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining good health. To support healthy sleep habits, individuals can use tools like the Best Sleep Mask, Blue Blocking Glasses, and Breath Right Strips, which can help improve sleep quality and duration.

Additionally, those who suffer from allergies or sinus congestion may benefit from using a NeilMed Nasal Wash Kit or Best Mouth Tape (Nexcare), which can help alleviate symptoms and improve breathing.

Finally, for those interested in learning more about metabolic health, The Metabolism Book by James DiNicolantonio is an excellent resource. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the factors that contribute to metabolic health, including diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, and offers practical tips for improving overall health and wellness.


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Source Description
Remnant lipoproteins are being recognized as a better proxy for metabolic health.

Support your Intermittent Fasting lifestyle with the Berberine Fasting Accelerator by MYOXCIENCE:
Use code podcast to save 12%

Get the Blood Work Cheat Sheet:

Link to studies:

————-Sleep & Camera Tools You NEED!———————–

Eat like your life depends it Tee Shirt!:

Best Sleep Mask:

Blue Blocking Glasses:

Best Mouth Tape (Nexcare):

NeilMed Nasal Wash Kit

Breath Right Strips:

A Metabolism Book Should Have:

—————————————–Show Notes————————————–

0:00 Intro


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