Watch Before Buying Salt! | Dr. Steven Gundry

Summary of Transcript:
The video explains that while trendy gourmet salts like Himalayan pink salt may be fun to use in cooking, they lack the essential ingredient iodine, which is vital for thyroid function. People who use gourmet salts may have lower iodine levels, leading to thyroid problems. Iodine deficiency was a significant health problem, and iodine was mandated to be added to table salt to combat this issue. The video also discusses the misconception that iodine is dangerous for those with Hashimoto’s, stating that iodine is essential for making thyroid hormones and fixing Hashimoto’s requires addressing the leaky gut. The video encourages using iodized sea salt for its health benefits but also mentions that sodium intake should be balanced in the diet. The Harvard study recommending a low sodium diet was deemed almost impossible to achieve, and the video emphasizes the importance of replacing electrolytes lost through sweating, particularly in hot climates.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Gundry advises against using trendy salts like pink or Himalayan salt to replace regular salt as they lack crucial health benefits. He suggests using a specific type of salt regularly and explains the benefits it can provide. Individuals can sign up for Dr. Gundry’s newsletter through his website to receive more health advice.

Heading 1: The Salt Craze

The salt craze is real – it seems a new type of salt is popping up in the market every few months. From pink salt to Himalayan salt, these trendy salts are taking over the shelves at grocery stores. However, Dr. Gundry has warned that these modern salts should not replace your usual salt, as they lack the essential health benefits for longevity and optimal health.

Heading 2: What Makes These Trendy Salts Different

While these salts may have unique colors and textures, they do not provide the minerals our bodies need, specifically iodine. Iodine is crucial for proper thyroid function, which controls various positions in the body, including metabolism and energy levels.

Heading 3: The One Salt You Should Be Using

Dr. Gundry recommends using iodized salt, a common salt available at your local grocery store. Iodized salt is fortified with iodine, making it a simple and easy way to fulfill our daily requirements.

Heading 4: The Benefits of Iodized Salt

By using iodized salt, you can maintain proper thyroid function, which can lead to increased energy levels and metabolism. Additionally, iodized salt can help prevent certain thyroid disorders, such as goiter and thyroid gland enlargement caused by iodine deficiency.

Heading 5: Everything in Moderation

While iodized salt is essential to our diet, moderation is key. Too much salt, whether iodized or trendy salts, can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, limiting our daily salt intake and using it in moderation while still fulfilling our iodine requirements is essential.


In conclusion, while the salt craze may be tempting with its unique colors and textures, it is important to remember the essential health benefits our bodies require. Dr. Gundry recommends using iodized salt to provide the necessary iodine for proper thyroid function, increased energy levels, and metabolism. As always, moderation is vital to maintaining optimal health.


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SALT, we all use it. But have you noticed TONS of new salts on the market, from pink salt to Himalayan salt? While these are occasionally great to use in the kitchen, Dr. Gundry says this should NOT replace your usual salt. These trendy new salts do not contain the health benefits you need to live your most extended, healthiest life. So in this episode, Dr. Gundry shares what these trendy salts lack that you need in your diet. Plus, he reveals the only salt you should use regularly and what benefits you can reap.


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