Revolutionizing Your Health: Meet the Super-Antioxidant | Ep172

Revolutionizing Your Health: Meet the Super-Antioxidant | Ep172


– The “super-antioxidant” has the potential to revolutionize health by combating oxidative stress and inflammation.
– This antioxidant compound possesses unique properties that make it highly effective in protecting against metabolic diseases.
– Studies have shown that this “super-antioxidant” can improve insulin sensitivity, a key factor in preventing and managing metabolic disorders.
– The compound’s potential health benefits extend beyond metabolic diseases, with promising results in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer prevention.
– Incorporating sources of this “super-antioxidant” into your diet may be a game-changer for overall health and longevity.

Have you ever heard of a “super-antioxidant” that has the potential to revolutionize your health? Well, buckle up because I will let you in on a fascinating discovery that could change how we approach diet, nutrition, metabolic disease, and insulin sensitivity. Prepare to be amazed by the incredible power of this little-known compound.

Oxidative stress and inflammation are the root of many health problems today. These culprits wreak havoc on our bodies, from metabolic disorders to neurodegenerative diseases. Enter the “super-antioxidant.” This remarkable compound is a superhero in combating oxidative stress and inflammation.

But what sets this antioxidant apart from the rest? Its unique properties make it highly effective in protecting against metabolic diseases. Studies have shown that this “super-antioxidant” can improve insulin sensitivity, a key factor in preventing and managing metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity.

Insulin sensitivity refers to how efficiently our cells respond to insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. When cells become less sensitive to insulin, glucose levels rise, leading to metabolic dysfunction. But fear not! The “super-antioxidant” has our back.

Research has revealed that this mighty compound can enhance insulin sensitivity, paving the way for better blood sugar control and a reduced risk of developing metabolic diseases. Imagine having the power to regulate your blood sugar levels naturally, empowering you to take control of your health.

But wait, there’s more! The benefits of this “super-antioxidant” extend beyond metabolic diseases. Promising studies suggest that it may hold the key to preventing neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. These devastating disorders are characterized by the accumulation of harmful proteins and oxidative stress in the brain. The antioxidant properties of this unique compound have been shown to counteract these harmful processes, potentially slowing down their progression.

As if that wasn’t enough, this “super-antioxidant” has also shown promise in cancer prevention. Cancer cells thrive in an environment of heightened oxidative stress. By combating this stress and reducing inflammation, this compound could help defend our bodies against the development and progression of cancer.

So, how can we incorporate this miraculous compound into our lives? Luckily, sources of this “super-antioxidant” can be found in various foods, adding a flavorful and exciting twist to your diet. Dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach are rich sources of this compound. Berries, particularly blueberries, are another excellent option. And let’s not forget about everyone’s favorite indulgence – dark chocolate. Yes, you read that correctly! Dark chocolate contains potent levels of this “super-antioxidant,” making it an even sweeter treat for your health.

Isn’t it fascinating how something as simple as our diet can profoundly impact our health? By incorporating these antioxidant-rich foods into our meals, we can take proactive steps toward improved insulin sensitivity, decreased risk of metabolic diseases, and even potential protection against neurodegenerative disorders and cancer.

Remember that no single compound or food can be considered a magic cure. A balanced and varied diet and an active lifestyle form the foundation of optimal health. However, adding this “super-antioxidant” to your dietary repertoire may boost your quest for wellness.

In conclusion, the discovery of this “super-antioxidant” has opened a world of possibilities for revolutionizing our health. Its unique properties make it a powerful weapon against oxidative stress, inflammation, and metabolic diseases. From improving insulin sensitivity to potentially preventing neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, this compound offers an exciting avenue for enhanced well-being. So, why not embark on a delicious journey by incorporating these antioxidant-rich foods into your diet? Your body will thank you for it!


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#antioxidants #glutathione #NACET
It’s been referred to as the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier, and the maestro of the immune system. I’m talking about glutathione – one of the most essential molecules for helping support the body as it fights off illness and premature aging. It’s been shown that many people who suffer from serious health conditions lack glutathione in the body. And unfortunately, due to poor diet and the abundance of toxins in our environment, most of us are also running low. But my guest is here to help.

He’s Dr. Steve Morris, a physician and chief formulation scientist specializing in developing nutraceuticals and cosmetic formulations. Dr. Morris has a passion for discovering alternative ways to promote well-being – and when it comes to supporting your glutathione levels, he says he’s cracked the code. In this episode, Dr. Morris and I explain the importance of glutathione in the body and share some of the most incredible ways to feel – and even LOOK – like a younger, healthier you.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
– Why I refer to glutathione as the “master antioxidant” – and how it puts other antioxidants (like vitamin C and quercetin) to shame
– One of the essential elements for protecting your health – and how it contributes to anti-aging and the immune system
– How the body uses both silver and gold (and other surprising metals) to keep you alive and healthy
– The difference between sulfite, sulfate and sulfur (and why they matter to YOUR health)
– Why our body’s natural detoxification systems are becoming less and less efficient – and the key to helping yours THRIVE
– Some of the EASIEST ways to support your glutathione levels (and experience more energy, better health, and longer life)
– How this “stinky gas” may be the secret to gut health (and so much more!)
– Why most Glutathione supplements are a TOTAL waste of money – and how to spot a high-quality supplement
– The health-revolutionizing compound Dr. Morris says EVERYONE should be using – and where YOU can find it
– The ONLY time sprouts are safe to eat – and why you should avoid Ezekiel bread at ALL costs

Mentioned on this episode:
If you need extra immune support for the cold season or feel like your defenses are run down, GSH+ is your all-in-one detox and immune support formula. Try it here for 25% off. Go to

The Energy Paradox: What to Do When Your Get‑Up‑and‑Go Has Got Up and Gone – (order here!)

Salvation Nutraceuticals sponsor this episode, but Dr. Gundry’s opinions are his own.
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