Fasting Fails to Shrink Belly Fat | Weight Loss & Fasting

Fasting Fails to Shrink Belly Fat | Weight Loss & Fasting

Summary of Transcript:
Mindy discusses two new studies about intermittent fasting and weight loss in this video. The first study was done on 141 patients who were either allowed to eat three meals daily or fast for 16 hours. However, the study didn’t control the food and physical activity consumed by the participants, which suggests that the study wasn’t properly done. The second study was done on mice and found that repeated bouts of fasting can make visceral Fat even more resistant over time. The positive thing from this study is that it shows how fasting can shift the body to burn energy from Fat, including belly fat. Mindy emphasizes not getting caught up in headlines and looking deeper into the nuance of the studies.

Summary of Description:
Two recent studies suggest fasting for too long without variation can negatively affect weight loss efforts. One study found that visceral Fat goes into a preservation mode, becoming resistant to fat burning, making repeated bouts of fasting more resistant over time. Another study found that time-restricted eating, without other interventions, was less effective in weight loss than eating throughout the day. The studies highlight the importance of varying fasting methods for weight loss success.

Visceral Fat Goes into Preservation Mode: The Effects of Intermittent Fasting

As many embark on a weight loss journey, we always search for the most effective ways to burn stubborn belly fat. Intermittent fasting (IF) has recently gained popularity as a potential solution. However, a recent study has shown that IF may not be as effective as we thought.

The study showed that visceral Fat (the type of Fat stored around our organs) goes into preservation mode when we fast, making it resistant to fat burning. Furthermore, repeated bouts of fasting made visceral Fat more resistant over time. This is because fasting for long periods without variation can hurt weight loss.

Every-other-day fasting (EODF) was tested on mice and found to be a beneficial dietary treatment for obesity. EODF increased mitochondrial protein content in both subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT) and visceral WAT (vWAT) depots. The study also showed that varying your fasts matters greatly for weight loss.

However, it was found that EODF treatment downregulates lipolysis, specifically in vWAT, mediated by a large decrease in the abundance of the catecholamine receptor (ADRB3). This means that what is preserved during EODF could prevent weight loss.

Another study found that time-restricted eating, without other interventions, is less effective in weight loss than eating throughout the day. Simply restricting your eating window may not be enough to see significant weight loss results.

In conclusion, while IF may help with weight loss to some extent, it may not be the magic solution we were hoping for. Varying your fasts and including other interventions, such as exercise, may be necessary to see significant results. It is important to always seek the guidance of a medical professional before making any dietary changes.


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Source Description
Visceral Fat goes into preservation mode, making it resistant to fat burning
Repeated bouts of fasting made visceral fasting more resistant over time.

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00:00 Does intermittent fasting burn stubborn belly fat?
02:40 Intermittent fasting has no significant weight loss benefit
06:36 IF=ntermittent fasting didn’t reduce belly fat in mice
08:00 Fasting too long with no variation can hurt weight loss
08:45 Varying your fasts matters greatly for weight loss


Title: IF Didn’t reduce belly fat in Mice

Visceral Fat goes into preservation mode, making it resistant to fat burning
Repeated bouts of fasting made visceral fasting more resistant over time.

What do these two studies teach us?
1. Fasting too long with no variation can hurt weight loss
2. Varying your fasts matters greatly for weight loss


Proteomics analysis of adipose depots after intermittent fasting reveals visceral fat preservation mechanisms

Intermittent fasting is a beneficial dietary treatment for obesity. But the response of each distinct adipose depot is currently poorly defined. Here we explore the reaction of key adipose depots to every-other-day fasting (EODF) in mice using proteomics. A key change in subcutaneous white adipose tissue (scWAT) and visceral WAT (vWAT) depots is increased mitochondrial protein content after EODF. This effect correlates with increased fatty acid synthesis enzymes in both WAT depots but not brown adipose tissue. Strikingly, EODF treatment downregulates lipolysis, specifically in vWAT, mediated by a large decrease in the abundance of the catecholamine receptor (ADRB3). Together, these changes are important for preserving the visceral lipid stored during EODF. Enrichment analysis highlights the downregulation of inflammatory collagen IV, specifically in vWAT, allowing improved insulin sensitivity. This resource for mouse adipose-depot-specific fasting adaptations is available using a web-based interactive visualization.”

Effects of Time-Restricted Eating on Weight Loss and Other Metabolic Parameters in Women and Men With Overweight and Obesity

“Conclusions and Relevance Time-restricted eating, in the absence of other interventions, is not more effective in weight loss than eating throughout the day.”

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