Dr. Gundry’s Fruit Bowl Contents | Ep149

Dr. Gundry’s Fruit Bowl Contents | Ep149

Summary of Transcript:
In this mini episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast, Dr. Gundry shares his favorite fruits and offers tips for eating fruit in moderation and in line with the seasons. He explains that fruit is not inherently bad but should be consumed in moderation due to its high fructose content, which can lead to weight gain, high triglycerides, and fatty liver disease. Dr. Gundry recommends eating no more than one serving of fruit per day, and if consuming two servings, choosing low-fructose fruits such as berries, kiwi, crispy pears, passion fruit, and pomegranate seeds. He also advises checking produce calendars to know what fruits are in season and avoiding out-of-season fruits that may be high in fructose.

Summary of Description:
In a mini-episode, Dr. Gundry talks about his love for fruits and recommends some of his favorite ones. He also shares easy tips for consuming fruits in moderation and what it means to eat fruits “in season.” Dr. Gundry highlights the health benefits of his top 10 favorite fruits and warns against consuming too much fruit. He also advises against freezing fruits and explains why bread that has been “long-fermented” can still be dangerous for your health.

Dr. Gundry’s Love for Fruits: What You Need to Know

Dr. Steven R. Gundry, a renowned surgeon and medical researcher, is the author of the “Plant Paradox” and “The Longevity Paradox.” He advocates a healthy lifestyle by avoiding processed foods, lectins, and sugar. In his “mini-episode,” Dr. Gundry shares his secret love for fruits, some tips for moderation, and how to get the best out of your fruit.

The Real Purpose of Fruit in Your Diet and Why It’s Important to Eat in Moderation

Fruits contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants that protect our cells from damage. However, too much fruit can wreak havoc on our health, energy, and waistline. While the sugar in fruit is natural, it still raises our insulin levels, which can lead to weight gain and inflammation. Dr. Gundry recommends eating a maximum of two servings of fruit a day.

How to Avoid Overconsumption of Fruits

Dr. Gundry points out that most people consume more fruit than they think. He suggests replacing fruits with other polyphenol-rich foods like olives, capers, and dark chocolate. He also advises eating fruit with other nutrient-dense foods to slow down the absorption of sugar.

What It Really Means to Eat Your Fruit “in Season” and Shopping Tips for Finding “Safe-to-Eat” Fruits

When we say “in season,” we often think of a fruit’s ripening season. However, Dr. Gundry explains that fruits also have a pesticide season. He suggests buying organic fruits when they are in season to avoid pesticide exposure. He also recommends freezing fruits yourself to avoid the added sugar and preservatives in store-bought frozen fruits.

Why “America’s Favorite Fruit” Is Off-Limits

Dr. Gundry reveals that bananas, America’s favorite fruit, are off-limits. Bananas are high in starch and sugar, which contribute to bloating and weight gain. They also contain low levels of polyphenols, making them less nutritious than other fruits.

Dr. Gundry’s Top 10 Favorite Fruits

Dr. Gundry lists his favorite fruits that are packed with polyphenols and other essential nutrients. His top ten include blackberries, avocado, persimmons, coconuts, pomegranates, kiwis, passion fruit, olives, red bell peppers, and mangoes.

Why Freezing Your Fruits Is Not Recommended

Frozen fruits lose their polyphenols during the freezing process. Dr. Gundry advises against freezing fruits, and if you do, be sure to eat them within a short time frame.

Bread that Has Been “Long-Fermented” Is Still Dangerous for Your Health

Dr. Gundry warns against consuming bread that has been long-fermented since it can contain a higher amount of histamine, which can trigger allergies and other health issues. However, he gives some good news to bread-lovers, saying that he is experimenting with new healthier bread recipes.

In Conclusion

Dr. Gundry’s passion for fruits is evident in his “mini-episode,” where he busts some myths about fruits, shares some tips for moderation, and lists his favorite fruits. He emphasizes the importance of eating fruits in moderation and buying organic fruits in season. By following some of his tips, we can enjoy the nutritional benefits of fruits without compromising our health.


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#DrGundry #fruit #Polyphenols
You know, ever since I told my readers to “give fruit the boot” in my first book, people have labeled me as some kind of “fruit hater.”

Well, my wife Penny can tell you, I am anything BUT a fruit hater.

In fact, there are a LOT of fruits I absolutely love and recommend.

So in this “mini episode,” I share a few of my favorite fruits (and WHY I love them so much), easy tips for eating fruit in moderation, and what it really means to eat your fruit “in season” (it’s a little more complicated than you think!).

In this episode you’ll learn:

01:00 – The REAL purpose of fruit in your diet (this may surprise you) – and why too much fruit can destroy your health, energy and waistline
03:30 – Why you’re likely consuming way more fruit than you think – and how to make sure you’re not overdoing it
04:00 – What it REALLY means to eat your fruit “in season” – and my 3 shopping tips for finding “safe-to-eat” fruits
05:15 – Why “America’s favorite fruit” is actually OFF LIMITS (no matter the season)
6:30 – My top 10 FAVORITE fruits – and why they beat out all other fruits when it comes to health benefits
09:15 – Why you NEED to stop freezing your fruit (yes, even if they were technically “in season” when you froze them)
10:15 – Why bread that has been “long-fermented” is still DANGEROUS for your health – and some exciting news for bread-lovers

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