Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Gundry is warning against eating fast food, fake meat, sugar-free or zero-calorie drinks, and processed foods like peanut butter. He explains that fast food is cooked or made with dangerous oils like soybean and corn oil, which contain glyphosate, a gut disruptor. Fake meat contains soy protein, potato protein, and glyphosate. Sugar-free or zero-calorie drinks contain sucralose or aspartame, which wreak havoc on gut bacteria. Peanut butter is a processed food with sugar additives and preservatives. He recommends avoiding these fake foods and sticking to whole foods like avocados, leafy greens, and berries.
Summary of Description:
Dr. Gundry reveals the top 3 fake foods containing chemicals, sugars, and fats that should be avoided to improve health. He shares his own experience of avoiding these foods and how it transformed his health.
The Top 3 Fake Foods You Should Avoid in Your Diet
The typical American diet is filled with highly processed foods that can be detrimental to our health. But what are the top 3 fake foods that we should be avoiding? In this YouTube video, Dr. Gundry reveals the three fake foods that everyone should avoid in their diet.
Chemicals, Sugars, and Fats
Dr. Gundry explains that these three ingredients are present in many of the highly processed foods that are commonly found in the typical American diet. He also explains that these ingredients can have a detrimental effect on our health and should be avoided.
“Diet” Alternatives
Dr. Gundry reveals that many of the “diet” alternatives that are marketed as being healthier than their full fat counterparts are actually just as bad, if not worse. He explains that these “diet” alternatives are often filled with chemicals, sugars, and fats, and should be avoided in our diets.
Lectin Bombs
Dr. Gundry also explains that certain foods are considered “lectin bombs”, meaning that they contain high levels of lectins which can be damaging to our health. He reveals that some of the most common lectin bombs are wheat, corn, and soy, and should be avoided in our diets.
Transforming Health
Finally, Dr. Gundry explains how he was able to transform his health by avoiding these fake foods. He reveals that he was able to lose weight, reduce inflammation, and improve his overall health by avoiding these foods in his diet.
In conclusion, Dr. Gundry reveals the top 3 fake foods that everyone should avoid in their diet. From chemicals, sugars, and fats to “diet” alternatives and lectin bombs, these common foods in your kitchen could be devastating your health. So if you want to improve your health, be sure to avoid these foods and stick to whole, unprocessed foods.
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Source Description
The typical American diet is filled with highly processed foods, and your diet could be too. From chemicals, sugars, and fats Dr. Gundry reveals the top 3 FAKE FOODS containing these ingredients that you should never eat again. As a former fan of one of these foods Dr. Gundry knows first hand the effects it can have on your health. From “diet” alternatives to lectin bombs, these common foods in your kitchen could be devastating your health. So stick around and find out how he transformed his health by avoiding these foods.
dr gundry,dr. gundry,steven gundry,gundry md,gundry,plant paradox,the plant paradox,plant paradox diet,diet,cookbook,lectins,lectin free,the dr gundry podcast,podcast,interview,longevity,nutrition