7 Weightlifting Mistakes that Hinder Fat Loss

7 Weightlifting Mistakes that Hinder Fat Loss

Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses seven weight training mistakes that disrupt fat loss, including taking too long rest periods, consuming excess branched-chain amino acids, doing cardio before weight training, and focusing too much on isolation exercises. The speaker argues that shorter rest periods and explosivity burn more calories and increase testosterone, while excess branched-chain amino acids spike insulin levels and hinder fat loss. Additionally, doing cardio before weight training decreases the number of reps that can be completed and reduces muscle-building potential. Focusing too much on isolation exercises is not helpful for fat loss, as it is more effective to move the entire body to burn fat.

Summary of Description:
In this video, Thomas DeLauer discusses seven weight-training mistakes that slow fat loss. These include lifting too heavy and for too long, taking too long rest periods, consuming branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), doing cardio before lifting, isolating individual muscle parts too much, not having at least one compound movement per workout day, and training later in the day. He also provides studies and evidence to support his claims and explains the impact of each mistake on fat loss. The video includes a sponsored message from Chomps.

Are you hitting the gym hard but not seeing the fat loss results in you’re looking for? You may be making common weight training mistakes that slow your progress. Luckily, fitness expert Thomas DeLauer has identified some of these errors and is here to help.

Lifting too heavy (AND too long) is a common mistake. If raised too seriously for too long, you’ll fatigue your Central Nervous System (CNS), which decreases voluntary muscle activation. Furthermore, lifting heavy with long rest periods between sets doesn’t burn as many calories as expected. Shorter rest periods increase heart rate and ultimately lead to more fat loss.

BCAAs, or Branch Chain Amino Acids, are another area to watch out for. Although marketed to help build muscle, they can raise insulin levels, preventing you from entering fat-burning mode.

If you’re doing cardio before lifting, that energy used by the muscles is technically not glycogen but the phosphate bonds in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). According to research from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, this can negatively impact your resistance exercises.

Isolating muscle parts too much during weight training isn’t the best approach for fat loss. According to a study in PLoS One, isolation exercises burn fewer calories than compound movements like squats, which burn an average of 35 calories per minute.

Lastly, when you work out may affect your fat loss progress. A study in the journal PLoS One found that training later in the day is good for performance but not for cosmetic purposes.

Eliminating these mistakes and incorporating some of DeLauer’s tips, like explosivity during weight training, into your routine can help jumpstart your fat loss goals. So next time you hit the gym, evaluate your approach and make necessary changes to stay on track.


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7 Weight Training Mistakes that Slow Fat Loss – Thomas DeLauer

1) Lifting too Heavy (AND Too Long)

If you’re lifting too heavy for too long, you’ll fry your CNS and still put more weight on the joints than the muscle.

CNS fatigue is a decrease in voluntary muscle activation

CNS Misconception

So the theory is that low reps induce more CNS fatigue than high reps – however, low-intensity, high-duration exercise causes far more central fatigue than short, high-intensity activity


As an extreme example, a ‘strength training’ study had 8 subjects sustain an isometric elbow flexion of 5% MVC for 70 min

Upon completion of the 70-minutes, researchers noted a significant decrease in MVC and EMG, which could suggest long-duration exercise’s effects on central fatigue


2) Too long rest periods

This pairs with #1: Chances are you are not burning nearly as many calories as you think when you’re weight training. Lifting heavy has its place, but when you’re lifting heavy and giving yourself 3 minute rests in between sets, you’re setting yourself up for strength but hurting your fat loss goals.

Fairly straightforward, the shorter your rest periods, the higher your heart rate, ultimately leading to more fat loss.

However, I found a cool study in which rest periods between sets were the same. Still, the explosivity differed between the two – the group with more explosibility burned more calories.

Study – Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

Analyzed the effects of explosive lifting versus slow contractions concerning energy expenditure.

Nine men (20 +/- 2.5 yr) performed three exercise protocols using a plate-loaded squat machine and a no-exercise (CONTROL) session

The explosive group had a higher rate of energy expenditure during and after the workouts than the slow group.

Average rates of energy expenditure (kcal/min) were significantly greater during and after EXPL compared with SLOW and HEAVYEXPL

EXPL: 7.27 (kcal/min) during & 2.54 (kcal/min) after


3) Consuming those BCAAs –

They raise your insulin so you don’t get into the fat-burning mode, but you’re still low in calories.

Leucine & Insulin

Leucine regulates insulin secretion by modulating adrenergic α2 receptors through the mTOR pathway – it increases mTOR

In other words, it regulates protein synthesis by activating mTOR in pancreatic beta cells that secrete insulin

Study – Journal of Diabetes: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29281182

4) Cardio before your lifting

Cardio uses up “energy,” and energy used by the muscles is technically not glycogen, but the phosphate bonds in adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Study – Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: Concluded that acute resistance exercise performance is negatively impacted by prior aerobic endurance exercise


5) Isolating Individual Muscle Parts too much

Isolation exercises will overall burn fewer calories

6) Not having at least one compound movement per workout day

A study from PLoS One compared the calorie-burning effects of various activities. They found squats burned an average of 35 calories per minute, most of all the lifts under analysis. Leg exercises, in general, seemed to burn the most calories.
On the opposite end of the spectrum were bicep curls.


7) Training later in the day – Good for performance, but not cosmetic

Study – journal PLoS One: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4188634/

Fasting Guides

How to do Intermittent Fasting: Complete Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLVf3d0rqqY&t=315s

Complete Women’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNWhScV5b4g&t=270s

Fasting Guidelines: What You CAN and CAN NOT Drink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gytioR19Qo&t=16s

Keto Guides

How to do a Keto Diet: The Complete Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBw2rdwBfZE

Full Beginner Keto Meal Plan: Exactly What to Eat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z15Z1-Og_pg&t=300s


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