Food and Weight: Dr. Gundry’s Insights

Food and Weight: Dr. Gundry’s Insights

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Gundry discusses whether avocados cause weight gain and debunks the myth that eating fat causes weight gain. He explains the history of the “eat fat get fat” theory and the role of insulin in fat storage. Avocados are rich in fiber and oleic acid, a healthy fat that is predominant in olive oil. Eating an avocado a day can aid in weight loss and increase nutrient absorption. Dr. Gundry recommends buying avocados in bulk and incorporating them into meals and even desserts. While it is possible to eat too many avocados, they are generally satiating and difficult to overeat. In contrast, processed foods and high-carbohydrate foods like bread are more likely to cause weight gain. Macadamia nuts, while healthy, can also cause weight gain in some individuals.

Summary of Description:
The content discusses the misconception that eating fat makes a person fat and shares Dr. Gundry’s surprising answer to this belief. Additionally, it offers tips on how to maintain a healthy diet while cutting back on grocery costs.

The Truth About Fat-Filled Foods: Dr. Gundry’s Surprising Answer

We’ve all heard it before: “eating fat makes you fat”. But is this really true? Dr. Gundry, a renowned cardiologist and bestselling author, has some surprising insights on this topic.

In a recent video, Dr. Gundry challenged the conventional wisdom about fat-filled foods and their impact on our health. Here’s what he had to say:

Not All Fats Are Created Equal

First off, Dr. Gundry pointed out that not all fats are created equal. In fact, some fats are essential for our health and can actually help us lose weight.

These “good” fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are found in sources like nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish.

On the other hand, there are “bad” fats like trans fats, which are artificially created and can wreak havoc on our health. These are commonly found in processed foods like fried snacks, pastries, and margarine.

So, it’s not simply a matter of avoiding all fat-filled foods – it’s about choosing the right kind of fat.

The Importance of Portion Control

While eating “good” fats is beneficial for our health, it’s still important to exercise portion control.

“Even though I say that things like nuts and avocado and olive oil are good for you, you can’t eat unlimited amounts of them,” Dr. Gundry explained.

He recommends sticking to a small handful of nuts or a quarter of an avocado per day to get the health benefits without going overboard on the calories.

In other words, moderation is key when it comes to fat-filled foods.

How to Cut Back on Grocery Costs

One of the biggest concerns people have when it comes to eating healthy is the cost. But Dr. Gundry has some practical tips on how to cut back your grocery bill while still staying healthy.

First, he suggests shopping at your local farmer’s market or joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.

“These are places where you can get local, organic, and seasonal produce at a much lower cost than you would find in a grocery store,” he explained.

Second, Dr. Gundry recommends buying in bulk whenever possible. For example, you can save money by purchasing a large bag of nuts or seeds instead of individual packages.

And finally, he advises making your own meals at home instead of relying on takeout or restaurant food – which can not only save money, but also ensure that you’re eating wholesome ingredients.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, eating fat-filled foods doesn’t automatically make you fat – it’s all about choosing the right kind of fat and exercising portion control.

And while eating healthy can often come with a higher price tag, Dr. Gundry’s tips on cutting back on grocery costs can help make it more accessible for everyone.

So, don’t be afraid to incorporate some “good” fats into your diet – and try to source them from local farmers and bulk suppliers whenever possible. Your overall health (and wallet) will thank you for it.


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Source Description
Is it true that ‘eating fat makes you fat’? Well, Dr. Gundry’s answer might just surprise you. Stick around to find out the TRUTH about fat-filled foods – and how much of it you should really be eating. Plus, you won’t want to miss Dr. Gundry’s tips on how to cut back your grocery costs while staying healthy?

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