5 Foods That Hinder Weight Loss – Avoid!

5 Foods That Hinder Weight Loss – Avoid!

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Mindy Herron discusses five foods that sabotage weight loss efforts. These include diet drinks containing NutraSweet, bad oils, commercialized fake keto foods, juice cleanses containing fruit, and refined flours and sugars. NutraSweet is considered an obesogen that can block insulin receptors and spike hunger. Bad oils include vegetable and canola oil, and they can be easily replaced with good oils such as olive oil or avocado oil. Commercialized keto foods often contain chemicals and should be avoided. Juice cleanses with fruit can tip the scale towards sugar burner mode, and green juice cleanses are recommended. Refined flours and sugars, regardless of being gluten-free or not, can spike the glycemic index and keep individuals in sugar burner mode longer. To restore metabolic damage caused by a Western diet, Dr. Herron suggests consistent 16 and 36-hour fasts.

Summary of Description:
The video promotes the Reset Academy and provides links to resources mentioned, including Dr. Mindy’s book on menopause, a video on fats that make fasting harder, a fasting benefits chart, the Resetter Podcast, and Dr. Mindy’s website and social media pages. A medical disclaimer is also mentioned.

Join the Reset Academy: Revolutionizing the Fasting Lifestyle

Fasting has been a part of human history for centuries, practiced for religious and spiritual purposes. However, in recent years, fasting has been gaining popularity as a lifestyle choice due to its numerous health benefits. Dr. Mindy Pelz, a chiropractic physician and functional nutritionist, has been at the forefront of this movement through her Reset Academy program.

The Reset Academy offers a comprehensive approach to fasting that incorporates personalized plans, educational resources, and a community of like-minded individuals. Dr. Mindy believes that fasting is not a one-size-fits-all approach and that everyone’s fasting journey should be personalized to their unique needs and goals.

Fast Like a Girl: A Manifesto for Empowering Women

Dr. Mindy’s book, “Fast Like a Girl,” offers a new perspective on fasting, particularly for women. It challenges the common misconceptions surrounding fasting and empowers women to take charge of their health by adopting a fasting lifestyle. The book also provides valuable insights into how fasting can help with issues such as weight loss, hormone imbalances, and metabolic dysfunction.

The Menopause Reset: Reclaiming Your Health

Dr. Mindy’s upcoming book, “The Menopause Reset,” is specifically targeted towards women going through menopause. Menopause can be a challenging time for women, both physically and emotionally. This book provides practical advice on how women can help overcome symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and chronic fatigue.

Educational Resources for Fasting Nutrition

The Reset Academy provides a wealth of educational resources on fasting nutrition. One such resource is the “Fats that Make It Hard to Fast” video, which offers valuable insights into the types of fats that can stall fasting results. The “Fasting Benefits Chart” provides a comprehensive breakdown of the different fasting protocols and their potential health benefits. Moreover, the “How Do You Vary Keto, Autophagy Fasting, Water Fasting & Feasting” video is an excellent resource for those looking to gain a deeper understanding of the different fasting strategies.

The Resetter Podcast: A Community for Fasting

Dr. Mindy’s Resetter Podcast and YouTube channel are powerful tools for building a community around fasting. Guests range from experts in the field of functional medicine to ordinary individuals who have experienced the transformative effects of fasting. These podcasts offer candid conversations about the challenges and benefits of fasting and provide inspiration and motivation for those on a fasting journey.

Join the Reset Academy and Empower Yourself

Joining the Reset Academy is a straightforward process. Members get access to personalized fasting plans, educational resources, weekly coaching calls, live events, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. By joining the Reset Academy, individuals can experience the transformative benefits of fasting and receive expert guidance on their fasting journey.

Medical Disclaimer

It is essential to note that the video is for educational purposes only, and viewers should not rely on it for personal health advice. Always consult a medical professional before starting any new health regime, including fasting. The terms of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to all interactions with The Reset Academy.


The Reset Academy is doing an excellent job of revolutionizing the fasting lifestyle. With a personalized approach to fasting and a supportive community, individuals can experience the transformative benefits of fasting. With resources like books, podcasts, and educational videos, Dr. Mindy Pelz is empowering people to take charge of their health and lead a vibrant and healthy life.


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🌟 Join the Reset Academy! 🌟

►Order Fast Like a Girl: https://fastlikeagirl.com
►Pre-order The Menopause Reset: https://www.amazon.com/Menopause-Reset-Symptoms-Younger-Again/dp/1401974392
►Fats that Make It Hard to Fast: https://youtu.be/AC3mgPh3N1g
►Fasting Benefits Chart: https://resetacademy.drmindypelz.com/pl/2147632156
►Resetter Podcast: https://drmindypelz.com/resetter-podcast
►Resetter Podcast YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheResetterPodcast
►How Do You Vary Keto, Autophagy Fasting, Water Fasting & Feasting: https://youtu.be/AgDKBnXISzo?list=PLls6bSyK3LGNAapX_yachytyfHKE9smcy

#Fasting #FastingLifestyle
Dr. Mindy’s Website: https://drmindypelz.com

Reset Academy:

Dr. Mindy’s Facebook Page:

Dr. Mindy’s Facebook Group:

Resetter Podcast:


Dr. Mindy’s Tiktok

Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that the terms of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.


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