Type 2 Diabetes Remission: Top 5 Keys by Jason Fung

Type 2 Diabetes Remission: Top 5 Keys by Jason Fung

Type 2 Diabetes Remission – Top 5 Keys | Jason Fung

– Understand the role of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes remission.
– Learn about the significance of a low-carbohydrate diet in reversing insulin sensitivity.
– Discover the impact of intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating on diabetes remission.
– Explore the benefits of exercise in improving insulin sensitivity.
– Uncover the connection between stress reduction and type 2 diabetes remission.

Welcome to a journey that uncovers the unique and fascinating aspects of type 2 diabetes remission! This article will delve into the top five keys to successfully reversing this metabolic disease. Even though we won’t explicitly mention our expertise, sit back and enjoy the informative, fun, and enjoyable ride to understanding the intricacies of type 2 diabetes remission.

1. The Role of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Remission

To comprehend type 2 diabetes remission, we must first unravel the concept of insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. However, in individuals with type 2 diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin’s effects, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. The key to remission lies in improving insulin sensitivity.

2. The Significance of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet

Enter the superhero of diets – the low-carbohydrate diet! This way of eating involves reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates and focusing on nutrient-dense foods. Limiting carbs can minimize blood sugar spikes, reduce insulin secretion, and improve insulin sensitivity. Recent studies have demonstrated that a low-carb diet can significantly contribute to type 2 diabetes remission.

3. Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Eating

Who knew that simply changing what we eat could have a powerful impact? Intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating are two approaches that prove this hypothesis. Intermittent fasting involves alternating periods of eating and fasting, while time-restricted eating concentrates on consuming all meals within a specific time window each day, typically around 8-10 hours. Both methods have shown promising results in improving insulin sensitivity and promoting type 2 diabetes remission.

4. The Benefits of Exercise

Exercise isn’t just for weight loss or gaining muscle; it is crucial in improving insulin sensitivity. Regular physical activity helps lower blood glucose levels, reduces body fat, and enhances overall metabolic health. From cardiovascular exercises to strength training, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can aid in achieving type 2 diabetes remission.

5. Stress Reduction and Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Stress has a sneaky way of wreaking havoc on our bodies, including insulin sensitivity. Chronic stress triggers the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can interfere with glucose metabolism. Hence, incorporating stress reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or hobbies can immensely benefit your journey toward type 2 diabetes remission.

Now that we’ve explored the main topics in our interactive and informative manner, it’s time to put these insights into practice. Remember, knowledge is power, but the application of that knowledge truly makes a difference.

With that in mind, incorporate a low-carbohydrate diet emphasizing whole, unprocessed foods. Experiment with intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, finding the best method. Seek opportunities to be physically active and make exercise a regular part of your routine, whether walking, dancing, or hitting the gym. Lastly, reduce stress through mindfulness, self-care, and finding outlets that bring you joy.

By addressing these five keys, you’ll be on your way to unlocking the door to type 2 diabetes remission. Embrace the journey, stay committed, and don’t forget to consult with healthcare professionals along the way. Remember, you can reclaim your health and improve your life on this remarkable adventure with renewed hope and determination.


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Dr. Jason Fung reviews his top 5 keys to reversing type 2 diabetes – behavior change, coaching/ community, biofeedback, low-carb diets, and intermittent fasting. Check out my website at https://www.doctorjasonfung.com and blog at https://medium.com/@drjasonfung

More Information:

The Obesity Code – Reviewing underlying physiology of weight loss and how low-carb diets and fasting can help. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1771641258?ref=exp_jasonfung_dp_vv_d

The Diabetes Code – Reviewing how type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease and dietary strategies. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0795BLS8D?ref=exp_jasonfung_dp_vv_d

The Cancer Code – Scientific exploration of how cancer develops – https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062894005?ref=exp_jasonfung_dp_vv_d

USA – https://www.amazon.com/shop/jasonfung
Canada – https://www.amazon.ca/shop/jasonfung

Fasting Community and Coaching:

YouTube Medical Lectures (for specialist physicians):

1. The Roots of the Obesity Epidemic – https://youtu.be/q8BGYhreaco
2. Therapeutic Fasting – The Two Compartment Problem: https://youtu.be/ETkwZIi3R7w​​
3. Does Calorie Counting work? https://youtu.be/5F5o0a4p_3U​​
4. Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes – https://youtu.be/FcLoaVNQ3rc
5. Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Naturally – https://youtu.be/mAwgdX5VxGc
6. Insulin Toxicity – https://youtu.be/4oZ4UqtbB_g​​
7. Saturated Fat – Friend or Foe? https://youtu.be/QetsIU-3k7Y
8. Diet and Disease – https://youtu.be/2yoOx_7MLn0
9. Dangers of Fructose – https://youtu.be/pG89j432w-Y
10. Insulin Resistance – https://youtu.be/dimP7IdM2Og
11. Role of Hormones in Weight Loss – https://youtu.be/ZbnshVO4PRM
12. The Obesity Code Lecture 1 – https://youtu.be/YpllomiDMX0

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