Tools for Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind | Nicole LePera

Tools for Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind | Nicole LePera

Summary of Transcript:
In this video, psychologist Nicole LaPera discusses how childhood experiences shape our patterns and habits that continue into adulthood. She talks about how our subconscious minds play a strong role in maintaining these patterns and how becoming conscious and present is key to creating change. LaPera suggests using hooks like focusing on breathing or senses to become present and develop the muscle of attention. By becoming conscious and present more often, we can begin to make choices and create new habits and patterns in the present moment.

Summary of Description:
In this episode of Impact Theory, Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera shares practical tips on how to heal childhood trauma and break free from destructive habits that have been conditioned since childhood. She discusses why breaking patterns is hard and offers ways to stay in the moment and be present. She also talks about the easiest method that everyone can use to start healing from childhood trauma and how to use “future self-journaling” to create change. Dr. LePera emphasizes the importance of sleep, diet, and exercise to complement mental strategies and shares how to rebuild self-worth and heal the inner child through re-parenting.

Healing from Childhood Trauma: A Practical Guide

Childhood trauma can have far-reaching effects that persist well into adulthood. It can manifest in destructive behaviors such as addiction, self-sabotage, low self-worth, or even relationship difficulties. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera joins Tom Bilyeu on this episode of Impact Theory to equip viewers with effective tools to break free of these patterns, heal past traumas and become the person they aspire to be.

The Impact of Childhood Trauma

According to Dr. Nicole LePera, past experiences, particularly childhood experiences, significantly influence how we behave today. Most of our patterns and habits stem from conditioned behavior from a young age, and it can be challenging to break those patterns as we grow older. Dr. LePera cautions that childhood trauma should not be dismissed as a thing of the past, but instead, it needs to be addressed to create a different future.

Why It’s Hard to Break Bad Habits

Dr. LePera explains that the brain is wired to resist change. This is because the brain resists change and wants to stay in familiar territory. It prefers normal patterns that are comfortable and safe. Therefore, when trying to change a habit or practice, there is an automatic tendency to revert to old ways, even if it’s self-sabotaging.

Breaking Bad Habits

The most effective way to break bad habits is to become conscious of them first. Dr. LePera emphasizes recognizing patterns to understand how to break them. The key is to bring awareness to your designs and to see what triggers them. When you know your triggers, you can create new designs by substituting new and healthier behaviors.

Staying Present and Mindful

Most of us tend to focus on the past or the future, which can result in anxiety or stress. Dr. LePera recommends being present at the moment by practicing mindfulness. She recommends practicing simple breathing exercises, even if meditation feels overwhelming. Meditation can sometimes lead to more anxiety, particularly for those with a history of trauma.

Creating Your Future Self

Dr. LePera emphasizes that genes and personality traits do not necessarily determine your future. She recommends using the “future self-journaling” approach to rewrite your subconscious mind and align it with your aspirations. This involves writing down what you want to achieve, how you want to feel, and who you want to become. Through repetition and consistency, individuals can manifest their desired outcomes.

Taking Care of Your Mental and Physical Health

Dr. LePera stresses that mental strategies alone are insufficient to create lasting change. Individuals need to take care of their psychological and physical health by pursuing a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep. She also recommends being honest about one’s shortcomings to address them effectively.

Healing the Inner Child

Dr. LePera advises re-parenting as an effective approach to healing one’s inner child. This involves nurturing yourself, acknowledging your feelings, and caring for your needs the same way a parent or caregiver would. Creating a healthy and nurturing environment can heal past traumas, develop self-love, and rebuild self-worth.

Final Thoughts

Healing from childhood trauma requires a willingness to acknowledge past experiences and their impact on current habits and patterns. Dr. LePera’s approach involves recognizing patterns, staying present and mindful, creating a new reality through future self-journaling, caring for mental and physical health, and re-parenting to heal the inner child. By embracing these tools, individuals can overcome past traumas, develop healthier habits, and transform themselves into the person they aspire to be.


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Do you feel like you have all the knowledge yet are “stuck” in the same patterns?
Destructive habits like addiction, self-sabotage, low self-worth, or even “communications problems” in relationships are all tied to one thing: conditioned behavior practiced since childhood. Childhood trauma is nothing you overcome just because you grow up. But there are ways to heal what happened in the past to create an entirely different future. In this episode of Impact Theory, Tom Bilyeu is joined by Clinical Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera. Her practical tips led to a community of 3,2 million Self-Healers on Instagram. She will equip you with the tools to heal yourself, break free from trauma cycles, and create who you want to become. After you watch this episode, you’ll know why you struggle to break bad habits and what is holding you back from change. You’ll discover the easiest method everyone can use everywhere to start healing from childhood trauma and how you can change your life with little promises to yourself. Why your genes and personality are not your destiny, how to create your future self, and much more.

Pre-Order Nicole’s new book “How to Do the Work”:


Why your past is influencing you way more than you think. [1:54]
Why do you struggle to change bad habits, and what is holding you back from change? [2:17]
Why your brain wants you to stay the way you’re today. [4:40]
The real reason why it’s hard to break patterns. [5:29]
The most effective practice to break your bad habits. [6:11]
Why most of us are staying in the past or worrying about our future and what to do instead? [7:06]
How to practice staying in the moment. [8:17]
The two ways to practice being present, even if meditation overwhelms you. [9:02]
The reason why sitting in silence makes you uncomfortable. [10:00]
How meditation, when you feel unsafe, can lead to another trauma. [12:21]
How Nicole discovered the real reason why her brain felt foggy. [14:38]
The easiest method everyone can use everywhere to start to heal from childhood trauma. [17:40]
How to start learning to breathe to beat anxiety in your day-to-day life. [18:50]
How you can change your life with little promises to yourself. [20:23]
How to use feeling uncomfortable with a new habit to maintain it forever. [22:28]
The importance of reframing to change your behavior. [22:56]
Why you don’t have to give up your anger and how to make space for new feelings. [25:10]
How to decide if a feeling or habit is valuable. [26:24]
How to get radically honest with yourself. [27:50]
The makers Nicole watches out for in her nervous system to know if she’s safe. [31:29]
How do you repeat your childhood patterns in your current relationships? [33:06]
Why your genes and personality are not your destiny and how to create your future self. [35:40]
Use “future self-journaling” to counter your subconscious autopilot and create change. [37:30]
You can use “future self-journaling” to change every aspect of your life. [40:57]
The fundamental reason why most people can’t access creativity, joy, or love. [42:39]
Why, without sleep, diet, and exercise, mental strategies only go so far. [45:00]
How to deal with your shortcomings and when life is unfair. [49:25]
How repetition shaped your limiting beliefs and how to create new empowering beliefs. [52:17]
How to rebuild your self-worth when you didn’t keep your promises in the past. [55:30]
How to use your “re-parenting” to heal your inner child. [58:00]
Nicole shares how to connect with her. [1:01:33]


“Feelings that you feel become easier to feel.” [4:56]

“The way out, first and foremost: We want to become conscious. We want to see those patterns.” [6:11]

“Thoughts thought long enough lead to a feeling.” [10:13]

“What I learned is each time I do one of those things: Either breathe very shallowly or hold my breath, I contribute to my anxiety, keeping my nervous system locked in that fight or flight mode. So I had to find a new way to breathe.” [18:12]

“I urge everyone out there to create change for themselves, and you do it by practicing a new thought, by overtime allowing in a little more confirming evidence of that new thought, and before you know it, you do start to see more and more evidence, and now you lived the experience of changing a belief.” [55:12]


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