Thoughts Not Source of Suffering | Dr. Amen

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In this video, Jerry Seinfeld discusses the nature of the human brain and its tendency to conjure up strange and sometimes harmful thoughts. He argues that it is not the thoughts that cause suffering but our attachment to them and our actions. Seinfeld encourages viewers to recognize the brain’s sneaky nature and consciously choose which ideas to act on.

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The article mentions that Korn’s James Shaffer and Dr. Amen discuss how actions, not thoughts, should cause suffering. It also provides a link to schedule a visit with Amen Clinics and encourages readers to subscribe to their YouTube channel and follow them on social media. Contact information for Amen Clinics and Dr. Amen is also provided.

Korn’s James Shaffer and Dr. Amen Discuss Why Your Thoughts Should Not Make You Suffer, Actions Do

Are you a victim of your thoughts? Do negative thoughts plague your daily routine, holding you back from achieving your goals or simply enjoying life? James Shaffer, guitarist for the band Korn, and Dr. Daniel G. Amen, a renowned psychiatrist and brain health expert, have a message: Your thoughts should not make you suffer; actions do. In a recent video, the two discuss the importance of taking control of one’s thoughts and using them for positive action.

The Power of the Mind

There’s no denying that our thoughts have a powerful hold over us. They shape our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors and either propel or hold us back. But according to Dr. Amen, the key is to recognize that our thoughts are not necessarily accurate reflections of reality. Our brains naturally focus on the negative, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

James Shaffer agrees, sharing that he struggled with negative thoughts for years until he realized they were not serving him in any way. Once he shifted his focus towards positive actions, such as practicing gratitude and connecting with others, he saw a significant improvement in his mental well-being.

The Action-Solution

But how exactly do we turn our thoughts into positive actions? According to Dr. Amen, it all comes down to knowing your brain type. Using brain imaging technology, he has identified seven different kinds of brains, each with unique strengths and challenges. Understanding your brain type can help you identify the areas where you may be more prone to negative thinking patterns, allowing you to tailor your actions and behaviors accordingly.

For example, someone with an overactive fight or flight response may be more prone to anxiety and worry. By incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation into their daily routine, they can calm their nervous system and reduce the impact of negative thoughts. Similarly, someone with a more impulsive brain type may benefit from setting clear goals and boundaries, allowing them to channel their energy and focus toward positive outcomes.

The Bottom Line

The message from Shaffer and Dr. Amen is clear: Your thoughts should not make you suffer; actions do. By taking control of your thoughts and using them as a tool for positive action, you can improve your mental health and overall well-being. Whether practicing gratitude, connecting with others, or finding new ways to challenge yourself, there are countless ways to turn your thoughts into a force for good. So why wait? Start taking action today and see the positive impact it can have on your life.

If you’re ready to take the next step in improving your brain health, consider scheduling a visit with one of the highly-trained specialists at Amen Clinics. With state-of-the-art brain imaging technology and a personalized approach to treatment, they can help you uncover the root causes of your mental health challenges and develop a plan for lasting change. So don’t suffer in silence – reach out for the help you deserve today.


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Korn’s James Shaffer and Dr. Amen discuss why your thoughts should not make you suffer; actions do.

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