The Nature of Cancer Cells

The Nature of Cancer Cells

Summary of Transcript:
The video explains that cancer cells are once healthy cells that have turned cancerous due to specific things that cause cells to mutate. To prevent this, people should avoid eating the three most poisonous foods: bad oils, refined processed flowers and sugars, and toxic ingredients. There are over 50,000 ingredients added to our food over the last few decades, and many of them are cancer-causing.

Summary of Description:
This video promotes the Reset Academy, where people can learn about health and wellness. The video provides links to Dr. Mindy Pelz’s books: “Fast Like a Girl” and “The Menopause Reset,” as well as a fasting benefits chart and her podcast. The affiliate disclaimer and medical disclaimer are also shown, reminding viewers that the video is for educational purposes only and should not be substitutes for professional medical advice.

The Power of Fasting for Women

Fasting has been used for thousands of years as a way to improve health and increase longevity. However, it’s been historically seen as a practice for men. Dr. Mindy Pelz, a functional medicine practitioner, challenges this notion and encourages women to embrace fasting as a way to optimize their health.

Her book, Fast Like a Girl, is a call to action for women to tap into the power of fasting. In it, she outlines how fasting can impact hormones, improve brain function, increase energy and reduce inflammation. Whether it’s a 12-hour fast or a multi-day water fast, Dr. Pelz says that any kind of fasting can have a positive impact on a woman’s body.

The Menopause Reset

As women age, they go through hormonal changes that can make them feel unwell. Menopause, in particular, can be challenging for women. Dr. Pelz’s latest book, The Menopause Reset, offers a roadmap for addressing the many symptoms that can accompany this transition.

The book discusses the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle, but also includes tips on how to use fasting to reduce symptoms. By embracing a fasting lifestyle, women can reduce hot flashes, improve their mood and cognition, and even lose weight.

Fasting Benefits Chart

To help women understand the benefits of fasting, Dr. Pelz created a fasting benefits chart. This visual tool breaks down the different types of fasting and the benefits associated with each. It’s a great way to get familiar with what fasting can do for your body and overall health.

The Resetter Podcast and YouTube Channel

Dr. Pelz is a prolific content creator, and her Resetter Podcast and YouTube channel are excellent resources for women looking to learn more about fasting and overall health optimization. The Resetter Podcast features interviews with leading experts in the field of functional medicine and wellness, while the YouTube channel includes instructional videos on topics like how to make your own bone broth.

Join the Reset Academy

In addition to her books and podcasts, Dr. Pelz also leads the Reset Academy. This is an online community and education platform focused on helping women reset their health. Members get access to exclusive content, coaching, and support from Dr. Pelz and her team.

A Medical Disclaimer

It’s important to note that fasting, like any other health practice, should be approached with caution, especially if you have a medical condition. Dr. Pelz emphasizes that anyone considering fasting should consult with their healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe for them.


Fasting might seem like something that’s only for men, but Dr. Mindy Pelz is on a mission to change that. With her book, Fast Like a Girl, she encourages women to embrace the practice of fasting to improve their health and increase their longevity. Her latest book, The Menopause Reset, offers guidance on how fasting can be used to reduce symptoms of menopause. To learn more about the power of fasting, check out her resources, including the Reset Academy, the Resetter Podcast, and her YouTube channel. And as always, consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new health practice.


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►Pre-order The Menopause Reset:
►Fasting Benefits Chart:
►Resetter Podcast:
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Affiliate Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclosure

Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.


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