JJ Virgin is a nutrition expert who shares her tips on going longer between meals. She explains that many of us have been taught to snack and graze throughout the day, which can lead to overeating and weight gain. She suggests reframing our thoughts on hunger as a positive thing that can make us younger through autophagy, the body’s self-cleaning mechanism.
JJ recommends eating a plate with protein, fat, and fiber trifecta to go longer between meals, which will keep us satisfied for longer and help with blood sugar control. In addition, she suggests drinking plenty of water, iced tea, or black coffee in between meals to stay hydrated.
If you’re used to snacking frequently throughout the day, JJ suggests gradually stretching the time between meals, going from every two to three to every three to four hours. She also recommends a longer overnight fast of 12-14 or even 16 hours, which can help trigger autophagy and build stem cells to make us younger.
Overall, JJ’s key takeaway is to retrain our thoughts and habits regarding hunger, fix our plates with the right balance of nutrients, and gradually increase the time between meals to help us stay satisfied and healthy. By implementing these tips, we can enjoy going longer between meals without feeling hungry or deprived.
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People often ask JJ for her tips on going longer between meals – a core topic for JJ Virgin Hunger = Younger! Fad advice had shifted a lot over the years from 3 square meals a day, to hardcore fasting and on through grazing throughout the day. Here’s JJ seeing through all the noise, separating the good advice from the nonsense, and giving it to you straight…
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