Smart Results in Less Time with Dave Asprey

Smart Results in Less Time with Dave Asprey

Summary of Ep. 258 Smarter Not Harder: More Results, Less Effort with Dave Asprey:
In this episode of the Everyday Wellness Podcast, host Cynthia Thurlow speaks to Dave Asprey about his newest book, Smarter Not Harder. Asprey is the father of biohacking and a New York Times bestselling author, and the book offers a new system of targeted biohacks aimed at upgrading metabolic, neurological, and epigenetic systems to achieve peak wellness. The conversation covers a range of topics, including the impact of the pandemic, anti-nutrients, the biohacking pathway, REHIIT training, cellular hacks, and trauma as it pertains to becoming a more efficient human. Asprey’s book is about making the body’s built-in laziness work for you and turning the MeatOS into an ally rather than an obstacle.


The Biohacker: A Conversation with Dave Asprey

I was honored to reconnect with Dave Asprey today! He is the renowned father of biohacking and a New York Times bestselling author. Dave wants us all to have enough free time and peace to be at full power! In this episode, we delved into his newest book, Smarter Not Harder, which is my favorite of all his books.

The Impact of the Pandemic

The pandemic has had a massive impact on all of us, and our conversation began with this topic. I asked Dave if he got the idea to write the book during the pandemic’s height. To my surprise, he shared the ideas behind Smarter Not Harder have been percolating for years.

The Art and Science of Environment

We then discussed the art and science of environment and how it plays a crucial role in our biology. Asprey’s definition of biohacking is the art and science of changing the environment around you and inside of you so that you have full control of your own biology.

The Laziness Principle

One of the intriguing things Dave discusses in his book is the Laziness Principle. The body automatically resists any demands that require a state of higher-than-necessary energy. If you give your body intense stress and show your lazy cells that they need to get their asses off the couch, they will. It’s just that they will do it more quickly, willingly, and with less resistance if you let them get back onto the couch afterward.


Dave also shared that homeostasis is a crucial concept that we need to pay attention to. Our bodies strive for balance and optimal regulation to maintain stable internal conditions. Homeostasis is essential to our survival and functions, but we need to be careful not to confuse it with complacency, which can hinder our growth and forward movement.

The Concept of “Slope with the Curve” Thinking

We also talked about the concept of “slope with the curve” thinking, which Dave believes is the key to creating long-term habits and changes in our lives. This approach involves gradually improving and building upon our behaviors over time. Consistency is vital but starting small to avoid burnout or overwhelm.

Anti-Nutrients and Biohacking Pathways

We discussed anti-nutrients like phytic acid, conventional chicken, and dairy, and how they can affect our health. Additionally, Dave talked about the biohacking pathway and REHIIT training, which is a specific type of exercise that can be incredibly effective. We also explored various cellular hacks, including hypoxification and specialized breathing, and how trauma can impact our efficiency.

Favorite Supplements

Of course, I had to ask Dave about his favorite supplements, and he shared some fascinating insights.

Smarter Not Harder Book Info

Smarter Not Harder is Asprey’s latest book, aimed at helping people achieve peak wellness through targeted biohacks. Asprey offers a whole new system of biohacking aimed at upgrading various systems in the body. It focuses on doing less to achieve more, exercising and eating smarter, and making our inherent laziness work for us.

Final Thoughts

Dave’s ideas and insights are always intriguing to me, and our conversation didn’t disappoint. I hope you enjoyed this episode and have gleaned some practical insights into how we can all biohack our way to peak wellness.

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