Proper Diet FAQs with Dr. Berry & NEISHA

Proper Diet FAQs with Dr. Berry & NEISHA

The Power of Low-Carb Living: Unraveling the ‘Proper Human Diet’

Welcome to the landscape of modern dietary explorations, a terrain as diverse and unnatural as the people walking it. With various diets vying for the spotlight, it might feel like you’re in an endless maze of food choices. But amid this multitude, there’s a growing chorus for a distinctive approach—the ‘Proper Human Diet.’ Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to journey through the intriguing world of low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, and Carnivore diets, and why these might be the nutritional ticket you’re looking for.

Setting the Stage: The Low-Carb Crusade

Imagine a world where bread loaves gather dust on grocery shelves and pasta no longer holds court in your pantry. This might seem like a parallel universe, but it’s a typical scene in low-carb living. Rather than relying on sugar for energy, your system becomes adept at using fat—a more sustainable and steady fuel source. By saying adios to hefty servings of carbohydrates, your body gets a ticket to fat-burning town.

Enter Keto: Your Body’s Metabolic Power Switch

Now, let’s bring Keto under the spotlight. Think of this as low-carb living with a dash of panache. On a ketogenic diet, the carb-cutting goes to the extreme, nudging your body into ketosis. Imagine your body as a high-performance vehicle. Running on glucose is akin to using regular unleaded gasoline while entering ketosis is like switching to premium fuel—your body becomes a fine-tuned fat-burning machine.

The Ketovore and Carnivore: Meaty Matters and Nutrient Density

Navigating this path, you encounter two closely related diets: Ketovore and Carnivore. The Ketovore diet is like a fusion cuisine—a mix of the Carnivore’s meat-dominant philosophy and the plant-inclusive approach of Keto. It’s a ‘meat-centric’ way of eating with a splash of plant-derived goodness.

On the other hand, the Carnivore diet, proper to its name, is all about embracing your inner ancestral predator and focusing on consuming animal products. Advocates of this approach emphasize the nutrient density of animal foods rich in bioavailable proteins, essential fats, and an array of vitamins and minerals.

A Feast of Real, Whole Foods

An emphasis on natural, whole, nutrient-dense foods ties these dietary approaches. From leafy greens in a Keto diet to grass-fed steaks in a Carnivore regimen, the focus is on foods that bring more than empty calories. It’s about stepping away from ultra-processed fare and inviting nourishing, natural foods back onto our plates.

More Than Just Weight Loss

While weight loss often takes the limelight in discussions around these diets, the benefits extend far beyond the scale. With the reduction of carbohydrate intake, blood sugar fluctuations can be kept to a minimum. This stable sugar environment could be particularly beneficial for folks dealing with insulin resistance—a significant player in the story of metabolic diseases. Not to mention the benefits for heart health, brain function, and overall vitality.

The Verdict: One Diet Doesn’t Fit All

Let’s conclude this culinary exploration with a grain of truth: no one-size-fits-all ‘Proper Human Diet’ exists. Dietary choices should be as unique as the individual making them. These low-carb diets provide enticing options but remember to listen to your body’s wisdom and consult a healthcare professional if you’re thinking about significant dietary changes.

Stepping into Keto, Ketovore, or Carnivore diets can seem like an adventure. And who knows? This journey might lead you to the treasure of optimal health and vitality. So, here’s to unraveling the ‘Proper Human Diet’ and making our plates a platform for healthier, happier lives.


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Summary of Description:
The Proper Human Diet includes low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, and Carnivore diets that contain natural, whole, nutrient-dense foods. There are events in Nashville and Dickson, TN, where people can learn more about this diet, and a community and resources are available online for those interested. The content also provides links to books, cookbooks, supplements, and other products that can support this diet. The video’s disclaimer clarifies that the information provided is not medical advice.


Source Description
Invite a friend, and let’s talk about the Proper Human Diet!!
Low-carb, Keto, Ketovore, & Carnivore consisting of natural, whole, nutrient-dense foods are on the Proper Human Diet spectrum.

Nashville Event (June 2, 23):
Dickson TN Event (August):

Join our Community for more:
Proper Human Diet Principles Explained:
DAILY MINERAL Drops: (discount)


Festive KETO Cookbook:
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Eat Real MEAT: (discount = BERRY)

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— Neisha’s Links —
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Best JERKY I’ve tasted:
Awesome Coffee roasted in Tennessee: (discount)
Redmond’s Bundles 💎 salt rocks promo code DRBERRY

Keto Chow: (discount)
Carnivore Crisps: (discount code: BERRY)

🧖🏻‍♀️Beauty bundle
🧂Small salt bundle (Dr B)😎

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is Medical Advice. Dr. Berry does not diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical conditions online; instead, he helps people better understand their health and ways to avoid health problems and promote well-being. Ensure you are working with YOUR provider to monitor your health and medications.
These posts and videos are not designed to and do not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you or any other individual. As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from purchases.