
Summary of Description:
In this video, host Tom Bilyeu talks about his morning routine and how important it is to find one that works for you. Bilyeu advises experimenting with different ways and being open to trying new things. He also stresses that behaviors follow beliefs, and it’s important to be excited about the things you’re trying to achieve to achieve them. Finally, Bilyeu argues that getting enough sleep is critical to the success of any morning routine. He emphasizes prioritizing sleep and starting your day by tackling the most important tasks first.

Building the Perfect Morning Routine

If you’re looking to optimize your morning routine and drive productivity in your daily life, you’re not alone. Entrepreneur and influencer Tom Bilyeu share his insights on what works best for him in a recent YouTube video. Bilyeu emphasizes the importance of a personalized morning routine that suits your needs, goals, and preferences.

Finding the Right Routine for You

The first step in building your perfect routine is understanding there is no one-size-fits-all solution. You must experiment with various components to discover what works best for you. While following someone else’s routine may inspire, borrowing their routine wholesale is often ineffective.

Prioritizing Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial to any successful morning routine. If you struggle to stay awake during the day, the problem may very well be lack of sleep. Bilyeu recommends building a sleep schedule that works for you and prioritizing it above all else.

Most Important Things First

It’s essential to start your day by identifying your most important tasks and tackling them first. By identifying and prioritizing the most critical items, you can ensure that you’re taking practical steps toward achieving your goals.

Meditation or Exercise First?

Bilyeu is candid about his need for exercise and meditation in his daily routine. He emphasizes the importance of building healthy habits that will help you combat stress and improve mental clarity. In his view, it’s essential to experiment with the order of your meditation and exercise routine to find the most effective flow.

Programming Your New Routine

To change your behavior, you must follow your beliefs. Bilyeu emphasizes the importance of understanding that your routines are somewhat fluid and need to grow and change as you do. Evolving your thoughts and setting new goals means proactively updating your training to suit them.

Escape the Late Nights

To make the perfect routine, you must first get excited about your activities. Practices should be built around excitement towards the things you care about. Bilyeu is candid that he struggles to tackle tasks he doesn’t care about.

There is so much to consider when building your perfect routine. Ultimately, you must experiment, learn from your mistakes, and understand that your training will never evolve. With these principles in mind, you will succeed in your journey toward peak productivity.


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How is your morning routine? Are you crushing it every day? Has your routine and morning habits fizzled lately? Maybe you’re one of the many struggling to find the right way. If you’re, you may have clicked the wrong video icing for the secret formula that will lead you to the entrepreneurial land of optimization and productivity; you may find the episode, I’m going to lay out what I do, how I do it, and reasons I have for doing these things that have helped me tremendously, but it means these are guides and flag posts for you to create your perfect daily routine and habits. Once you understand the key components and trust that sleep is critical to optimizing any morning routine effectively, you’ll think clearer and move even faster in your business. Experimentation is the only way to find out what will serve you best. In the meantime, be open to “trying on” different routines, especially anything mentioned here, and go from there. Not taking action at all is the only wrong action in building your way.


0:00 | Introduction
0:53 | The Best Routine For You
2:38 | Most Important Things First
6:17 | Prioritize Your Sleep
11:41 | Meditation or Exercise First?
14:17 | How to Program New Routine
18:31 | Escape the Late Nights
21:06 | Getting To Work Tasks
23:32 | Tips To Get Back to Sleep


“The way you start your day is one of the most important things for guaranteeing that you will succeed. So get this right, and you get a lot of other things right as well…” [0:37]

“What could I spend the next 15 minutes on that would have the biggest impact in leading me towards my goals? That’s how I always think about my official to-do list.” [3:03]

“I realized if I can’t sit still for more than five minutes without falling asleep. I don’t think I’m getting enough sleep.” [8:05]

“Whenever you’re trying to get a new routine, you’re trying to change your behavior. If you’re trying to change your behavior, you must understand the behavior follows your beliefs.” [14:27]

“It’s critically important to be excited about the things you’re trying to wrap these routines around, […] I have a hard time doing things I don’t care about. So I’m always focusing first on getting myself to the point where I care.” [15:23]

“My goals will only become real if my behaviors back them up. So I’m doing the things I do to reach my goal.” [18:45]

“I consider the night’s sleep the beginning of your morning routine. Because if you mess up your sleep, everything else downstream falls apart from there.” [27:11]


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