“I feel like the universe, from my experience, creates a window if you want to change; if you want to help, a window is created now. It may not be the window you want, and it may not be the fabulous drapes you want to open up, but there’ll be a window. Because all of a sudden, your mindset believes there’s a window, and it believes that you can change.” These powerful words by Coach Mike Baer beautifully summarize the unique and fascinating aspects of his recent book ‘One Decision.’
The book is based on a straightforward idea – that every change in life comes down to one decision. This decision could be to overcome addiction, lose weight, start a business, or even find happiness. Whatever that change may be, it comes down to making a single decision, followed by a series of small decisions leading to the desired outcome. However, making that one decision isn’t always easy, and that’s where the book comes in.
Coach Mike’s approach to self-improvement is grounded in the insight that identifying who you are at your core is the most critical aspect of change. The core of his book is focused on ‘finding your force,’ where force is an acronym for the key areas of personal growth – Frame of mind, Others, Risk, Courage, and Expectations.
Coach Mike’s coaching style is based on his belief in focusing on one mindset and perspective, which colors our experience and defines our lives. He firmly believes that childhood experiences shape us and influence our present selves. Our childhood perceptions can either help or hinder our personal growth.
But what about trauma? If our childhood defines us, how do we deal with the trauma that locks itself within us into adulthood? The first step is awareness. We need to be motivated to change and assess our lives. Coach Mike’s book has assessments built into it to help readers assess where they’re starting and what areas they need to work on.
Once we’re aware of ourselves, we can shift our thinking. The key focus should be finding moments when we feel connected and rooted in beautiful moments that aren’t outcome-focused. The shift in thinking comes from rewiring our perception, which begins with one decision to be ourselves.
But change isn’t easy. It takes courage, a willingness to take risks, and recalibrating our expectations. The essence of finding our force lies in these critical areas. The book goes into detail on each one of these areas and helps the reader navigate through them step by step.
At the crux of Coach Mike’s teachings lies the idea of transformation. No matter how hardwired our personalities may be, we can change dramatically in any aspect of our lives. We only need to make that one decision and be set on the path toward transformation.
In conclusion, One Decision is not just another self-help book filled with clichéd advice. It’s a unique and fascinating guide filled with wisdom, insights, and practical tools to transform our lives. It offers hope to those who might have struggled to make that one decision to change, to be their true selves. With assessments, tactical guidance, and a powerful acronym, the book presents a roadmap to finding our force and ultimately achieving transformation.
Summary of Transcript:
Coach Mike Baer discusses his new book, “One Decision,” which is focused on helping people make significant changes in their lives by making one decision. He believes that change is just one decision away, and that decision is often figuring out who you are and being yourself. He emphasizes the importance of awareness and assessing one’s life to understand what needs changing. Baer argues that perspective plays a crucial role in how we experience life and how we can make decisions. He also touches on the idea that childhood experiences shape adult perspectives and encourages people to examine those experiences to untangle any negative perceptions affecting their lives.
Summary of Description:
Coach Mike Bayer discusses his new book, One Decision, and the importance of committing to a better life. He shares his journey of drug abuse, discovering his homosexuality, and surrendering to a new way of life. Bayer emphasizes the need for awareness of trauma, mental health, and the willingness to seek help. He also introduces his concepts of the positive and negative forces, constructing the best and worst selves, and the O.O.O.O. framework. Throughout the conversation, he stresses the importance of becoming your vehicle for change and finding your best self.
Source Description
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Mental health and drug abuse continue to impact millions of people from all walks of life. Often drug abuse, trauma, and depression are tied together and either mistreated or avoided. Families don’t necessarily know how to help loved ones come out of their dark places. In this episode, Coach Mike Bayer introduces several new concepts from his new book, One Decision. He takes Tom through his journey and reveals his experience with drug abuse, discovering his homosexuality, and what it took to get committed, find a new perspective, and create his best self. Mike regularly appears on Dr. Phil and has walked away from serving the entertainment industry to better serve people he connects with to guide them from discovering their trauma, surrendering, and making the one decision that will create a better life worth living.
One Decision | Coach Mike defines “One Decision” [1:34]
Big Decision | One big decision [2:51]
Perspective | Looking at life through the lens of your experiences [5:03]
Trauma |Awareness of what you’re thinking and where you’re beginning [7:32]
Window | The moment of willingness and trusting the universe to be open for help [10:23]
Surrender to Win | the idea of surrendering to a whole new way of life [15:31]
Mike’s Window | Coach Mike shares his window of escape and experience [16:43]
G.O.D. | Mike shares his take on the good oral direction [20:46]
Commitment | Mike shared how he was able to stay committed to sobriety [25:08]
Mental Health & Drugs | Mike dives into mental health, drugs, and who his book is for [29:25]
The Shift | Mikes shares what it means to turn on someone’s light even in suffering [30:42]
Best-Self | Mike talks about the constructed image of best self and self-signaling [33:50]
Anti-Self | Mike explains having people create the worst version of yourself [36:13]
F.O.R.C.E. | Mike reveals the framework of the positive and negative force [38:12]
O.O.O.O. | Mike connects the obstacles, opportunities, one decision, and outcome [45:33]
Become Your Vehicle | Mike shares how he became his vehicle to make change [49:50]
“The universe, from my experience, creates a window if you want to change; if you want to help, a window is created. It may not be the window you want or the fabulous drapes you want to open up, but there’ll be a window. Because all of a sudden, your mindset is believing there is a window, and it believes that you can change.” [10:56]
“A lot of people have shame or secrets about how they look at themselves and their life, and they don’t want to tell anyone, they don’t want to tell anyone what keeps them up at night, they don’t want to tell anyone what’s haunting them and if you show up in a setting to get help, that is the window” [14:14]
“When you want to change, you have to be fully committed […] that’s what I’m willing to do when I want to change” [21:37]
“The thing I love about struggling people is you can see their light turn on quickly. I selfishly love seeing people’s lights turn on. You cannot see that physically […], but you can get someone’s light to turn on who for the past 6 months has been f’ing miserable” [30:42]
“When you’re able to kind of laugh at yourself even when you’re suffering, it starts to shift” [31:16]
“I had this moment where I was like, why am I trying to get famous people to do what I want? Like how cool would it be if I became my vehicle” [52:31]
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