Liver Detox for Weight Loss

Liver Detox for Weight Loss

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Mindy discusses the importance of liver health in achieving optimal results with fasting. She covers five aspects of liver health that can impact fasting success, including the role of the Liver, the Liver’s team of supporting organs, signs that your Liver needs help, testing for liver function, and strategies for improving liver health. She emphasizes reducing toxins, incorporating cruciferous and bitter foods, and seeking specialized testing and medical attention for liver health issues.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Mindy Pelz is promoting her Reset Academy and sharing tips to help clean your Liver, including supplements such as the Dutch Test and gut Zoomer and liver hacks like castor oil packs and coffee enemas. She also discusses the signs that your Liver may need help, including hormone problems, high Cholesterol, and trouble losing weight or getting into ketosis. The video emphasizes that the information is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice.

Join the Reset Academy and Learn to Take Control of Your Health!

If you’re tired, sluggish, and out of balance, it may be time to look closely at your liver health. In this video, Dr. Mindy Pelz shares her expertise and offers a range of liver hacks and supplements to help you detoxify and re-energize your body.

Understanding Your Liver and Its Function

Your Liver is a powerhouse organ that filters toxins and waste from your bloodstream. It also helps regulate hormones, produces bile, and stores essential nutrients. Unfortunately, in our modern world, our livers are under constant stress from environmental toxins, processed foods, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

How You Can Tell If Your Liver Needs Help

If you’ve been experiencing hormone imbalances, high Cholesterol, or trouble losing weight, chances are your Liver needs some extra support. Also, the risk of getting into ketosis and sensitivities to foods, smells, or chemicals can be signs of liver dysfunction.

Liver Hacks to Clean Your Liver

The good news is that there are several simple and effective liver hacks you can implement to give your Liver the help it needs:

1. Stop the Influx of Toxins: Cut back on environmental toxins by taking regular breaks from technology, avoiding plastics, and using natural cleaning products.

2. Eat More Cruciferous and Bitter Foods: Include foods like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and arugula in your diet to help support your Liver’s natural detoxification pathways.

3. Castor Oil Packs: You can stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage by applying castor oil to your skin and using a heating pad or hot water bottle.

4. Coffee Enemas: While the idea of a coffee enema may sound intimidating, they can be a valuable tool in helping to flush toxins out of the Liver.

Supplements to Support Liver Health

In addition to these hacks, Dr. Mindy recommends several supplements to help support liver health. Her favorite protocol includes a combination of gut, liver, and hormone support supplements to help her clients feel their best.

Reset Academy: Take Control of Your Health

If you’re ready to take control of your health and optimize your liver and gut health, you may consider joining the Reset Academy. This comprehensive online program is designed to help you reset your body and mind and reach your health goals through the power of fasting, nutrition, and lifestyle changes.

Final Thoughts

By understanding your Liver’s role in overall health and implementing simple liver hacks and supplement protocols, you can help support your body’s natural detoxification processes and feel your best. Join the Reset Academy and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!


See Original Source

Source Description
🌟 Join the Reset Academy! 🌟

â–ºDutch Test:
â–ºGut Zoomer:
â–ºMetabolic Clearing Kit- Liver:
â–ºLiv-Better Oil (USE CODE PELZ FOR A 10% DISCOUNT):
â–ºCastor Oil Pack:
â–ºCoffee Enema Kit:
â–ºResetter Podcast with Gavin:
â–ºResetter Podcast YT Channel:
â–ºFast Training Week Schedule:
â–ºKeto Mojo USA:
â–ºKeto Mojo Europe:
â–ºNutrisense Continuous Glucose Monitor:


00:00 Intro
01:22 Can liver problems stop you from losing weight?
01:51 What does your Liver do
02:25 What other organ works with the Liver?
03:27 Signs that your Liver needs help
05:46 Liver tests
07:11 Liver Hacks to clean your Liver
09:20 My favorite supplement protocol for liver congestion


Liver Team:
-Common Bile Duct
-Small Intestine

Signs that Your Liver Needs Help:
*Hormone Problems
*High Cholesterol
*Trouble losing weight
*Trouble getting into ketosis
*Sensitive to foods, smalls, etc.

Liver Hacks to Clean Your Liver
*Stop the influx of toxins
*Eat more cruciferous and bitter foods
*Castor Oil Packs
*Coffee Enemas

#Fasting #FastingLifestyle #FastingTips
Dr. Mindy’s Website:

Reset Academy:

Dr. Mindy’s Facebook Page:

Dr. Mindy’s Facebook Group:

Resetter Podcast:


Dr. Mindy’s Tiktok

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Affiliate Disclosure

Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video, you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.


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