Summary of Transcript:
The video explains that vitamin D acts like a boat that carries hormones around the body, including sex hormones and insulin. A woman’s vitamin D level of 70-80 indicates that she has enough boats to carry hormones throughout her body. Insulin requires vitamin D boats to reach tissues that need it to push glucose into cells. If there is not enough insulin, glucose and insulin production gets stored in fat. A group that received a high dose of vitamin D had more vitamin D boats to carry insulin around the body.
Summary of Description:
The video promotes the Reset Academy and Dr. Mindy Pelz’s book, “Fast Like a Girl” and the upcoming release of her new book “The Menopause Reset”. It also offers a fasting benefits chart, a Resetter podcast, and a YouTube channel. The video includes an affiliate disclaimer and a medical disclaimer, reminding viewers that the content is for educational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for medical advice.
Fast Like a Girl: A Powerful Women-Focused Fasting Lifestyle
Fasting is known to promote good health by allowing the body to detoxify, taking a break from digestion, and activating biological processes beneficial to overall wellness. However, it is often misconstrued as a dietary fad, with people thinking that it may pose negative effects on the body. Dr. Mindy Pelz, a well-known functional medicine practitioner, seeks to shed light on this issue and shows how fasting can be a sustainable lifestyle through her book “Fast Like a Girl.”
The book “Fast Like a Girl” aims to empower women to make a bold shift in their lives and health by incorporating fasting regimens into their daily routine. Dr. Pelz stresses that fasting is not just a means to lose weight quickly, but it is also an effective way to detoxify, reset the immune system, and decrease inflammation. In a world where holistic practices are mostly seen as alternative forms of medicine, Dr. Pelz highlights the science and research behind therapeutic fasting and its benefits.
Understanding the Concept of Fasting
Fasting is the practice of abstaining oneself from food for an extended period. The reason behind it varies, with some people practicing it for religious or cultural reasons. However, Dr. Pelz looks at it as an essential element to promote the body’s natural healing process. In particular, women often face unique health challenges due to menopause, hormonal imbalance, or autoimmune disorders. Through fasting, they can reset their hormones’ balance, lower inflammation levels, improve sleep, and increase their energy.
Exploring the Benefits of a Fasting Lifestyle
In “Fast Like a Girl,” Dr. Pelz highlights the benefits of fasting beyond weight loss, including promoting autophagy, which is the body’s process of getting rid of damaged cells and replacing them with new cells. It also regulates homeostasis- a state of equilibrium within the body-, improves insulin sensitivity, and provides an alternative form of fuel for the body through ketosis. Dr. Pelz emphasizes that fasting is a powerful tool for women’s health, allowing them to feel more in control and activate their bodies’ healing capabilities.
The Role of Community Support
Starting a new lifestyle can be intimidating, especially when one is embarking on a therapeutic journey such as fasting. Dr. Pelz acknowledges that the process can be challenging and requires self-discipline and commitment. That is why she advocates for community support, allowing women to support each other and hold each other accountable. Through the Reset Academy, Dr. Pelz offers a supportive space where women can come together and learn from each other’s experiences, with access to resources to help them on their journey.
A Final Word on “Fast Like a Girl”
Dr. Mindy Pelz’s book “Fast Like a Girl” offers more than just a guide to fasting but a shift in perspective for women’s health. It is a call to action for women to take control of their health and live the best life they can. As Dr. Pelz said, “when women fast, they become superhuman,” and with the knowledge and support provided by her book and community, we can all become superhumans.
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Watch the full video here 👉 https://youtu.be/4pi5KKPN1ZI
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►Order Fast Like a Girl: https://fastlikeagirl.com
►Pre-order The Menopause Reset: https://www.amazon.com/Menopause-Reset-Symptoms-Younger-Again/dp/1401974392
►Fasting Benefits Chart: https://resetacademy.drmindypelz.com/pl/2147632156
►Resetter Podcast: https://drmindypelz.com/resetter-podcast
►Resetter Podcast YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheResetterPodcast
#FastLikeAGirl #FastingLifestyle
Affiliate Disclaimer
Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. You also understand and agree that our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply to your interaction with us.
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