Gundry: Excess Olive Oil Consumption?

Gundry: Excess Olive Oil Consumption?

The brouhaha over the possible connection between copious olive oil consumption and diabetes may have caught your attention. Let’s put that myth to bed right now.

Contrary to popular belief, scientific research indicates that olive oil intake can boost memory and mitigate heart disease risk. A remarkable study in Spain involved 65-year-old participants divided into three groups and observed over a five-year period. The first group consumed a liter of olive oil weekly, the second group munched on calorie-equivalent walnuts, and the third followed a low-fat diet. The upshot? After five years, the olive oil and walnut munchers exhibited enhanced memory, whereas the low-fat diet followers displayed memory decline.

Let’s jet over to Crete, one of the famed “Blue Zones” synonymous with longevity. Here, locals gulp down a liter of olive oil weekly. A standard breakfast involves a bowl filled with an inch of olive oil and two poached eggs, and they even whip up olive oil soup! The secret weapon? Olive oil’s rich polyphenols that fortify your blood vessels and fend off diabetes.

If you’re fretting about olive oil overindulgence, fret no more. It’s not the oil that’s crucial, it’s the polyphenols! Present in both olives and olive oil, these plant compounds nourish good gut bacteria and morph gut bacteria to prevent the production of detrimental compounds. Olive oil also slickens your blood vessel surface, reducing heart disease risk.

So, savor those juicy olives, but keep in mind that the concentrated polyphenols in olive oil are the true health-enhancing heroes. Echoing an old adage, the prime aim of food is to ferry olive oil to your taste buds!


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Summary of Transcript:
The video debunks the claim that excessive olive oil consumption causes diabetes. Studies in Spain and Crete have shown that a high intake of olive oil in a Mediterranean diet, of up to a liter per week, can improve memory and protect the inside of blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Eating olives is still good for health, but concentrated polyphenols are found mainly in olive oil. The polyphenols in olive oil have significant health benefits, including feeding good gut bacteria and making blood vessels slippery. While olives also provide polyphenols, consuming many of them would be necessary to obtain the same amount as in olive oil.

Summary of Description:
In a video by Dr. Gundry, he talks about the benefits of incorporating more olive oil into one’s diet, citing research that suggests the traditional Mediterranean diet featuring olive oil can improve overall health and lower chronic illnesses. The article also mentions the impact of sugar on health but does not go into detail. Dr. Gundry offers his polyphenol-rich olive oil for purchase at a discount on his website.


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#OliveOil #Sugar #DrGundry
Dr. Gundry answers helpful questions from his viewers about diet and health. In today’s episode, Dr. Gundry answers, “What is the Impact of Sugar and Olive Oil.”

Chances are you could benefit from incorporating more olive oil into your diet. It is delicious and versatile and can go a long way in supporting your health.

A rather large batch of research suggests that the traditional dietary habits of those living in and around the Mediterranean (where olive oil is a primary food staple) experience fewer chronic health concerns.1

Also, it just so happens that the data touting a Mediterranean dietary plan happens to be in striking contrast with data about the more concerning statistics in the United States.

In the U.S., people are experiencing increased incidence of chronic illnesses, and the aging population is spending more and more on health care.2

So, does this gap in wellness have anything to do with olive oil consumption? Time will tell. Now is the time to ask how olive oil might support your overall health, specifically the health of your arteries.

Learn the truth about Olive Oil and the impact it has on your arteries on the official Dr. Gundry blog:

Buy Gundry MD Polyphenol Rich Olive Oil at a discount here:

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