Can Fasting Spike Glucose?

Can Fasting Spike Glucose?

Summary of Transcript:
The video explains how reducing carbohydrate intake and entering a fasted state can lower blood sugar levels. The body will first pull sugar from the blood, followed by stored sugar in the liver, then muscle, fat, brain, and eyes. The pattern is established based on the order of sugar availability in the body.

Summary of Description:
This content promotes the Reset Academy and Dr. Mindy Pelz’s books, “Fast Like a Girl” and “The Menopause Reset.” It also provides a fasting benefits chart and links to the Resetter Podcast and YouTube channel. Viewers are encouraged to join the Reset Academy.

The Power of Fasting: Dr. Mindy Pelz Shares the Benefits of Fasting

Fasting has been around for millennia and has been a central part of many religions and cultures. But beyond its spiritual significance, fasting has been shown to have numerous health benefits that even non-believers can reap. In the video, Dr. Mindy Pelz talks about the benefits of fasting and how it can be a powerful tool in achieving optimal health.

Introduction: Why Fast?

Dr. Pelz starts off by explaining why someone would choose to fast. While some may see fasting as a form of deprivation, Dr. Pelz points out that fasting can actually be a way to give the body a break and allow it to heal. She notes that our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins, stress, and inflammation, and fasting provides a respite from these insults.

The Different Types of Fasting

There are many ways to fast, and Dr. Pelz highlights the different types. The most common type of fasting is water fasting, where a person abstains from all food and drink except for water. Another popular type is intermittent fasting, where a person cycles between periods of eating and fasting. There are also different lengths of fasts, ranging from 24 hours to several days.

Benefits of Fasting

Dr. Pelz goes on to list the many benefits of fasting. One of the most obvious benefits is weight loss. When the body is in a fasted state, it is forced to use stored fat for energy. Fasting also improves insulin sensitivity, which can help with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Additionally, fasting has been shown to improve brain function, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.

How to Fast Safely

While fasting has many benefits, it is important to do it safely. Dr. Pelz recommends easing into fasting gradually and listening to your body. It is also important to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes. She notes that fasting can be challenging at first, but with practice, it can become easier.


Dr. Pelz ends the video by encouraging viewers to try fasting for themselves. She notes that fasting can be a powerful tool for improving health and reducing disease. By giving the body a break and allowing it to heal, fasting can help us feel better and live longer. For those interested in learning more, Dr. Pelz offers resources on her website and podcast.

Join the Reset Academy!

If you’re interested in learning more about fasting and other aspects of health, consider joining the Reset Academy. With courses, live events, and a community of like-minded people, the Reset Academy offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s something for everyone at the Reset Academy.

Order Fast Like a Girl

For those looking for a more in-depth look at fasting, Dr. Pelz’s book Fast Like a Girl is a great resource. With detailed information on different types of fasting and meal plans, Fast Like a Girl is a comprehensive guide to using fasting for health.

Pre-order The Menopause Reset

For women going through menopause, Dr. Pelz’s upcoming book The Menopause Reset offers guidance on how to manage symptoms and improve overall health. With a focus on using fasting and other natural methods, The Menopause Reset provides a roadmap for feeling younger and healthier.

Fasting Benefits Chart

For a quick reference on the benefits of fasting, check out Dr. Pelz’s Fasting Benefits Chart. This handy infographic lists the many benefits of fasting, from weight loss to improved brain function.

Resetter Podcast

If you’re looking for more information on health and wellness, check out Dr. Pelz’s Resetter Podcast. With interviews and solo episodes, the Resetter Podcast covers a wide range of health topics, from fasting to sleep to gut health.

Resetter Podcast YT Channel

For those who prefer to watch videos, the Resetter Podcast YouTube channel offers a wealth of information on health and wellness. With interviews, Q&A sessions, and live events, the Resetter Podcast YouTube channel is a great resource for learning about health from experts in the field.


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►Order Fast Like a Girl:
►Pre-order The Menopause Reset:
►Fasting Benefits Chart:
►Resetter Podcast:
►Resetter Podcast YT Channel:


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