Maximize Autophagy Benefits: 5 Strategies

Maximize Autophagy Benefits: 5 Strategies

Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Mindy explains that autophagy is a cellular repair process that is pre-programmed in the body and can help with brain health, hormonal health and overcoming bad living habits. She then outlines her five strategies for maximizing autophagy: fasting for 17-72 hours, breaking fasts with fat, keeping protein intake under 20 grams, getting enough sleep and doing high intensity exercise. She also mentions two biohacks that can help with autophagy: red light therapy and hyperbaric oxygen.

Summary of Description:
In order to maximize autophagy benefits, it is recommended to fast longer than 17 hours and keep protein intake under 20 grams. To break the fast, it is best to consume fat. Sleep is important for autophagy and HIIT training may help speed up the process. Certain biohacks such as red light therapy and HBOT may also help stimulate autophagy. Foods that are good for autophagy include coffee, green tea, turmeric, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, ginseng, garlic, certain mushrooms, pomegranate, elderberries, bergamot, berberine, resveratrol and MCT oil.


What is Autophagy?

Autophagy is a natural process that the body uses to clean out damaged cells and regenerate newer, healthier cells. It is important for both brain and hormonal health, and is a key factor in maintaining overall health and wellness.

5 Keys to Maximize Autophagy Benefits

1. Fast for longer than 17 hours: Fasting for longer than 17 hours is the best way to maximize the benefits of autophagy.

2. Break your fast with fat: Breaking your fast with fat is the best way to stay in autophagy.

3. Keep protein under 20 grams: Protein intake should be kept under 20 grams per day to stay in autophagy.

4. Get adequate sleep: Sleep is important for autophagy, as it helps the body to rest and regenerate.

5. Incorporate HIIT training: High intensity interval training (HIIT) can help to speed up autophagy.

Bonus: Biohacks to Stimulate Autophagy

In addition to the above, there are certain biohacks that can help to stimulate autophagy. These include red light therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), and certain supplements.

What Foods are Good for Autophagy?

Certain foods can help to stimulate autophagy. These include coffee, green tea, turmeric, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, ginseng, garlic, certain mushrooms (chaga and reishi), pomegranate, elderberries, bergamot, berberine, resveratrol and MCT oil.


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Source Description
How long do you have to fast for autophagy and what foods are good for autophagy

1:08 What is Autophagy
02:45 How long do you have to fast for autophagy?
04:02 How to break your fast to stay in autophagy
05:00 Keep your protein under 20 grams to stay in autophagy
05:45 Why sleep is important for autophagy
07:08 Does exercise speed up autophagy?
08:05 Biokacks to stimulate autophagy
08:20 What foods are good for autophagy?


Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. Important for brain & hormonal health

5 Keys to Maximize Autophagy Benefits

1. Fast longer than 17hrs
2. Break your fast with fat
3. Keep protein under 20 grams
4. Sleep
5. HIIT training

Biohacks- red light therapy, HBOT
Dood & drinks: Coffee, green tea, turmeric, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, ginseng, garlic, certain mushrooms (chaga and reishi), pomegranate, elderberries, bergamot, berberine, resveratrol and MCT oil


Andreas Five Seed Oil

chiliPAD Sleep System

Red Light Joovv

Hyperbaric Oxygen


Mastering Autophagy Fasting FTW

AUTOPHAGY FASTING – How Long Should You Fast to Maximize Your Health Benefits?

#Autophagy #AutophagyFasting #fastingtips

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