Brain Change with Dr. Amen’s Foundation

Hi there, fellow brain enthusiasts! Have you heard of Dr. Daniel Amen and his fascinating ideas on revolutionizing the field of Psychiatry? If not, you’re in for a treat! Discuss the Change Your Brain Change Your Life Foundation and their three big goals.

First up, research. Dr. Amen believes that the key to changing Psychiatry is using neuroimaging to understand the brain better. By mapping the brain and understanding its biological processes, we can make more accurate diagnoses and ultimately provide better treatments for mental illness. He says, “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a map is worth a thousand pictures.”

But education is also crucial. The Foundation believes that teaching brain health to kids, teens, and even First Responders and Veterans is the key to ending the epidemic of mental illness in our society. By instilling a sense of love and caring for the brain, we can prevent mental illness before it starts.

And finally, service. The Foundation aims to raise money to care for those who can’t usually afford it. As Dr. Amen states, “We want to make a difference.” First Responders and Veterans are incredibly close to his heart, and he wants to provide them with the care and support they deserve.

But enough about the Foundation’s goals, let me share a personal experience that illustrates Dr. Amen’s work’s impact. A few years ago, I was struggling with depression and anxiety. I had been to several psychiatrists who gave me the same generic diagnosis and prescribed the same medication. I felt like just another number in the mental health system.

But then, a friend recommended Dr. Amen’s book, “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life.” I was initially skeptical, but as I read through the pages and learned about the power of neuroimaging and brain health education, I felt like there was hope.

I eventually sought out a clinic that Dr. Amen had founded, and it was a game-changer. They used neuroimaging to pinpoint specific areas of my brain causing my symptoms and tailored a treatment plan specifically for me. It wasn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it was personalized and effective.

So, fellow brain enthusiasts, I encourage you to join me in supporting the Change Your Brain Change Your Life Foundation. Let’s revolutionize the field of Psychiatry and make mental health care more accessible and effective than ever before. Together, we can make a difference.


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Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Daniel Amen believes psychiatry needs a new paradigm, as current diagnoses are based on symptom clusters with no biological data. The Change Your Brain Change Your Life Foundation aims to address this issue with three goals: research, education, and service. The foundation believes that a revolution in brain health can end mental illness. They want to use neuroimaging to change the field, raise awareness of brain health through education programs, and provide care for those who cannot afford it, especially first responders and veterans.

Summary of Description:
The Change, Your Brain Foundation, focuses on improving brain health and ending mental illness through brain-imaging research, education programs, and treatment funding for those in need. The Foundation believes brains can be enhanced and supports scientific research, outreach programs, and accessible care for needy individuals. Visit their website to learn more or donate to their mission. Amen Clinics also offers brain health information and services and can be contacted through their website. They can also be followed on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Source Description
The Change, Your Brain Foundation, is dedicated to ending mental illness by revolutionizing brain health. Our Foundation supports cutting-edge brain-imaging research, brain health educational programs, and funding for treatment for needy people. At the Change Your Brain Foundation, we know that you’re not stuck with the brain you have—you can make it better. This insight fuels our commitment to scientific research, educational outreach programs, and cost-free care for needy people.

To learn more about Change Your Brain Foundation, visit To donate to our mission, visit


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