Summary of Transcript:
In this YouTube video, Dr. Gundry discusses the power of polyphenols, which are micronutrients found in plants, primarily in the leaves and fruit. Polyphenols protect plants from damage caused by reactive oxygen species or free radicals. While polyphenols were once thought to be primarily antioxidants, they are actually prebiotics, feeding friendly bacteria in the gut, and changing the gut microbiome for the better. Drinking red wine, which contains polyphenols, was found to have a beneficial effect on the gut microbiome, reducing inflammatory markers. Polyphenols are not a defense system of the plant and are not harmful to human health. Olive oil is a great delivery device for polyphenols, and eating olive leaves or consuming olive leaf extract is an excellent source of polyphenols. Overall, polyphenols can contribute to feeling and looking your best in terms of health. National polyphenol day is a holiday created to educate people about the benefits of polyphenols, occurring annually on July 11th.
Summary of Description:
This content discusses the benefits of polyphenols found in foods such as dark chocolate, olive oil, and red wine. The author shares information about the health benefits of polyphenols and addresses misconceptions about them. They also invite listeners to join them in celebrating National Polyphenol Day on June 11th. The author provides tips on how to choose the best sources of polyphenols and offers suggestions for polyphenol-rich foods to avoid. The content is sponsored by Allform and ends with a book recommendation.
The Power of Polyphenols: Celebrating National Polyphenol Day with Dr. Gundry
If you are a fan of dark chocolate, red wine, and olive oil, then you are taking in more than just delicious flavors. These three foods are also known for their high levels of polyphenols, which are micro-nutrients that exhibit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols are gaining more attention in the health community as studies show their potential to protect against chronic diseases. In this article, we explore the highlights of Dr. Gundry’s video on the Power of Polyphenols and why you should celebrate National Polyphenol Day on June 11th.
Environmental Stressors and Polyphenols (1:00)
Our bodies are up against environmental stressors all day, every day, such as pollution, UV light, and toxins. Polyphenols can help protect our cells from oxidative stress caused by these stressors. In a study, participants who consumed high polyphenol intake experienced a decrease in blood markers of oxidative stress. This is great news for people living in cities with high levels of pollution.
The Real Reason Leaves Change Colors (2:30)
Have you ever wondered why leaves change colors in the fall? It’s all thanks to the power of polyphenols. Trees produce anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol, to protect their leaves from UV light and cold temperatures. As the tree starts to prepare for winter, it breaks down chlorophyll, the pigment that gives leaves their green color, revealing the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows of fall.
Polyphenols and Wine (4:30)
Wine lovers, rejoice! Polyphenols play a significant role in the winemaking process. Grapes with thicker skins contain higher levels of polyphenols, which make their way into the wine during the fermentation process. The type of grape, the region in which it is grown, and the winemaking process can all impact the level of polyphenols in the wine. To get the most polyphenols, Dr. Gundry suggests looking for wine labels that say “made with organic grapes” or “contains sulfites.”
The Quality of Olive Oil (5:00)
Olive oil is another excellent source of polyphenols, but the quality can vary. Dr. Gundry recommends looking for oils that are “robust,” with a sharp and slightly bitter taste. When you taste the oil, it should create a burn at the back of your throat. This sensation shows that the oil is high in polyphenols. Beware of purchasing light olive oils or blends, which may contain less polyphenols.
The Cutting-Edge of Polyphenol Research (7:30)
New research is showing that polyphenols may have even more benefits than previously thought. Studies have shown that polyphenols can help with brain function, bone health, and even weight loss. Dr. Gundry is excited about these findings and encourages people to consume polyphenol-rich foods regularly.
Your Gut and Polyphenols (12:00)
There is a common misconception that polyphenols cannot survive the stomach acid and therefore have little impact on gut health. However, research has shown that polyphenols can make it to the colon, where they can help support gut bacteria. Polyphenols can also help reduce inflammation and improve leaky gut syndrome.
The Power of Colorful Foods (15:00)
Dr. Gundry believes that the color of your food is essential. The “Blue Zones” around the world, which are regions where people live the longest and healthiest lives, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits of various colors. This diversity of colors translates to a diversity of polyphenols, which can provide added benefits.
More Bitter, More Better (21:00)
Dr. Gundry is a huge advocate for bitter foods, such as arugula, broccoli rabe, and endive. Bitter foods contain polyphenols that can help regulate blood sugar levels and support heart health. If you are hesitant about trying bitter foods, Dr. Gundry suggests pairing them with sweeter foods or cooking them with spices to balance out the flavor.
Polyphenol-Rich Foods to Avoid (29:00)
Not all polyphenols are created equal. Three polyphenol-rich foods that Dr. Gundry suggests avoiding are coffee, peanut butter, and black tea. Coffee and tea can dehydrate the body, leading to constipation, while peanut butter is high in lectins, which can lead to gut inflammation. By choosing other polyphenol-rich foods, you can still gain the benefits without the drawbacks.
Celebrate National Polyphenol Day with Dr. Gundry
On June 11th, celebrate National Polyphenol Day with Dr. Gundry and educate yourself on the benefits of polyphenols. Whether through food or supplements, polyphenols can provide added support for a healthy body. As Dr. Gundry puts it, “look for color, look for bitter, and look for the ones that taste good to you.”
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#Polyphenols #PolyphenolDay #DrGundry
Dark Chocolate. Olive oil. Red wine.
What do these three foods all have in common?
If you guessed polyphenols, then you are absolutely RIGHT.
On this episode, I talk all about these amazing micronutrients, what they can do for your health, why my critics are WRONG about them, and the best (and worst) sources of polyphenols out there.
I also invite you to join me in celebrating all the wonderful benefits of polyphenols on June 11th, which is National Polyphenol Day. It’s a holiday my team created to educate folks about polyphenols — and it happens to also be my birthday!
Thank you to today’s sponsor, Allform! Visit Allform.com/GUNDRY for 20% off your custom furniture order!
On this episode you’ll learn:
How polyphenols can help protect YOU from environmental stressors as well (1:00)
The real reason leaves “change colors” in the fall (you’ll never doubt the power of polyphenols again)(2:30)
What all great winemakers know about polyphenols – and how to choose grapes with the most protective properties (4:30)
The real reason I LOVE olive oil (it has nothing to do with the healthy fats) – and my potency trick for testing the quality of your olive oil (5:00)
The newest cutting-edge info about polyphenols (and why they’re even MORE powerful than we thought) (7:30)
One polyphenol misconception you MUST ignore – and the amazing benefits these nutrients can have on your gut (12:00)
Why the COLOR of your food matters – and how the blue zones prove it (15:00)
Why I always say “more bitter, more better” – and how following this rule can transform your health (21:00)
How to support your heart health by eating CHOCOLATE (but you must follow THESE rules)(22:00)
Why you should look for THESE labels on your next bottle of wine – and two of my favorite wine companies (25:00)
3 polyphenol-rich foods that I do NOT recommend and why (29:00)
Mentioned on this episode:
The Energy Paradox: What to Do When Your Get‑Up‑and‑Go Has Got up and Gone – (pre-order here!)
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