Why calorie restriction isn’t helping weight loss?

Why calorie restriction isn’t helping weight loss?

Summary of Transcript:
In this video, the speaker discusses the need to break the dieting paradigm that promotes calorie restriction as the only way to lose weight. The speaker argues that this approach is a myth and instead advocates for time restriction fasting, which she says is not the same as calorie restriction. The video also includes a mention of a chapter in her book titled “It’s Not Your Fault,” which explores why diets often fail.

Summary of Description:
The website promotes pre-orders for the book “Fast Like a Girl” and provides information on the author, media coverage, and upcoming events related to the book’s release.

Pre-order Fast Like a Girl: Inspiring Women to Reach Their Full Potential

Fast Like a Girl is a new book that challenges women to reach their full potential and embrace their competitiveness. It rivals societal beliefs that women are supposed to be soft-spoken and follow the mold that the world dictates. Instead, the book showcases the determination, skills, and grit that women possess, showcasing that they are as capable as any other person, and that gender stereotypes do not define them.

The video on the Fast Like a Girl website gives the viewers a taste of what the book will offer, with snippets of interviews with women from various fields who have defied the odds and reached new heights of success.

Rebelling against Social Norms

In society, women have been trained to believe that being competitive is a bad attribute. Women are supposed to be mild-mannered and shy away from the idea of winning at all costs. Fast Like a Girl sets out to change that perception, showcasing successful women who have made fitness, sports, and other competitive fields their arena of success. The book aims to instill in the reader a desire to break the barriers of what is perceived as the norm, and to stand their ground in the face of adversity.

Inspiration from Women Who Have Defied Odds

The video highlights interviews with women who have challenged themselves beyond what society has deemed as acceptable, breaking barriers in sports, politics, and business. These women are trailblazers who have faced stigmatization and prejudice but refused to be deterred, and instead, used it as an impetus to push themselves harder. The featured women are CEOs, Olympians, scientists, and activists, all with stories of resilience and perseverance that inspire readers to revise what they perceive as limits to what they can achieve.

Women Shaping the World

Fast Like a Girl is an ode to the women who have propelled themselves forward, challenging the world’s preconceptions and cultures about women. The book highlights the importance of showcasing women’s successes in all fields and of encouraging more women to pursue their dreams, despite the odds. The stories of these women drive home the idea that women’s success should be celebrated in all spheres, as they have the potential to change the world’s landscape.

The Book’s Offerings

Fast Like a Girl is a blend of storytelling and inspiration. It tells the stories of inspiring women who have defied societal norms and achieved success in their chosen fields. The book seeks to fill the gap in the literature about female achievement. It’s meant to give women and girls who aspire to follow in these women’s footsteps a roadmap to navigate the challenges that stand in their way. It serves as a source of motivation, encouragement, and empowerment to help readers recognize that they, too, have the potential to change the world.

Pre-Order to Empower Women

Pre-ordering Fast Like a Girl means supporting the empowerment of women and girls worldwide. It’s a chance to recognize and acknowledge the efforts of the women who have made it their life’s work to push past the obstacles of patriarchy and sexism to establish their place of prestige in the world.

In Conclusion

Fast Like a Girl sets out to highlight women’s achievements and to encourage more women to embrace their competitive side. The book shows that women are as capable as men in all fields, and by highlighting the stories of female trailblazers, it gives readers a roadmap to achieving success despite societal norms. It’s a source of inspiration and empowerment that anyone, male or female, can learn from. By pre-ordering the book, you’re investing in the empowerment of women and ensuring that future generations of girls can grow up believing that they’re capable of anything they set their minds to.


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Fast Like A Girl


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