Young Forever: Live Longer, Healthier

Young Forever: Live Longer, Healthier

Summary of Young Forever: The Secrets To Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life:
In this podcast, Dr. Mark Hyman discusses how to assess one’s biological age through a variety of tests, including a DNA methylation test. He explains how to reverse biological age through lifestyle changes and interventions, such as intermittent fasting and strength training. He also speaks about how to avoid ageism, and how to treat aging as a disease.

biological aging is different than chronological aging. And so I think we need to think about it in terms of how do we age well and how do we age optimally and how do we reverse aging, and I think that’s the new frontier of medicine. We’re now starting to understand that aging is a disease, that it’s a process that can be reversed, and that’s the exciting thing and the good news. So what I talk about in my book Young Forever is the science of longevity, which is now a real science, and it’s been around for a while, but now it’s becoming much more mainstream and accepted, and there’s a lot of research that’s been done in the last five to 10 years that really has changed the way we think about aging and how we can reverse it. So essentially, aging is a process of accumulating damage, and that damage is caused by a number of things, but essentially it’s caused by too much of the things that cause disease and dysfunction and not enough of the things that cause you to thrive and optimize function. So if you look at the fundamental drivers of disease, which is essentially comes down to two things, too much of the things that cause disease and dysfunction and not enough of the things that cause you to thrive and optimize function, and it’s really that simple. So in my book, I talk about how do we reverse that process of accumulating damage and how do we reverse aging and how do we activate our longevity switches? And that’s essentially what the book is about.

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