Wish I’d Known: Fat Loss Tips from 5 Years Ago

Wish I’d Known: Fat Loss Tips from 5 Years Ago

Summary of Transcript:
In this video, the speaker shares things that don’t work for him when it comes to fat loss, but acknowledges that they may work for others. He explains that eating more than 3-4 meals per day and fasting every day don’t work for him, as they make him feel bloated and weak, and cause water retention. He also finds that consuming more than 150 grams of carbohydrates per day makes him feel brain foggy and leads to high glucose levels. The consumption of MSG also affects his sleep and appetite, and he finds that eating a low meat diet reduces his strength, workout performance, and thermic effect, while causing him to feel cold and affecting his sleep. The speaker notes that his personal preference is to consume leaner cuts of meat from an online meat delivery company called ButcherBox.

Summary of Description:
The video features Thomas DeLauer discussing what hasn’t worked for him in terms of fat loss. He talks about things like eating more than 3-4 meals a day, fasting every day, consuming no more than 150g of carbs, avoiding MSG, following a low-meat diet, having morning workouts after eating, consuming a high saturated fat diet, avoiding seed oils, and not eating low glycemic carbs early in the day or within 2 hours of bedtime. It also includes a paid partnership with Butcher Box, offering a discount code for the brand.

The Importance of Navigating What Works Best for You in Fat Loss

In the world of fitness and health, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for weight loss. In this video, Thomas DeLauer shares nine things that do not work for him when it comes to weight loss. It is important to note that different methods work for different individuals, and what may not work for Thomas may work effectively for others.

Eating More Than 3-4 Meals a Day

DeLauer does not thrive on eating more than three to four meals per day. He finds that this results in overconsumption, as his metabolism is kept active throughout the day through frequent meals. This approach may be suitable for some individuals, but it could lead to excessive caloric intake for others.

Fasting Every Day

While fasting can have numerous health benefits, DeLauer finds that fasting every day leads to muscle atrophy. It is essential to balance all aspects of health, and fasting every day may not be as beneficial to some individuals as it is claimed to be.

Limiting Carbs to 150g Per Day

There is no doubt that carb intake is an essential determinant of fat loss. While many individuals benefit from a low-carb diet, limiting carb intake to fewer than 150 grams per day removes vital nutrients from the body. DeLauer finds that upping his carbs and incorporating a moderate amount of exercise into his routine has been the most effective approach for his body.

Avoiding MSG

While some individuals may be sensitive to and intolerant of monosodium glutamate (MSG), DeLauer finds no benefit from avoiding it. Many foods that he enjoys are made with MSG, and in moderation, it has not impeded his weight loss goals.

Low-Meat Diet

DeLauer highly values the protein content of meat in his diet, and a vegetarian approach simply doesn’t work for him. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice that individuals should make based on personal preference and beliefs, rather than solely for weight loss goals.

The Benefits of Butcher Box

Butcher Box is a brand that provides meat boxes containing high-quality meat options. DeLauer emphasizes the importance of knowing where meat comes from and the quality of what is consumed. Using code TDL100, individuals can receive $50 off their first two boxes from Butcher Box, a great initiative for those who prioritize knowing the source of their food.

Morning Workouts

Though morning exercise is recommended for some, DeLauer does not thrive on a fed morning workout routine. Instead, he prefers to consume a pre-workout supplement before a fasted workout. As with every aspect of weight loss, it is important to identify what works best for one’s body.

High Saturated Fat Diet

While high levels of saturated fat have often been associated with poor health, such as heart disease, DeLauer does not find this to be the case. He has comfortably incorporated a diet that is high in saturated fat while in ketosis, a state of metabolic fueling that relies on fat burning. As with all processed foods, moderation is key, and individuals should eat within their personal limitations.

Seed Oils

Seed oils, such as sunflower oil, may not work for everyone when it comes to weight loss. DeLauer finds that they are inflammatory and, therefore, avoids their consumption.

Low Glycemic Carbs Early in the Day

Consuming low glycemic-index carbs early in the day provides a steady flow of energy throughout the day and reduces the risk of overeating. DeLauer finds this to be an effective approach to his weight loss goals, as it provides a sustained level of energy while providing a sense of fullness.

Eating Within 2 Hours of Bed

Though this approach may work for some individuals, DeLauer finds that eating within two hours of bedtime results in an upset stomach and poor sleep quality. Rather than rule out this approach altogether, individuals should listen to their bodies and make the appropriate adjustments.


In conclusion, navigating your weight loss journey through trial and error is vital to finding what works best for you. Thomas DeLauer’s suggestions provide a starting point for those seeking various approaches, and it is up to each individual to determine what works best for them. With patience, personalization, and determination, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.


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Use Code TDL100 for $50 off Your First 2 Boxes ($100 value) of Butcher Box!
9 Things That DO NOT WORK For Me for Fat Loss

This video does contain a paid partnership with a brand that helps to support this channel. It is because of brands like this that we are able to provide the content that we do for free.

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro – 9 Things That DO NOT WORK For Me for Fat Loss
0:35 – Eating More Than 3-4 Meals a Day
1:34 – Fasting Every Day
2:20 – No More Than 150g of Carbs
3:36 – No MSG
4:46 – Low-Meat Diet
6:06 – Use Code TDL100 for $50 off Your First 2 Boxes ($100 value) of Butcher Box!
7:02 – Fed Morning Workouts
8:52 – High Saturated Fat Diet
10:23 – Seed Oils
12:21 – Low Glycemic Carbs Early in the Day
14:02 – Eating Within 2 Hours of Bed