Watch This: Achieve Ambitious Goals – Steve Aoki

Watch This: Achieve Ambitious Goals – Steve Aoki

Summary of Transcript:
DJ and influencer Steve Aoki believes that to achieve success, it’s important to find your passion and stay hungry. He advises that being fluid and allowing yourself to be free is important once you’ve found what you’re good at. Aoki believes that success is not only about financial gain or how many streams an album has, but it’s also about being free to be fluid and find things that move you, not being attached to other people’s expectations or opinions. He urges artists not to get stuck in a structure, but to be open and explore new genres or industries. Aoki emphasizes the importance of having a strong platform of influence when venturing into a new community, as it allows you to enter humbly and be accepted for what you have to offer. Aoki stresses the idea that having something to offer and being able to create something incredible is a big part of the key to success.

Summary of Description:
In this episode, Steve Aoki shares the secret to his success, emphasizing the importance of being fluid, finding things that move you, and not being attached to others’ opinions. He also discusses the importance of venturing out of your comfort zone and deliberately disrupting culture to make an impact. Aoki views himself as a mental athlete due to the amount of DJing he does and stresses the value of training like an athlete. He believes that the power lies with solitary individuals and anonymous people rather than large corporations.

Secret Sauce to Accomplishing Big Dreams: Steve Aoki Shares His Success Story

Achieving big dreams can feel overwhelming and impossible, causing anxiety and fear to creep in, making it challenging to take the first step. But, what’s the secret sauce to bringing your dreams to fruition? In this episode, Grammy-nominated DJ and producer, Steve Aoki, shares his success story and the strategies he employed to achieve big things.

Success is Not Just About Money

Steve shares that the definition of success goes beyond financial gains or streaming numbers. Instead, success is about freedom, fluidity, finding things that truly move you, and not being attached to other people’s opinions of your work. To conquer your dreams, you need to step out of your comfort zone and be willing to accept vulnerability.

Venture Out of Your Comfort Zone

Most people stay within their comfort zone because it is comfortable and safe, a place where success already exists. However, venturing out of your comfort zone means penetrating walls and exposing vulnerabilities that could tear down your business. Steve emphasizes that to succeed; you need to be deliberate in your actions and embrace discomfort.

Jump Off of Something That Works

It’s hard to jump off things that already work because it’s safe and familiar. Still, Steve affirms that embracing new ideas, even if they risk your current success, can be the key to achieving exceptional results. Staying in one spot inhibits growth and can cause projects to stagnate. Therefore, jump off something that works and take that leap of faith!

Disrupt Culture Intentionally

Steve shares that the only way to change the game and disrupt culture is deliberately. Instead of accepting the status quo, you need to be proactive in your efforts to make significant changes. It’s the small steps that lead to big progress, and a belief in oneself is crucial for achieving success.

Train Like an Athlete

Steve views himself as an athlete in his field, especially during performances. His daily routines include training his mind and body like an athlete. This mentality allows him to stay at the top of his game and deliver awe-inspiring performances. So, to bring your A-game to any project, start training like an athlete.

Power to Anonymous and Singular Individuals

The power lies in individual efforts rather than big corporations, according to Steve. He expressed his willingness to work alongside lesser-known individuals and anonymously powered initiatives instead of relying on multi-million dollar companies that dictate music and art consumption.

Final Thoughts

Steve Aoki’s success story inspires us to embrace discomfort, step out of our comfort zones, and disrupt culture intentionally. Through his journey, we learn that success isn’t just about financial gains. Instead, it’s a combination of freedom and fluidity in creating what you love. To achieve your big dreams, be willing to take risks, train like an athlete, believe in yourself, and embrace vulnerability.


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On Today’s Episode:

What’s the secret sauce to accomplishing big dreams? They feel impossible and so far off, if you’re dreaming big enough, they scare the pants off of you and anxiety and overwhelm creeps in. You either freeze up and never take a step towards them or you buckle up and get ready for the long journey ahead.

Steve Aoki is a musical legend that needs no introduction, but if you follow him he’s everywhere, in every genre of music, and in everything doing it all. How is he able to do so much and show up across so many wildly different audiences?

In this episode Steve is sharing the secret sauce behind his success and that means it’s time for you to take note and take action immediately after watching this!


“It’s not necessarily about the financial success or how many streams it has. It’s more about the success to be free, to be fluid, to find things that really move you, and not be attached to the success of what other people think about what you’re doing…” [2:50]

“Most people stay in their zone cause it’s comfortable and it’s safe and that’s where success is once you build the success. When you start venturing out you start penetrating those walls and exposing yourself vulnerabilities which could tear your business down…” [8:39]

“It’s hard to jump off of something that already works.” [15:40]

“The only way that you’re going to change the game or disrupt culture is deliberately.” [45:46]

“As an artist DJing so much, there’s no doubt that I am an athlete, at the very least a mental athlete and I train like an athlete.” [55:55]

“The power goes to the anonymous persons out there and the singular people out there instead of these big corporations because these big large companies…” [1:05:43]

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