The Joy of small comforts

The Joy of small comforts

Summary of The Joy of Small Comforts:
The author discusses the importance of recognizing and providing comfort to oneself when feeling tired, emotionally drained, or overwhelmed. They mention that many people do not notice when they are feeling depleted and instead focus on pushing through. The author advocates for small comforts such as taking a nap, enjoying a hot cup of tea, going for a walk in nature, or indulging in a treat. They also emphasize the need to avoid overindulgence and addiction, as well as the importance of facing discomfort when possible. The author encourages readers to let go of guilt and fully enjoy these small pleasures. Overall, the article promotes self-care and finding balance in life.

Main Topics:

1. Recognizing the need for small comforts
2. Examples of small comforts
3. Importance of balance and facing discomfort
4. Letting go of guilt and fully savoring small comforts


Sometimes life can be overwhelming, leaving us feeling tired, emotionally drained, and besieged by the demands of the world. During such moments, it is important to recognize our physical, mental, and emotional state and determine what we truly need. Unfortunately, many of us fail to notice when we’re feeling drained or battered by life as we relentlessly focus on our never-ending to-do lists. But what if we took a moment to pause, breathe, and ask ourselves, “What do I need?” This simple act of self-awareness can be a game-changer.

Today, I want to talk about the joy of small comforts – those little things in life that bring us solace and relief. While taking a nap might be an obvious example, there are numerous other small comforts that can brighten our day and restore our sense of well-being. Let’s explore some of my favorites:

1. A minute of breathing and being present to what we’re feeling. This simple act of mindfulness can help us reconnect with our emotions and provide a much-needed pause in our busy lives.
2. A luxurious stretch. Taking a moment to stretch our bodies not only relieves physical tension but also allows us to be fully present in our bodies.
3. A hot cup of tea. The comforting warmth and soothing aroma of tea can be incredibly calming, especially on a cold or stressful day.
4. A hot shower. The feeling of warm water cascading over our bodies can wash away the stress and fatigue of the day.
5. A relaxing walk in nature. Being surrounded by the beauty of nature and breathing in fresh air can work wonders for our mental and emotional well-being.
6. Some berries, or another delicious fruit. Savoring the sweetness of nature’s bounty can bring a smile to our faces and nourish our bodies.
7. A hug from a loved one. The power of touch and the warmth of an embrace can instantly uplift our spirits and remind us that we are loved.
8. A short meditation session. Taking a few moments to quiet our minds and focus on our breath can bring a sense of calm and clarity to our day.
9. A spoonful of peanut butter. Whether it’s the creamy texture or the rich taste, a spoonful of peanut butter can bring instant joy and satisfaction.
10. Curling up with a good book. Immerse yourself in the world of literature and let the characters, stories, and ideas transport you to a place of comfort and inspiration.
11. A massage. The therapeutic touch of a skilled masseuse can melt away tension and leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.
12. Sitting in a hot tub. Embrace the healing power of water and let your body unwind in a warm and soothing environment.
13. Sitting with someone and listening to music. Allow yourself to be fully present with a loved one as you listen to your favorite songs and let the music work its magic.
14. Having a square or two of dark chocolate. Indulge your taste buds with a small piece of dark chocolate and revel in its decadent flavor and mood-boosting properties.

Now that we’ve explored some small comforts, it is important to acknowledge a few key considerations. Firstly, it’s crucial to indulge in small comforts without overdoing it. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine or a favorite treat, it’s important to find a balance and avoid overindulgence or reliance on a single comfort as a coping mechanism.

Secondly, I want to emphasize the value of facing discomfort when we’re capable of doing so. Life is not meant to be lived solely in the realm of comfort, as growth often occurs in moments of discomfort. Therefore, it’s essential to strike a balance between seeking comfort and embracing challenges, allowing both to contribute to our personal development.

Thirdly, I encourage you to let go of guilt associated with seeking comfort. Small pleasures and comforts are not guilty pleasures; they are healthy and essential aspects of self-care. Give yourself full permission to savor and enjoy these small delights without feeling guilty or undeserving.

Finally, when indulging in small comforts, ensure you are fully present and actively enjoying them. It’s easy to fall into the trap of mindless consumption, be it with food, technology, or other comforts. Instead, make a conscious effort to savor and appreciate the small pleasures that life offers.

In conclusion, I urge you to give yourself permission to take care of yourself when you need it. The joy of small comforts is not frivolous or insignificant; they have the power to replenish and revitalize your spirit. So, go ahead and embrace those little moments of solace – here’s to the small comforts in life!

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