The Biggest Lies about Money: Keeping You Broke! | Tom Bilyeu

The Biggest Lies about Money: Keeping You Broke! | Tom Bilyeu

The BIGGEST LIES About Money That Keep You BROKE!

Bullet Points:
1. The mindset of scarcity: Exploring the detrimental effects of a scarcity mindset on financial health
2. Get-rich-quick schemes: Debunking the myth of overnight success and exploring sustainable wealth-building strategies
3. The impact of lifestyle inflation: Understanding how upgrading your lifestyle can hinder financial progress
4. The illusion of material possessions: Exposing the false belief that material wealth equals happiness and fulfillment
5. The role of financial literacy: Highlighting the importance of knowledge and education for long-term financial success

Are you tired of struggling to make ends meet? Are you frustrated by your inability to accumulate wealth and achieve financial independence? Well, you’re not alone. Most of us have fallen prey to certain misconceptions about money that keep us trapped in a cycle of financial instability. In this article, we will explore the biggest lies about money keeping you broke and offer some insights to help you break free from these limiting beliefs.

1. The mindset of scarcity:
We are often conditioned to believe that money is scarce and insufficient. This scarcity mindset influences our behaviors, leading us to hoard money instead of using it to invest or create opportunities. However, embracing an abundance mindset can help you attract wealth. By shifting your perspective and recognizing the abundance of opportunities available, you can develop a more proactive approach to personal finance.

2. Get-rich-quick schemes:
In our fast-paced world, we are bombarded with promises of instant wealth through various get-rich-quick schemes. Whether cryptocurrency investments, multi-level marketing, or online business ventures, these schemes often leave individuals financially worse off. With patience, discipline, and consistent effort, sustainable wealth is built over time. It’s essential to be wary of quick fixes and focus on developing a long-term financial plan based on proven principles.

3. The impact of lifestyle inflation:
As our income increases, we naturally want to upgrade our lifestyle. Unfortunately, this desire for more often leads to overspending and financial instability. This phenomenon is known as lifestyle inflation, where our expenses increase proportionally to our income. Instead, consider maintaining a modest lifestyle even as your income grows, and save and invest the surplus. This approach will allow you to build wealth and have financial security for the future.

4. The illusion of material possessions:
We live in a consumer-driven society that glorifies material possessions as symbols of success and happiness. However, accumulating more things does not equate to genuine fulfillment. True wealth lies in experiences, relationships, personal growth, and contributing to the well-being of others. By prioritizing experiences and relationships over material possessions, you can redirect your focus from pursuing material wealth to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

5. The role of financial literacy:
One of the most significant contributors to financial struggles is the lack of financial literacy. Despite earning substantial incomes, many people have poor money management skills and lack the knowledge required to grow and protect their wealth. Educating yourself about personal finance, investing, and budgeting is crucial for building a solid foundation for your financial future. By improving your financial literacy, you gain independence and make informed decisions that positively impact your financial well-being.

In conclusion, breaking free from the lies that keep you broke requires a shift in mindset, knowledge, and intentional action. Embracing an abundance mindset, avoiding get-rich-quick schemes, curbing lifestyle inflation, understanding the actual value of material possessions, and prioritizing financial literacy are fundamental steps toward achieving financial stability and long-term prosperity. It’s time to challenge the misconceptions about money and take control of your financial journey. Start today, make small changes, and watch your wealth grow.


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On Today’s Episode:

Money allows you to cover your basic needs, have new experiences, and do cool sh*t. No, it doesn’t buy happiness, but not having the money you need to cover the basics in life can make you feel miserable.

In this money talk with Tom, we will look at habits you have around money, both good and bad, and we will help you find the path forward to what your version of financial success looks like. Your money habits, what you focus on, your story around money, and your financial literacy are all crucial factors.

Let’s get you in the right mindset to:
Break away from the Time for Money tradeoff we’ve adopted
Start seeing money as the potential to solve problems that allow you to earn more
Build habits that allow you to grow wealth


0:00 | Introduction to Money Talk
0:21 | Money The Great Facilitator
9:13 | Master the Game of Money
17:19 | Break Habits That Keep You Broke
35:17 | Adopt These Habits of the Wealthy
49:32 | Chasing Money for Happiness


“Money is the great facilitator. Money doesn’t say anything about who you are as a person. It doesn’t mean that you’re good; it doesn’t mean that you are bad.” [0:32]

“Learn about money; master the game so you can play it well.” [12:40]

“Money is not going to solve anything but money problems.” [16:58]

“Most people live paycheck to paycheck; even people making six figures live paycheck to paycheck.” [17:56]

“If you’re not investing, inflation will eat you alive.” [20:04]

“People are spending all of their money. Debt habit number one, you spend all your money on liabilities, not assets.” [29:55]

“Be very thoughtful as you’re exchanging time for money. Don’t forget that you also want to be in a position where you can exchange skill set for money…” [34:37]

“People that get wealthy, […] all they think about are solutions.” [36:33]

“If you turn to people for a handout, all you’ll ever get is what they’re willing to put in your hand.” [38:37]

“Wealthy people that know how to use debt effectively, […] they don’t sell the asset, they borrow against it.” [43:44]

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