Stay Calm in Stress with High Cortisol

Stay Calm in Stress with High Cortisol

Summary of The Secret to Being Calm When Stressed With High Cortisol by Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast:
The article discusses the author’s intermittent fasting routine and provides examples of his meals on a healthy keto diet. He wakes up at 5:00 am and keeps his meals within a 3-4 hour window, fasting for around 20-21 hours. His first meal is between 1 and 3 pm, and his second meal is between 5 and 6 pm. Examples of his meals include bacon, eggs, cheese, olives, and tomato for the first meal, and a big salad with protein such as sardines, shrimp, or steak for the second meal. The article also includes links to Dr. Berg’s website, reviews, and health coach training.

Healthy Keto Diet – What I Eat on My Intermittent Fasting Pattern

The healthy keto diet has gained popularity over the years for its numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved blood sugar levels, and increased energy. However, not many people know how to do it the right way. In this article, I will share with you my intermittent fasting pattern and the meals that I eat on the healthy keto diet.

My Intermittent Fasting Routine

Intermittent fasting is a way of eating that involves periods of fasting and feasting. It has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including weight loss, increased insulin sensitivity, and improved brain function. Here’s how I do it:

Wake up time: 5:00 am
Bedtime: 10:30 pm

I try to keep my meals within a 3-4 hour window so that I have around 20-21 hours of fasting. This gives my body enough time to burn fat for fuel and enter a state of ketosis, where it produces ketones for energy.

Morning Routine:
At 5 am, I have a small cup of organic coffee with grass-fed half & half or heavy cream and one packet of xylitol. Coffee is known to have numerous health benefits, including improving mental alertness and reducing the risk of diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

At 6 am, I’ll have around 12-16 ounces of water with 1-2 ounces of organic lemon juice, and I will take my vitamins. This helps to hydrate my body and boost my immune system.

Eating Window:
I have my first meal between 1 and 3 pm, and my second meal between 5 and 6 pm. This way, I get all my nutrients within a shorter period and can enjoy the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Meal 1 Example:
For my first meal, I normally have:
• 4 pasture-raised organic eggs 
• 4 ounces of organic bacon 
• 3 ounces of high-quality European organic grass-fed cheese (I like sheep cheese and goat cheese)
• ¼ cup olives 
• 1 tomato

This meal is high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which keeps me feeling full and satisfied for hours.

Meal 2 Example:
For my second meal, I normally have:
• A Big Salad (7 to 10 cups): lettuce, bell pepper, tomato, cabbage, kale, parmesan cheese, olive oil, balsamic vinaigrette 
• A Protein (7 oz.): Sardines (with bones and skin), shrimp, grass-fed hot dogs, organic grass-fed burger, wild-caught salmon, or steak 
• Nuts: Pecans or pistachios 

This meal is also high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which helps me maintain my energy levels and stay full until my next meal.


The healthy keto diet coupled with intermittent fasting is a powerful combination that can help you achieve your weight loss and health goals. Remember to eat high-quality, organic foods, and stay within your eating window for optimal results. With this pattern, you too can reap the numerous health benefits of the healthy keto diet.

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