Scientists Find Melatonin Can Disrupt Gut Health

Scientists Find Melatonin Can Disrupt Gut Health

Summary of Scientists Discover Melatonin – a Popular Sleep Supplement – Can Disrupt Gut Health:
A new study has found that melatonin, commonly known for regulating sleep cycles and antioxidant effects, may worsen intestinal inflammation and disrupt gut microbiota. Gut microbiota is crucial in digestion, immunity, and overall health. The study on laboratory mice showed that melatonin supplementation intensified the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, but the effect depended on the animal’s gut microbiota profile. The findings suggest that melatonin supplements could have adverse health effects, and caution should be taken when using hormone supplements. The study also highlights the importance of regulating the interaction between hormones and the immune system.

Summary of Main Topics:
1. Introduction to the study on the potential negative effects of melatonin on gut health.
2. The importance of gut microbiota in digestion, immunity, and overall health.
3. The use of melatonin as a popular sleep supplement and its perceived harmless nature.
4. Professor Cardoso’s research on melatonin and its effects on inflammatory bowel disorders.
5. The study’s surprising results on mice reveal a negative impact on gut inflammation.
6. The role of gut microbiota in intensifying the negative effects of melatonin.
7. The need for caution when using hormone and food supplements labeled as melatonin.
8. ANVISA’s regulations on selling melatonin as a food supplement.

We all know a good night’s sleep is crucial for our well-being. And for many people, melatonin has become a popular sleep supplement. Known for its antioxidant effects and its role in regulating sleep cycles, melatonin has been widely used to aid in sleep problems. However, a recent study has shed light on a potential downside to this seemingly harmless supplement.

Scientists have discovered that melatonin may disrupt gut health. A new study published in Microorganisms revealed that melatonin can aggravate intestinal inflammation and disrupt gut microbiota. Gut microbiota, which consists of a collection of bacteria and other microbes, plays a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and overall health. An imbalance in gut microbiota can lead to various health issues, such as weight gain, elevated blood sugar levels, and abnormal cholesterol levels.

The study, conducted by Professor Cristina Ribeiro de Barros Cardoso and her team at the University of São Paulo’s Ribeirão Preto School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, focused on inflammatory bowel disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These immune-mediated disorders result from abnormal activity in the immune cells, causing damage to the gut microbiome and severe clinical symptoms.

Treating these disorders usually involves suppressing or inhibiting the immune response to reduce inflammation in the intestine. However, this study aimed to explore alternative, more affordable treatments with fewer negative impacts on patients’ quality of life.

To their surprise, the researchers discovered that melatonin hurt the diseases they were studying. When melatonin was administered to mice with induced colitis, their condition worsened. This negative effect depended on the mice’s gut microbiota profile.

When the researchers eliminated all bacteria in the mice’s intestines using wide-spectrum antibiotics, melatonin positively affected the disease. This finding suggests that the negative impact of melatonin on gut health is closely related to the bacteria in the intestines, particularly those associated with inflammatory diseases.

Professor Cardoso emphasizes the importance of caution when using hormone or food supplements labeled as melatonin. While often perceived as harmless, melatonin is a hormone, and the delicate regulation of hormone-immune system interaction can adversely affect health.

In Brazil, the sale of melatonin as a food supplement is regulated by ANVISA, the country’s national health surveillance agency. However, these regulations are less stringent compared to those for medications. Professor Cardoso encourages people to be aware of the risks associated with melatonin supplements and not solely rely on the assumption that they are safe because they can be purchased as food supplements.

The findings of this study highlight the need for further research and awareness regarding the potential negative effects of melatonin on gut health. As with any supplement or medication, consulting with a healthcare professional before taking melatonin or any other hormone supplement is essential.

In conclusion, despite its widespread use as a sleep aid, melatonin may have adverse effects on gut health. The disruption of gut microbiota and aggravated intestinal inflammation caused by melatonin can impact digestion, immunity, and overall health. This study reminds us of the importance of caution when using hormone and food supplements labeled as melatonin. While more research is needed in this area, seeking guidance from healthcare professionals before taking any supplements or medications is always wise.


– “The Microbiota-Dependent Worsening Effects of Melatonin on Gut Inflammation” by Jefferson Luiz da Silva, Lia Vezenfard Barbosa, Camila Figueiredo Pinzan, Viviani Nardini, Irislene Simões Brigo, Cássia Aparecida Sebastião, Jefferson Elias-Oliveira, Vânia Brazão, José Clóvis do Prado Júnior, Daniela Carlos, and Cristina Ribeiro de Barros Cardoso, Microorganisms, 11 February 2023, DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11020460

– ANVISA (Brazil’s national health surveillance agency) regulations on selling melatonin as a food supplement.

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