Russia-Ukraine Conflict’s Intriguing Factor: Jocko Willink.

Summary of Transcript:
The podcast discusses the impact of snipers on warfare, using examples from Task Unit Bruiser’s experiences in Iraq. Snipers can have a massive psychological impact on the enemy, causing fear and uncertainty. The use of snipers and anti-tank weapons in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is discussed and it is suggested that this type of warfare was not anticipated by Russia and may cause a dip in morale for their troops. The potential impact of snipers on a tactical and strategic level is also explored.

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Jocko Underground 45: The Art of Leadership through Extreme Ownership


In the latest installment of Jocko Underground, retired Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink, and his podcast co-host, Echo Charles, delve into the importance of extreme ownership in leadership, using examples from Jocko’s military career and civilian life.

Defining Extreme Ownership

Jocko defines extreme ownership as, “the mindset that everything is your fault.” He explains that in a leadership role, regardless of the circumstances or external factors, the leader is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of their team. By taking ownership of all aspects of the mission, the leader is able to strategically make decisions that will benefit the team as a whole.

Jocko’s Leadership Examples

Throughout the episode, Jocko shares numerous examples from his time as a SEAL commander where taking extreme ownership was essential for the success of his team. One such example was during a mission in Ramadi, Iraq, where a miscommunication resulted in friendly fire. Instead of placing blame on his team or external factors, Jocko immediately took ownership of the mistake and used it as a learning opportunity to improve communication protocols.

Jocko also discusses the importance of taking ownership in his civilian life as a business consultant. He shares an experience where he found himself in a frustrating situation with a client, but instead of placing blame on the client or external factors, he took ownership of the situation and found a solution that ultimately benefited the client and improved their working relationship.

The Importance of Humility

While extreme ownership is essential for effective leadership, Jocko stresses the importance of humility in conjunction with ownership. He explains that by admitting mistakes and taking ownership of them, leaders demonstrate humility, which in turn earns the respect and trust of their team. Jocko emphasizes that leadership is a constant journey of growth and improvement, and humility is essential for continued progress.

Echo’s Leadership Examples

Echo shares his own experiences with extreme ownership, citing a time when he was a leader in the military and had to make a tough decision to cancel a mission due to safety concerns. Instead of blaming external factors for the cancellation, Echo took ownership of the decision and communicated effectively with his team to ensure their safety.

Echo also touches on the importance of “leading up,” meaning taking ownership and leadership of situations where someone may not officially hold a leadership position. He provides an example of a time when he was a junior member of a team, but stepped up and took leadership to mitigate a potential safety issue.


In Jocko Underground 45, Jocko and Echo provide valuable insights into the importance of extreme ownership in leadership, both in military and civilian contexts. By taking ownership of situations and demonstrating humility, leaders can earn the respect and trust of their team, ultimately leading to increased success and improved relationships. As Jocko emphasizes, leadership is a constant journey of growth and improvement, and extreme ownership is a crucial aspect of that journey.


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From Jocko Underground 45.
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