Revamp Your Thinking

Let’s face it; life is full of problems. Every day, we face endless challenges that can weigh us down and make us feel stuck in a rut. But what if I told you there was a way to overcome these little punk problems and achieve greatness in your life? What if I told you that you need to change your mindset and focus on something bigger and better than those pesky little problems that seem to be holding you back?

In a recent transcript, a motivational speaker spoke about the benefits of shifting your attention to something out of reach. He talked about how he owned a $52 million Gulfstream 550 private Jet and how his attention was no longer on the price of gas, but instead, it was on the weight of the fuel, the pilots he hired, and the hangers he used to store his plane. He focused on the bigger picture, achieving his goals and his dreams.

So, what can we learn from this example? The answer is simple: we need to start setting goals that are so big that they dwarf our problems. We must focus on something so massive that our little issues seem insignificant. Think about it – if you’re working towards achieving a massive goal, like buying a Gulfstream 550, then a $3 gallon of gas suddenly becomes a non-issue. You’re not sweating the small stuff anymore because your attention is elsewhere.

I hear you saying, “But I can’t afford a Gulfstream 550!” And you know what? You might be right. But that’s not the point. The point is to find something that excites you, motivates you, and is big enough to get you out of bed in the morning and keep you going all day long. It could be starting your own business, learning a new language, writing a book, or anything else. The key is to set your sights high so that even your most significant problems become nothing more than speed bumps on your journey to greatness.

So, let’s recap. You must change your mindset if you want to overcome your problems and achieve greatness. You need to start focusing on something that’s out of reach or so big that your problems pale in comparison. And you need to set goals that are so massive that they motivate you to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles come your way. Remember, life is full of problems, but it’s also full of opportunities. It’s up to you to choose which one you want to focus on.


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Summary of Transcript:
Having goals that are so big that they outshine one’s problems is the key to success and growth. The video discusses the importance of changing one’s mindset and eliminating minor problems by focusing on something more significant and unattainable. The speaker uses the example of owning a Gulfstream 550 aircraft to demonstrate how shifting one’s focus can change their perspective on finances and prioritizing.

Summary of Description:
The content advises having big goals to minimize problems and change one’s mind. It is shared in the form of a short video on the platforms BigThink and Shorts, which focuses on success.


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#bigthink #success #shorts

Have goals so big that your problems pale in comparison…