Recession: Opportunity to Build Wealth! | Robert Breedlove

Recession: Opportunity to Build Wealth! | Robert Breedlove

Summary of Transcript:
The video discusses the current inflationary environment and its impact on financial strategies during a crisis. Inflation is defined as legal counterfeiting and is equivalent to stealing purchasing power from savers of dollars. The recent printing of six trillion dollars in the US over the past 24 months has created an inflationary environment and debased the value of the dollar. The standard strategy of saving cash is no longer as effective. Gold and Bitcoin are suggested as alternatives to the declining value of the dollar as tools of optionality. Monetary inflation and price inflation are also distinguished, and analogy is drawn to pizza slices and stealing purchasing power. The speaker suggests that centralized control of the money supply by central banks benefits those in power who have set up a legal monopoly to steal from society.

Summary of Description:
In this episode of Tom Bilyeu’s podcast, he speaks with Bitcoin philosopher and freedom maximalist Robert Breedlove about money, inflation, theft, and the corrosion of big government. He discusses how prices in the market are higher than what they are reporting inflation to be, and how inflation is a form of legal counterfeiting. Breedlove also advocates for Bitcoin as a long term savings account, and discusses how debt shrinks people’s time horizon. He emphasizes that violating private property is not rewarding productive members of society, but instead, rewarding political actors and that institutions often bend rules for private gain.

Unlocking the Truth about Inflation and Money with Robert Breedlove

Money is an essential aspect of our daily lives, and its value cannot be overstated. However, as with most things in life, the meaning of money has evolved over time, and so has the understanding of its role in the economy. In this discussion with Tom, Robert Breedlove breaks down everything you thought you knew about money and uncovers the true meaning behind inflation, theft, and the negative impact of big government.

Money Strategy in Financial Crisis

With prices in the market higher than inflation reports suggest, shopping for necessities like groceries has become a lot more burdensome. The current financial crisis has exposed the truth behind our economic system and how it has led to the debasement of our hard-earned dollars. Robert’s money strategies are essential for navigating through this crisis and protecting your investments.

False Economic Theory and the Impact of Printed Money

As Robert dismantles the current economic theory that has led to monetary dilution, he enlightens us on how inflation is simply legal counterfeiting and how it is intertwined with monetary enrichment and deflation. The moment we entered fractional reserve banking, it became a pyramid scheme, and the printing of money only incentives consumption actions over investment actions.

Private Property Rights and the Violation of Private Property

The violation of private property rights is an act that directly erodes property value and negatively affects productive members of society. The more institutions bend publicly applied rules for private gain, the more corruption seeps into the system, and the less productive the economy becomes.

Are Rich People Evil and Why People Are Angry

The rich are not evil, and it’s time to debunk this belief. Robert breaks down how people’s anger and frustration at the rich stems from economic manipulation and the violation of private property rights rather than the wealth amassed by these individuals.

Bitcoin Is Incorruptible

Robert recommends bitcoin for your long-term savings account, and for good reason. Bitcoin is an incorruptible cryptocurrency that cannot be manipulated or debased by governments, and it is the perfect antidote to our current economic crisis.


The current economic crisis has exposed the truth behind the manipulation of money, and it’s time to take action. Robert Breedlove’s insights on money strategies, private property rights, and the power of bitcoin provide a roadmap for navigating these uncertain times. Understanding the true meaning of inflation and the impact of printed money is crucial for securing your financial future, and it’s time to start taking action.


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On Today’s Episode:

You think you know what money is and how it works, but then you watch this conversation with Tom and Robert Breedlove and now you’re questioning everything.

During our current financial crisis, prices in the market are a lot higher than what they’re reporting inflation to be. You spend $100 in groceries and you’re leaving the supermarket with what feels more like $60 or $70 worth of groceries. How is this possible when inflation is reported to be closer to 9%?

Robert Breedlove hosts the podcast, What Is Money. He is a freedom maximalist, and bitcoin philosopher that gives you plenty of food for thought. His breakdown of inflation, theft, and corrosion of big government is hard to ignore.

In this episode you can take away some money strategies that will help get you through this crisis. Robert is exposing what true debasement of your hard earned dollars really means, and why you should be outraged as a private citizen. Is bitcoin truly the answer to ending economic corruption people have been sold?


0:00 | Introduction Robert Breedlove
0:19 | Money Strategy in Financial Crisis
21:12 | False Economic Theory
36:22 | Impact Of Printed Money
47:15 | Private Property Rights
1:01:18 | Violation of Private Property
1:08:53 | Economic Axioms & Stories
1:20:58 | Are Rich People Evil?
1:29:22 | Why People Are Angry
1:37:24 | Bitcoin Is Incorruptible


“Inflation is quite simply, legal counterfeiting, and counterfeiting is illegal inflation. They’re mechanically the same thing.” [1:10]

“Setting a legal monopoly to steal from all of society is a really convenient wealth acquisition strategy.” [7:28]

“I’m not advocating for bitcoin as your checking account, I’m advocating bitcoin for your long term savings account.” [10:20]

“The moment we entered fractional reserve banking it became a pyramid scheme.” [27:04]

“The only thing you can do with printing money is violate the property of others; you cannot issue any equitable benefit to an economic system.” [28:28]

“Debt shrinks people’s time horizon, […] Instead of delaying gratification and saving for the future, I now want to sell the future and buy today.” [32:56]

“Monetary dilution is inflation, and monetary enrichment is deflation.” [39:35]

“What we’re doing when we print money is inducing or incentivizing consumption actions over investment actions, and investment actions are what drive innovation.” [43:53]

“The degree to which you are violating private property is the degree to which you are not rewarding productive members of society, and you are rewarding political actors in society.” [1:06:05]

“Institutions don’t follow the laws that they promulgate, institutions follow the individuals that run the institutions, those individuals tend to be corruptible. They will bend the publicly applied rule for private gain. That is my definition of corruption.” [1:51:43]

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