Purge Negativity: Singer on Robbins Show.

Summary of Transcript:
The energy body is more intelligent than the physical body and it seeks to eliminate blockages related to fears, insecurities, and other emotions that keep us from feeling love. When we experience discomfort or something that reminds us of past experiences, we should be excited because it gives us the opportunity to release what is blocking our happiness. Instead of trying to find external sources to make us happy, we should focus on letting go of what is blocking our happiness from within.

Summary of Description:
The Tony Robbins podcast features Michael A. Singer, a spiritual teacher and successful author, who has been teaching spirituality and mindfulness for over four decades. He founded the Temple of the Universe, a yoga and meditation center, and has made significant contributions to the business, education, healthcare, and environmental protection industries. In a 2022 private event with Tony and Sage Robbins’ Platinum Partners, Michael discusses surrender and the importance of letting go of negative blocks to allow positive emotions to flow with ease. Tony Robbins is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and life and business strategist, who has coached top athletes, entertainers, CEOs, and presidents.

Heading: Surrendering to Happiness

Michael Singer teaches us the importance of surrendering to the present moment and letting go of any negative blocks that prevent us from experiencing happiness. He explains that happiness already exists within us, but we oftentimes let external circumstances control our emotions.

Singer emphasizes that we must acknowledge our negative thoughts and emotions and allow them to pass through us without attaching to them. By surrendering to the energy of the present moment instead of resisting it, we can cultivate inner peace and happiness.

Heading: Letting Go of Control

One of the biggest obstacles to surrendering is our desire for control. Singer encourages us to recognize that we cannot control everything in life and to let go of the need for certainty.

He compares it to holding onto a raft in a fast-moving river. The more we grip onto it, the more we resist the natural flow of the river. However, once we let go and allow the current to take us, we can effortlessly move with the river and experience the beauty and joy of the journey.

Heading: Breaking Free from the Ego

Singer also discusses the ego and how it prevents us from experiencing true inner peace and happiness. He explains that the ego is constantly seeking validation and affirmation from external sources and can never be satisfied.

To break free from the ego, we must first recognize its presence and observe its behavior. By simply observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment, we can detach from the ego and experience a sense of spaciousness and freedom.

Heading: The Power of Surrender

Singer concludes the presentation by emphasizing that surrender is not a passive act, but rather a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

He explains that surrendering to the present moment allows us to tap into the universal energy and access our full potential. By surrendering to the energy of the universe and letting go of our limiting beliefs and negative blocks, we can open ourselves up to unlimited possibilities and experience true happiness and fulfillment.

The power of surrender lies in its ability to release us from the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future. It allows us to fully embrace the present moment and the beauty of life.

In conclusion, Michael Singer’s teachings on surrender and letting go provide valuable insights on how to cultivate inner peace and happiness. By recognizing the importance of surrendering to the present moment, letting go of control, breaking free from the ego, and tapping into the universal energy, we can experience a sense of freedom and fulfillment that transcends all external circumstances.


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Source Description
Clip from LET IT GO! Surrender to Happiness with Michael Singer | The Tony Robbins Podcast: https://youtu.be/E7TxEzMF3s8

MICHAEL A. SINGER is a spiritual teacher and #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Untethered Soul, The Surrender Experiment and the recent Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament. For over four decades, Michael has been passionately teaching spirituality and mindfulness.

Michael’s spiritual journey began in 1971. While working on his doctorate in economics, Michael decided to go into seclusion to focus on yoga and meditation. It was in 1975 that Michael founded the Temple of the Universe, a now long-established yoga and meditation center where people of any religion or set of beliefs can come together to experience inner peace.

Singer is also a successful entrepreneur that has made major contributions in the areas of business, education, healthcare, and environmental protection. He created a leading-edge software package that transformed the medical practice management industry, as well as the founding CEO of a billion-dollar public company whose achievements are archived in the Smithsonian Institution.

Tony and Sage Robbins are excited to share this special presentation from a 2022 private event with their Platinum Partners in Mexico. Here, Michael teaches us the importance of surrender and how to “let go” to remove the negative blocks inside us and allow positive emotions – like joy and happiness – to flow through us with grace and ease.

Tony Robbins is a #1 New York Times best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. For more than 37 years, millions of people have enjoyed the warmth, humor and dynamic presentation of Mr. Robbins’ corporate and personal development events. As the nation’s #1 life and business strategist, he’s called upon to consult and coach some of the world’s finest athletes, entertainers, Fortune 500 CEOs, and even presidents of nations.


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