Overcoming Bad Genes | EP 236

Summary of “Bad” genes? Here’s what to do about it | EP 236:
The article features an interview with Kashif Khan, founder of The DNA Company, a company that helps people decode their genes for optimal health. The discussion revolves around how nutrition, lifestyle, and the environment affect genetic function. The article also mentions sponsorships from The DNA Company, prohealth.com, and Progressive.com.

The DNA Company: Optimizing Health through Genetic Decoding

Dr. Gundry welcomes back Kashif Khan, founder of The DNA Company, to dive deeper into how genetics impact our health decisions. They explore the connection between nutrition, lifestyle, and environment with genetic function.

What is The DNA Company?
Kashif Khan introduced The DNA Company as a wellness company that uses the latest technology to decode genes and to provide personalized health solutions.

The Relationship between Genetics and Lifestyle:
Dr. Gundry emphasized that one’s lifestyle and environment can influence genetic expression, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management.

Environmental Exposure:
Kashif explained the impact of environmental exposure on genetic expression. He cited the example of epigenetic modification, which is a heritable change in gene function, due to changes in the environment.

Dr. Gundry emphasized the significance of diet on genetic expression. He noted that processed food could exacerbate chronic diseases.

Kashif mentioned that fasting has become a popular topic recently, and he explained that fasting turns on certain genes that promote longevity and health.

The DNA Test Results:
Dr. Gundry shared his DNA test results with Kashif to understand the practical application of genetic decoding. They discussed the significance of specific variants and their relationship to health.

The MTHFR Gene:
Dr. Gundry revealed that he has a mutation of the MTHFR gene, which can affect folate metabolism, which could lead to many adverse health outcomes. Kashif recommended certain supplements, such as 5-MTHF, that could help optimize Dr. Gundry’s health.

The COMT Gene:
Dr. Gundry also has a variant of the COMT gene, which regulates dopamine metabolism. Kashif suggested certain lifestyle modifications like exercise, sleep, and nutrition to help optimize his health.

The IL6 Gene:
Dr. Gundry was also found to have a minor variant of the IL6 gene, which could lead to chronic inflammation. Kashif suggested certain supplements like curcumin and omega-3 that could help reduce inflammation.

Kashif and Dr. Gundry’s discussion shows that genetic decoding can provide personalized health solutions. Genetic information can help individuals make informed decisions about lifestyle, nutrition, and environment that could help optimize their health.

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