Don’t you wish there was a head-to-head randomized control trial comparing a ketogenic diet to a widely accepted diet like the DASH diet? Well, the good news is that such a study does exist! And the results may surprise you.
Published in the May 2023 Journal of the Annals of Family Medicine, this randomized control trial was single-blinded, and half of the participants were instructed on how to follow a deficient carbohydrate diet, also known as a ketogenic diet, while the other half were instructed on following the DASH diet.
For those who may not be familiar, the DASH diet stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute created it. It is a low-salt, low-fat, low-red-meat, high-carb, calorie-restricted diet to lower blood pressure.
However, the deficient carb diet used in this study was much lower in carbohydrates than the DASH diet and limited participants to 20-35 grams of non-fiber carbohydrates per day, significantly better than the average diet.
For four months, both groups received the same dietary counseling and support, including text messages and recipe books, and were left to follow either a very low-carb or DASH diet. The results were astounding.
On average, the deficient carb group lost 19 pounds, compared to the DASH diet group, which lost just 10 pounds. They also lowered their blood pressure medication usage by 40 percent, versus the DASH diet group, which reduced theirs by only eight percent.
Additionally, the deficient carb group decreased their blood pressure by approximately 10 millimeters of mercury, while the DASH diet group lowered it by only five millimeters. The deficient carb group also decreased their diabetes medication by 40 percent, while the DASH diet group didn’t lower theirs.
All these results indicate that a deficient-carb diet is more effective than the DASH diet in many ways. Yet, it’s still surprising that the DASH diet — a long-standing recommended diet — falls short compared to the keto diet.
The study’s findings could change the recommended diet for those with hypertension and type 2 diabetes, as the DASH diet may not be as helpful as previously thought.
But even more exciting is that this study is just one of many demonstrating the effectiveness of a very low-carb or ketogenic diet. It seems that the “fad” diet is, in fact, a tried and true way of eating that can help individuals lose weight and lower their blood pressure and A1C levels.
So, the next time you discuss nutrition with your doctor or dietitian, discuss this study and ask if they’re caught up on their reading. The keto diet may not go away anytime soon, and for a good reason!
Summary of Transcript:
Dr. Ken Berry discusses a randomized control trial comparing a ketogenic diet to the DASH diet, widely accepted in the medical community. Participants were split into two groups and instructed to follow either a low carbohydrate or DASH diet for four months. The results showed that the deficient carb diet had more significant health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, greater weight loss, better blood sugar control, and decreased need for blood pressure and diabetes medications. Dr. Berry encourages viewers to share the study with their doctors and dietitians.
Summary of Description:
The American Heart Association recommends the DASH diet as the best diet for lowering blood pressure. A new study compares the DASH diet to the KETO diet, revealing surprising results. The study can be printed out for your doctor. The video links books, supplements, and other resources to optimize health. Dr. Ken D. Berry, a family physician with over 20 years of experience, shares information on diseases and treatments but advises seeking the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional for medical advice. As an Amazon Associate, he earns from qualifying purchases.
Source Description
The American Heart Association says the DASH diet is the best in the World for lowering blood pressure! Do you think they are correct? This new study reveals the results of the DASH Diet -vs.- the KETO Diet, and these results will surprise you. This very well-done study blew me away.
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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of experience seeing patients in the clinic, emergency department & inpatient, and he has seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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