My Path to Now: Clinician to Today.

My Path to Now: Clinician to Today.

Summary of Transcript:
The speaker is passionate about metabolic health and discussing strategies to improve it. She has a background in emergency medicine and cardiology, but left clinical practice to focus on lifestyle improvements for patients. She experienced a ruptured appendix and hospitalization, which led her to appreciate the patient perspective and inspired her to give a talk on intermittent fasting. Metabolic health is important for avoiding negative outcomes, and there is currently an epidemic related to it.

Summary of Description:
Cynthia Thurlow is offering a masterclass for women who want to start their intermittent fasting journey. The video is for educational and informational purposes only as it is not meant to provide medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. Women should always consult their medical practitioner or mental health provider about their specific health situation before making any changes to their diet.

Intermittent Fasting: The Ultimate Key to Women’s Health and Wellness

If you haven’t heard of Cynthia Thurlow, you’re missing out on vital information concerning women’s health and wellness. Cynthia is a nurse practitioner and certified nurse midwife with over 20 years of experience working with women. Her passion for helping women achieve optimal health and wellness has led her to focus more on the benefits of intermittent fasting for women.

The IF:45 Masterclass

Are you ready to embark on an intermittent fasting journey? Look no further than the IF:45 Masterclass. The program is for individuals looking to kickstart their health and wellness journey. It is an easy-to-follow and comprehensive program that helps women achieve optimal health while implementing Intermittent Fasting (IF) as a lifestyle change.

The IF:45 program takes you through the science behind intermittent fasting, how it can benefit your overall health and wellness, and how to incorporate fasting into your daily routine. One of the greatest aspects of the program is that it offers a flexible approach. You determine when, and how long you fast, based on what works best for you.

Intermittent Fasting for Women

As noted earlier, IF can benefit women’s health and wellness by reducing inflammation, promoting weight loss, and improving insulin sensitivity. Women often have a unique relationship with food that is influenced by hormones, stress, and other health factors. Therefore, IF must be approached with bio-individuality in mind. Cynthia recognizes that each woman has unique goals and health needs, which is why the program is customizable.

Benefits of IF

Intermittent fasting has a wide range of benefits for women. One of the most notable benefits is reducing inflammation, which can lead to chronic illness. IF also promotes weight loss by reducing insulin resistance and increasing the production of human growth hormone (HGH), which aids in burning fat.

IF can also improve insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for women who are overweight, have diabetes, or need to manage their blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance is also a significant contributor to inflammation, a major cause of chronic diseases. Lastly, IF has been proven to enhance brain function, reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and increase energy levels.


A core principle of the IF:45 program is bio-individuality. Each woman has different needs, goals, and preferences. Therefore, the program has been created to empower women to experiment and find what works best for them. Some women may prefer a more extended fasting period, while others may choose to break the fast earlier. The program is designed to enable each woman to make progress at their own pace.


If you are ready to take charge of your health, the IF:45 Masterclass is an excellent place to start. The program is simple, customizable, and focused on bio-individuality. Cynthia Thurlow’s passion and expertise in integrative healthcare have made her a health and wellness authority for women worldwide. If you’re ready to take the first step on your intermittent fasting journey, check out the IF:45 Masterclass today!


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#CynthiaThurlow #womenshealth #wellness #IF #intermittentfasting #fastingforwomen #bioindividuality #health
Start your intermittent fasting journey today with the IF:45 Masterclass! :

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This video is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation.


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