More Energy with Dr. Amy Shah

More Energy with Dr. Amy Shah

Summary of Transcript:
n this YouTube video, the guest discusses thriving circadian rhythms and how they can be life-changing for energy, gut health, immune and hormone issues. Getting sunlight in the morning is essential as it signals the retina to the brain to start the circadian clock and metabolism. The guest suggests stopping eating two to three hours before bed and pushing through cravings by allowing up to 40 calories, not including sugar. This can fix many thirty health-related issues.

Summary of Description:
Dr. Amy Shah, a double board-certified medical doctor specializing in allergy and immunology, hormones, and gut health, discusses the importance of balancing hormones, a well-functioning gut, and a healthy immune system for optimal energy and fatigue management on the Bulletproof Radio podcast. She emphasizes the benefits of short and circadian fasting, eating the right foods, and prioritizing mind-body health for energy regulation. Dr. Amy also highlights the dismissive attitudes towards fatigue and the lack of direction given to those suffering from it, especially women. She also introduces her new book, “Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Health Inflammation, and Eat Like the HiHigh-Performinguman You Were Meant to Be.”

Regulating the Energy Trifecta: How Holistic Approaches to Wellness Can Help Combat Fatigue

In today’s fast-paced world, fatigue and exhaustion are common afflictions affecting millions. Long hours at work, a busy lifestyle, and poor eating habits can all lead to energy crashes and a general feeling of malaise. But what if there was a way to combat these issues with simple lifestyle changes? In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dave Asprey talks to Amy Shah, M.D., a double board-certified medical doctor specializing in allergy and immunology, hormones, and gut health, about how techniques like circadian fasting and holistic approaches to wellness can help regulate the “energy trifecta” and combat fatigue.

Balancing Hormones, a Well-functioning Gut, and a Healthy Immune System

While Dr. Amy uses holistic and integrative approaches to wellness in her medical practice, she also believes that simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Dr. Amy explains that the secret to combating fatigue lies in regulating the “energy trifecta,” made up of balanced hormones, a well-functioning gut, and a healthy immune system. These three areas communicate constantly; if any of them are broken, fatigue and exhaustion can set in.

Short Fasting, Sinking with Nature and Circadian Rhythms, and Eating the Right Foods

According to Dr. Amy, the key to regulating the energy trifecta and combatting fatigue is simple lifestyle changes, such as short fasting, sinking with nature and circadian rhythms, and eating the right foods. By fasting, we can give our digestive system a break and help it function better. By aligning our internal clocks with our circadian rhythms, we can ensure our bodies function optimally. By eating the right foods, such as those high in fiber and nutrients, we can provide our bodies with the fuel they need to function optimally.

Mind-body Health

When overlooked in Western culture, Dr. Amy also stresses the importance of mind-body health. According to Dr. Amy, our physical health is intimately connected to our mental health, and if we’re not paying attention to our mental health, we’re missing a big piece of the puzzle. Simple practices, like meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga, can all greatly impact our energy levels and overall sense of well-being.

Women and Fatigue

Dr. Amy also talks about how women are often dismissed when complaining of fatigue. According to Dr. Amy, far too often, women are told that they’re busy or that they’re trying to do too much. But the reality is that fatigue can be a sign of an underlying health issue, and it’s important to take it seriously. Women can combat fatigue and regain their energy by working with a medical professional and focusing on holistic approaches to wellness; women can fight fatigue and regain their energy.

In conclusion, regulating the energy trifecta and taking a holistic approach to wellness can significantly impact our energy levels and overall well-being. We can ensure that our bodies are functioning optimally by focusing on simple lifestyle changes, such as short fasting, sinking with nature and circadian rhythms, and eating the right foods. By paying attention to our mental health and embracing practices like meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga, we can ensure our overall health and well-being.


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Bulletproof Radio Episode #818

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m talking with Amy Shah, M.D., a double board-certified medical doctor specializing in allergy and immunology, hormones, and gut health. After a car accident and personal energy crises s, he searched for a complete mental, hormonal, and inflammatory reset.

And while she uses an integrative and holistic approach to wellness in her medical practice, what she learned about energy and fatigue connected many dots.

Regulating the “energy trifecta­,” made up of balanced hormones, a well-functioning gut, and a healthy immune system, makes all the difference. (She’s also an expert in circadian rhythm fasting.)

“These three areas communicate, and they talk to the brain constantly,” says Dr. Amy. “And if any of those are broken, you will be tired. And so things like short fasting, circadian fasting, sinking with nature and circadian rhythms, our internal clock, and eating the right foods can make a difference. And, of course, there’s this whole component of the mind, body health, which we sorely miss in Western culture.”

What you eat, when you eat, and mind-body health rule your energy patterns and likely could be the root cause of your fatigue.

“For far too long, our concerns about why we’re so tired just get brushed off,” Dr. Amy says. “If you don’t show up as visibly sick and failing a lab test, you’ve pushed aside and said, “Okay, it must be, you are getting older, you have a busy life.” For women, it’s like, you’re a mom and trying to do too many things. And nobody reves us any direction; we’re left to our offenses.”

NEW BOOK! “Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Health Inflammation, and Eat Like the High Performing Human You Were Meant to Be”

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