McConaughey’s Trick for Getting What You Want

McConaughey’s Trick for Getting What You Want

Summary of Transcript:
Matthew McConaughey discusses his memoir “Greenlights” with host Tom Bilyeu in this YouTube video. McConaughey explains that he had kept diaries for 36 years and always wanted to turn them into a book. The process took some courage, as he wasn’t sure if it was worth sharing, but he eventually found his voice through the stories, people, and experiences in his diaries. He discusses the importance of finding one’s style and knowing oneself to succeed. He also talks about breaking into Hollywood, a process involving intangible skills and cultivating an “I don’t give a damn” attitude.

Summary of Description:
In this episode of Impact Theory, Matthew McConaughey joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss his new book ‘Greenlights’ and how chasing fear, taking on challenges, and living in discomfort can help us discover our true self-identities. He shares stories and lessons from his life that define his drive, purpose, and identity, including the importance of knowing oneself on a deep level, learning to sit alone, challenging oneself to grow, and embracing values for a life of freedom. McConaughey also discusses the power of making choices and committing to them, pursuing things that scare us, and reinventing ourselves through life.

Discovering Your True Self-Identity with Matthew McConaughey


Matthew McConaughey, the Academy Award-winning actor, recently joined Tom Bilyeu on Impact Theory to discuss his new book, Greenlights, and what it means to discover your true self-identity.

Origin of Greenlights:

Matthew discussed the inception of his book, stating that the idea came to him several years ago when he realized he had an abundance of journals and notes that he had accumulated throughout his life. He discovered that many of the lessons he had learned aligned with his values and were what he referred to as “greenlights.”

Knowing Yourself:

According to Matthew, knowing yourself is key to discovering your true self-identity. He suggests that you can uncover your true values, purpose, and motivations by being introspective and asking yourself questions.

Stop Needing:

Matthew also shared that desperation can prevent us from being true to ourselves. When we need something, we often behave in a way that doesn’t align with our true nature. Only when we let go of the need and embrace ourselves can we begin to live our truth.

Developing Confidence:

For Matthew, true confidence comes from not giving a damn. He suggests that when we focus too much on what others think of us, we lose sight of who we are. We can authentically be ourselves by letting go of the need for external validation.


Matthew shared an incredible story of how he discovered himself while in Australia. He found himself in a situation where he was uncomfortable, challenged, and pushed beyond his limits. Through this resistance, he discovered who he truly was and what he was capable of.

Alone Time:

According to Matthew, the power of sitting alone with yourself cannot be overstated. By being alone, we can tune out the world’s noise and focus on our thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Uncomfortable Journeys:

Matthew suggests that uncomfortable journeys always provide life lessons. We can grow and learn about ourselves by taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zones.

Identity Formation:

Matthew believes that our identity is formed as we walk through life. Through our experiences and interactions with the world, we understand who we are and what we stand for.

Reinventing Yourself:

Matthew shares how he didn’t let fame trap him from growing. Instead, he embraced the opportunity to reinvent himself through life. Reinventing yourself is key to growth because it allows you to shed old beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you.

Chasing Fear:

Matthew suggests that we should pursue things that scare us because it’s through fear that we discover our true potential. Chasing fear keeps our drive alive and helps us grow and develop.

Choosing to Commit:

Matthew reveals the power of making a choice and committing to it. By choosing a path and committing to it, we control our lives and create the future we desire.

Values for a Life of Freedom:

According to Matthew, the values we embrace are crucial for leading a life of freedom. Honesty, hard work, and selflessness are just some values he believes are important for success and fulfillment.

Lessons for His Children:

Matthew shares the lessons he seeks to pass on to his children, which include being true to themselves, taking risks, and embracing their experiences.


In conclusion, Matthew McConaughey’s life lessons and wisdom on finding your true self-identity were insightful and provided a great deal of inspiration. By chasing fear, taking on challenges, and learning to live in discomfort, we can ultimately uncover who we are and create a life of greenlights.


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In life, what is it that pushes us to discover our true self-identities? Who are we truly, and how can we begin to know ourselves on the deepest level possible to go through life’s greatest failures and relish life’s greatest successes? We can uncover who we truly are by chasing fear, taking on challenges, and learning to live in discomfort. On this episode of Impact Theory, Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss such matters and more as they explore the stories and lessons Matthew has accumulated throughout his life that define his drive, purpose, and true self-identity. They discuss the readings in Matthew’s new book ‘Greenlights,’ why you need to discover your true self, how needing puts you in a position not to be yourself, how to develop confidence truly, why resistance in life reveals who we truly are, why reinventing yourself through life is key to growth, how chasing fear keeps your drive alive, and what values are important to leading a life of freedom.

Order Matthew’s new book, ‘Greenlights’:


Intro | Tom introduces and welcomes Matthew McConaughey to today’s show. [0:03]
Origin | Matthew discusses the origin behind writing his new book, ‘Greenlights.’ [1:02]
Knowing Yourself | Matthew shares the importance of knowing yourself deeply. [3:10 ]
Stop Needing | Matthew shares how desperation removes us from being truly ourselves. [7:07]
Confidence | Matthew reveals the power of truly not giving a damn. [10:10]
Resistance | Matthew shares an incredible story of truly discovering himself in Australia. [13:42]
Alone | Matthew discusses the power of sitting alone with yourself. [21:10]
Journeys | Matthew shares how uncomfortable journeys always provide life lessons. [23:34 ]
Identity | Matthew reveals what forms our identity as we walk through life. [27:46]
Reinvent Yourself | Matthew discusses not letting fame trap him from growing. [34:03]
Chase Fear | Matthew shares why you should pursue things that scare you. [37:11]
Challenge | Matthew shares a story of chasing a recurring dream of a journey in Africa. [40:12 ]
Just Go | Matthew reveals the power of making and committing to a choice. [54:01]
Values | Matthew shares the values you should embrace for a life of freedom. [55:45]
Lessons | Matthew shares the lessons he seeks to pass on to his children. [1:01:25]
Closing | Tom shares the inspiration in Matthew’s new book, ‘Greenlights.’ [1:04:02]


“What better subject to study than ourselves? What better subject to interrogate and investigate daily? What’s the one character we will never get that we should never get bored with chasing to figure out? But also, what’s the one character that we can’t get away from? Ourselves. It’s the one person that we can’t get rid of.” [3:07]

“… freedom is responsible and that there is freedom in responsibility.” [55:41]

“If you live hating and feeling like you can’t do stuff or lying, you’re not going to create green lights in your future for yourself.” [1:03:43]




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