Maximize Recovery for Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab

Summary of Transcript:
not the primary one so what is the primary one that is causing your perception of soreness well it’s actually inflammation and so inflammation is a very normal process and it’s a very necessary process and so anytime you challenge the body and you challenge the muscle you are causing some sort of inflammation and that inflammation is actually a protective mechanism it’s not a bad thing it’s just the body’s way of saying I’m going to respond to this challenge and I’m going to respond with this inflammatory response and this is going to help me recover better and so that’s what’s happening it’s not so much that you’re feeling the micro tears it’s that you’re feeling the inflammation that is actually helping you recover and so that’s why it’s delayed onset muscle soreness and that’s why it’s probably taking 28 to 48 hours before you’re feeling it and why it’s becoming more and more acute as you’re getting more and more fit is because your body is getting better at recovering at that inflammatory response is becoming more and more efficient and so it’s happening faster and faster

Summary of Description:
In this episode 5 of a 6-part special series on fitness, exercise and performance with Andy Galpin, PhD, professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, he explains how to optimize post-training recovery and how to avoid overtraining in order to better achieve your fitness and exercise goals. He provides an actionable toolkit for how to monitor and improve your exercise recovery abilities, which includes cellular mechanisms of muscle soreness and pain, why adequate recovery is essential for all physical adaptations, and how to enhance recovery using breathwork, thermal, movement, and pressure-based techniques. He also describes how overtraining impedes exercise progress and how to assess if you are overreaching or overtraining, by using specific biomarkers and indicators. This episode provides an accessible guide to understanding the importance of recovery and how to use it to improve your overall mental and physical health.

Optimizing Post-Training Recovery and Avoiding Overtraining with Andy Galpin, PhD

In this episode 5 of a 6-part special series on fitness, exercise and performance with Andy Galpin, PhD, professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, he explains how to optimize post-training recovery and how to avoid overtraining in order to better achieve your fitness and exercise goals. He explains the cellular mechanisms of muscle soreness and pain, why adequate recovery is essential for all physical adaptations, and how to enhance recovery using breathwork, thermal, movement, and pressure-based techniques.

The Necessity of Recovery

He describes how overtraining impedes exercise progress and how to assess if you are overreaching or overtraining, by using specific biomarkers and indicators. Like other performance metrics, recovery is a skill that can and should be trained, and that can be learned. This episode provides an actionable toolkit for how to monitor and improve your exercise recovery abilities, which will improve your overall mental and physical health.

Recovery is essential for physical adaptations to occur. When you put your body through exercise, you are creating a stressor on your body. In order for the body to adapt, it needs to recover from that stressor. During recovery, the body repairs and rebuilds itself to be stronger and better prepared for future exercise.

Assessing Overtraining

Overtraining is when you are over-stressing your body without giving it enough time to recover. Overtraining can lead to decreased performance, fatigue, loss of appetite, and even depression. To assess if you are overreaching or overtraining, Andy recommends using specific biomarkers and indicators. These include measuring your heart rate variability, your heart rate, and your cortisol levels.

Enhancing Recovery

Andy recommends using a variety of techniques to enhance your recovery. These include breathwork, thermal therapy, movement, and pressure-based techniques. He also recommends using supplements like Athletic Greens, LMNT, Eight Sleep, and InsideTracker. Additionally, he recommends using cold and heat contrast techniques, massage, and cold showers.

Monitoring for Overreaching & Overtraining

In order to monitor for overreaching and overtraining, Andy recommends measuring your acute and chronic state shifters. Acute state shifters are things like stimulants, dopamine stacking, and phone usage. Chronic state shifters are things like sleep, stress, nutrition, and hormones. He also recommends measuring your biomarkers, such as your cortisol levels and heart rate variability.

In conclusion, this episode provides an actionable toolkit for how to monitor and improve your exercise recovery abilities, which will improve your overall mental and physical health. By using specific biomarkers and indicators, you can assess if you are overreaching or overtraining and use a variety of techniques to enhance your recovery.


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Source Description
In this episode 5 of a 6-part special series on fitness, exercise and performance with Andy Galpin, PhD, professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, he explains how to optimize post-training recovery and how to avoid overtraining in order to better achieve your fitness and exercise goals. He explains the cellular mechanisms of muscle soreness and pain, why adequate recovery is essential for all physical adaptations, and how to enhance recovery using breathwork, thermal, movement, and pressure-based techniques. He describes how overtraining impedes exercise progress and how to assess if you are overreaching or overtraining, by using specific biomarkers and indicators. Like other performance metrics, recovery is a skill that can and should be trained, and that can be learned. This episode provides an actionable toolkit for how to monitor and improve your exercise recovery abilities, which will improve your overall mental and physical health.

Thank you to our sponsors
AG1 (Athletic Greens):
Eight Sleep:

Supplements from Momentous

Huberman Lab Social & Website

Dr. Andy Galpin
Academic Profile:…

Brief structured respiration practices enhance mood and reduce physiological arousal:
Altered brown fat thermoregulation and enhanced cold-induced thermogenesis in young, healthy, winter-swimming men:

Other Resources
Carbon Dioxide Tolerance Clip (Galpin Guest Series Episode 3):
SHIFT Breathwork Assessment:
BMJ tool for visualizing the variability of lab test results:

00:00:00 Recovery
00:04:17 Exercise & Delayed Muscle Soreness, Pain
00:11:35 Muscle Spindles, Reduce Soreness
00:18:56 Exercise, Homeostasis & Hormesis; Blood Test & Fitness Level
00:30:20 Recovery Timescales, Adaptation & Optimization
00:35:10 Adaptation & Biomarkers Levels
00:40:36 4 Recovery Levels, Enhance Recovery
00:47:28 AG1 (Athletic Greens)
00:48:19 Overreaching vs. Overtraining
00:52:53 Tool: Acute Overload & Recovery, Breathwork
01:03:39 Tool: Alleviate Acute Soreness, Compression Clothing
01:08:27 Tool: Acute Soreness, Massage, Temperature
01:14:21 Cold & Heat Contrast, Cold Shower vs. Immersion, Sauna & Fertility
01:20:44 InsideTracker
01:21:46 Combine Recovery Techniques
01:24:34 Monitoring for Overreaching & Overtraining
01:31:33 Overreaching/Overtraining, Performance & Physiology, Sleep
01:45:41 Overreaching/Overtraining, Biomarkers, Cortisol
01:50:45 Cortisol, Daily Levels & Performance; Rhodiola Supplementation
02:01:25 Carbohydrates, Cortisol & Sleep
02:05:05 Tool: Stress Biomarkers, Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
02:15:07 Tool: “Acute State Shifters”, Stimulants, Dopamine Stacking, Phones
02:25:04 Mirrors & Resistance Training
02:29:01 Tool: “Chronic State Shifters”
02:32:43 Training Recovery & Resilience; Bowling Alley Analogy
02:39:45 Trigger Adaptations & Stress Recovery
02:42:41 Tool: Measure Recovery; Blood Biomarkers
02:50:06 Libido & Sex Hormones, Supplementation Caution
03:00:08 Tools: No-/Low-Cost Recovery Measurements
03:03:45 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube Feedback, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Neural Network Newsletter

Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac –

The Huberman Lab podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.

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