Low-carb app – your diet buddy

Summary of The ultimate low-carb diet app:
The author of the content is passionate about food, science, and photography, and believes in a low-carb lifestyle with regular exercise. They have personal experience and valid research to back up their views, which are reflected through their blog, apps, and cookbooks. The author holds a degree in Economics, but is passionate about nutrition and healthy living. They changed their diet in 2011 after being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and now aim to help others achieve their health goals.


Intrigued with Nutrition and Health

It’s not easy to stay healthy and eat nutritious food in today’s fast-paced world. But as someone who has struggled with an autoimmune disease, I know firsthand how important it is to take care of our bodies.

I used to be confused by all the conflicting information out there about nutrition and health. One day you read that coffee is bad for you, the next day it’s good. One day you’re told to eat a low-fat diet, the next day fats are encouraged. It can be hard to keep up!

However, as a science geek, I’ve always been interested in finding out the truth behind health claims. I’ve read countless books and articles on nutrition and health, and I now base my views on valid research.

Bursting with a Passion for Healthy Living

Thankfully, I am also bursting with a passion for healthy living. I love food, and I love creating new healthy recipes. I believe that a low-carb lifestyle paired with regular exercise is the key to staying healthy and feeling great.

My mission is to help people like you reach your goals. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, or simply eat more nutritious food, I’m here to help.

My Low-Carb Story

I became interested in low-carb living when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. At the time, I had no energy and was finding it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

That’s when I decided to quit sugar, grains, and processed foods, and follow a whole-foods-based low-carb approach to food. It was a bit of a shock to my system at first, but soon I was feeling better than ever.

Today, I’m still following a low-carb lifestyle and loving it. I’ve written cookbooks and created apps to help others embrace this way of eating, and I’m constantly experimenting with new recipes and ingredients.

My Background

I currently live in the UK and hold a degree in Economics. While I originally worked in auditing, my passion for nutrition and healthy living eventually led me down a different path.

Today, I’m happy to be sharing my knowledge and experience with others. Whether you’re just beginning your own health journey or you’re looking for some new healthy recipe ideas, I’m here to help.


In conclusion, I hope my own story has shown you that a healthy lifestyle is possible even in today’s busy world. By following a low-carb diet and making regular exercise a part of your routine, you can feel your best and live your best life.

So if you’re feeling confused or overwhelmed by all the information out there about health and nutrition, just remember that you’re not alone. With a passion for healthy living and a commitment to valid research, anything is possible.

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