Lewis Howes Reveals the Key to Success in 1 Skill | Impact Theory

Lewis Howes Reveals the Key to Success in 1 Skill | Impact Theory

Summary of Transcript:
In this YouTube video, Lewis Howes talks about his success and his ability to see things clearly and achieve his goals. He attributes this to his relentless observation of people and their energies, as well as his sports background which taught him discipline in consistently improving his skills. He explains that his ability to see other people’s paths and help them achieve their goals stems from his past struggles with limiting beliefs and lack of self-belief, which he has since overcome. When coaching others, he tries to identify what’s missing from their life or business and help them find the self-belief needed to accomplish their goals.

Summary of Description:
Lewis Howes shares his personal journey of understanding and coping with anger and rage, and how he has worked on improving himself every day. He discusses the importance of having a vision and the need for mind, body, and emotional balance. He also talks about the power of therapy and finding great coaches who can give feedback. He emphasizes the discipline of leaning into pain every day to make progress and become a better version of oneself. Finally, he talks about the importance of being unapologetic in asking for feedback to achieve success.

Lewis Howes Shares his Journey of Understanding Himself

To start with our life story, we have to go back to our childhood experiences, which shape the course of our lives and define who we are. Pain and frustration are inevitable parts of a long journey, and they leave us scared, angry, and sometimes bitter. It was no different for Lewis Howes when he confronted his anger and rage, which prompted him to understand himself better, his triggers, and how he could improve himself every day.

Most Important Skill: Vision

In his journey of self-discovery, Lewis Howes realized that developing a clear vision is the most important skill that anyone can have. This vision acts as a guiding light when you stray away from your path. He suggests creating a vision board that represents your goals and desires, providing you a visual blueprint for your future.

Preparing for Something Greater

Lewis believes that we often underestimate ourselves, focusing on what we lack instead of building on our unique strengths and talents. He calls it “playing small” and advises expanding our horizons, aiming for something greater, and stepping out of our comfort zones.

Perfect Storm for a Breakdown

Lewis Howes describes a perfect storm for a breakdown as a combination of anxiety, addiction, and depression. He encourages people to recognize this storm and deal with it with the help of a therapist who can guide you towards mindfulness and self-care practices.

Healing from the Shame

Lewis acknowledges that dealing with shame requires a lot of courage and honesty. It involves accepting your present situation, facing your fears, learning from your mistakes and taking accountability for your past actions. He used a therapeutic technique called “f*ck you” letters, which involves writing letters to people who have wronged you, expressing your emotions and frustrations, and then burning these letters to release the negative energy.

Need for Mind, Body, and Emotions

Lewis believes in nurturing all three aspects of our being: mind, body, and emotions, to achieve inner balance and peace. He suggests cultivating mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, and journaling and taking care of your body’s physical needs through exercise and healthy nutrition.

Find Great Coaches and Feedback

Lewis emphasizes the importance of finding great coaches and being open to feedback, as this can be a significant contributing factor in your success. Feedback helps you identify your blind spots and learn from them, providing an opportunity for growth.

Withstanding Physical Pain

Lewis believes that experiencing physical pain daily is an essential discipline for developing mental toughness. Pushing your limits and crossing boundaries outside of your comfort zone can be an incredibly empowering experience. He advises starting small and gradually building your physical and mental resilience.

Defining Greatness

Lewis defines greatness as fulfilling your potential by using your unique gifts to serve others and make the world a better place. It is about pushing beyond your personal limits and transforming into the best version of yourself.

In conclusion, Lewis Howes is an inspiring personality, who has been through his fair share of challenges and has emerged stronger from his experiences. He highlights the importance of self-awareness, self-care, feedback, and cultivating a growth mindset towards achieving greatness. By implementing his practical tips, it is possible for anybody to overcome their obstacles and live a fulfilling life.


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Source Description
Your life story begins as a child no matter who you are. Though our experiences are all uniquely different, pain and frustration from whatever reason usually leaves you scared, angry, and sometimes bitter. When Lewis Howes came face to face with his anger and rage, he got to work on understanding himself, his triggers and how he could improve everyday.

After years of practice, he is sharing with you what doing the inner work involves and how feedback has become a critical part of his success. From sharing his 2 secret skills for success to exposing how his healing came along side a few f*ck you letters, this episode is packed with solid advice and exploration of what it takes to find great coaches and be great!

Check Out Lewis Howes First Interview on Impact Theory: https://youtu.be/YZ9kfXw9H54
If you want more, here’s Lewis Howes’ Top 3 Tips for Impact: https://youtu.be/SEkwkVGaMvk


0:00 | Introduction to Lewis Howes
1:22 | Most Important Skill, Vision
2:45 | Developing Vision
5:48 | What People Are Missing
7:50 | Preparing for Something Greater
9:45 | Perfect Storm for a Break Down
13:27 | Healing from the Shame
14:40 | F*ck You Letters & Darkness
17:28 | Prepared and Facing the Pain
20:44 | Need for Mind, Body, & Emotions
28:07 | Relationship Lessons
32:22 | Delaying Sexual Connection
35:29 | Connection Over Values First?
38:16 | Having Kids & Being Authentic
40:25 | Power of Therapy & Triggers
43:13 | Find Great Coaches & Feedback
44:27 | Practice of Taking Feedback
47:06 | Withstanding Physical Pain
48:02 | Finding Good Coaches
51:17 | Stacking Blind Spots
54:28 | Way of Language Learning
57:02 | Earn Your Respect
59:37 | Defining Greatness


“You’ve never mastered really anything, you can be great at something but there’s always another level in sports to be better.” [3:53]

“We underestimate what people might be going through inside, even if they look like they have it all figured out on the outside.” [12:06]

“If you don’t know how to manage the beast inside, you could really be struggling.” [12:20]

“I only let myself lean into the darkness until I know that now it’s in danger of being corrosive.” Tom Bilyeu [15:05]

“To just know, if someone wanted to do something, I would be able to take care of myself, that gives me inner peace, that eliminates anxiety” [18:16]

“The discipline of doing something painful every day, I think, is one of the most important disciplines that any human being can have. Whatever that pain looks like for you, I believe we must lean into the pain every day.” [18:36]

“It’s not enough to do the work in the past. It’s a continual process in the present. That makes me feel at peace every day.” [24:19]

“Love is not enough for a long term committed, healthy relationship to fully work.” [29:28]

“I’m willing to grow and improve but I’m not going to just do something to create peace.” [39:51]

“The ability to have a beginner’s mind, find and surround myself by great coaches, and be unapologetic in asking for feedback. Feedback has been a huge indicator of my success.” [43:55]

“Just because someone’s giving you feedback doesn’t mean it’s true about you. So, don’t take it personally. And see where is the truth in there, and how can you apply it” [45:16]

Follow Lewis Howes:
Website: https://lewishowes.com/
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