Heart Disease & Risk of Cardio Events: Shocking Truth!

Heart Disease & Risk of Cardio Events: Shocking Truth!

Summary of Transcript:
This video features an interview with Dr. Eric Westman, who discusses a new study that questions the efficacy of statins for people with high LDL cholesterol levels on a low carbohydrate diet. The study was written by David Diamond, a respected researcher who discovered that people with high LDL are not all the same–some are healthy and some are not. Diamond divided people into healthy and unhealthy categories based on their triglycerides and HDL levels, and found that those who were healthy, despite having high LDL, did not benefit from taking statins. Diamond found that the ratio of triglycerides to HDL is more predictive of heart disease risk than LDL levels. The video emphasizes that people can calculate their own ratio by dividing their triglyceride levels by their HDL levels. The video concludes by suggesting that doctors order better cholesterol tests and consider an individual’s triglycerides and HDL levels before prescribing statins.

Summary of Description:
This episode of The Model Health Show, hosted by Dr. Jonny Bowden, covers the truth about heart disease and the risk of cardiovascular events. The episode covers a variety of topics including the outdated science behind statin prescriptions, the side effects of taking statins, the relationship between insulin resistance and heart disease, and the importance of CoQ10 for heart health. Listeners will also learn about the connection between diabetes and heart disease and the role of sleep deprivation in insulin sensitivity. Additionally, the episode delves into the pharmaceutical industry’s impact on health outcomes and the importance of drug interactions. Overall, the episode aims to provide information on how to reduce the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular events.

The Shocking Truth About Heart Disease and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events: An Overview

Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death worldwide. Despite the prevalence of this condition, there is still a significant lack of information and awareness when it comes to preventing, managing, and treating heart disease. In this video, Dr. Jonny Bowden sheds light on the shocking truth about heart disease, including the risk of cardiovascular events and the role of statins in managing heart disease.

Determining Your Risk of Cardiovascular Events

One of the key takeaways from this video is a simple ratio that you can use to determine your risk of cardiovascular events. Dr. Bowden explains how this ratio is a critical biomarker that can be used to predict risk and should be considered alongside traditional measures, such as cholesterol levels.

Outdated Science Surrounding Statin Prescriptions

Despite being a widely prescribed medication for managing heart disease, Dr. Bowden reveals how statin prescriptions are based on outdated science. He explains how pharmaceutical companies dominate our health outcomes and why there is no such thing as good or bad cholesterol.

Patients Who Do Not Benefit From Statins

Not everyone benefits from taking statins. Dr. Bowden highlights the specific population that are meant to treat with statins and reveals the side effects of taking these medication. An in-depth discussion on the relationship between statins and insulin resistance is included, and the impact of sleep deprivation on insulin sensitivity is also addressed.

The Awesome Foursome and Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Dr. Bowden further explains how statins actually work and explains the “awesome foursome” that plays a role in managing heart disease. He also discusses the importance of CoQ10 and how statins interfere with its levels, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and contributing to diseases such as erectile dysfunction.

Improving your triglyceride levels and drug interactions are also discussed before highlighting the importance of healthcare versus sick care.

Final Verdict

The video is an eye-opener for anyone looking to stay healthy, live a long life, and avoid heart disease. The information provided is informative, accurate, and unbiased, making it a must-watch for everyone seeking to improve their overall health and well-being.


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Source Description
The SHOCKING TRUTH About Heart Disease & RISK Of Cardiovascular Events! | Dr. Jonny Bowden

In this episode you’ll discover:
* A simple ratio you can use to determine your risk of cardiovascular events.
* Why statin prescriptions are based on outdated science.
* What population does not benefit from using statins.
* Why statins were developed, and what type of patient they are meant to treat.
* The side effects of taking statins.
* An important distinction between healthcare and sickcare.
* How the pharmaceutical industry dominates our health outcomes.
* Why there’s no such thing as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.
* A critical biomarker that can be used to predict risk of cardiovascular events.
* The difference between lowering cholesterol and lowering heart disease.
* What the main goal of pharmaceutical companies is.
* The connection between statins and insulin resistance.
* What percentage of Americans have some degree of insulin resistance.
* The relationship between diabetes and heart disease.
* How sleep deprivation impacts insulin sensitivity.
* The easiest way to improve your triglyceride levels.
* Why drug interactions are often overlooked.
* How statins actually work.
* What the awesome foursome is.
* Why the heart needs CoQ10, and how statins interfere with its levels.
* The role of statins in erectile dysfunction.
* How mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to disease.

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